Houser Elementary Parent Newsletter
Back to School Edition 9/13/20
This newsletter contains information about our reading celebration, Read for a Better Life, to be held on Wednesday. You can also review reminders about the in person tardy policy. Please make sure to review the assistance letter provided by our counselor, Mrs. Turrubiartes.
We want to give a special shout out to all of our Houser Hawk Grandparents! Happy Grandparents Day! ¡Feliz día de los abuelos!
We are looking forward to another great week working with your children both online and in person!
Angela Lozano
Upcoming Dates
Wednesday, September 16
- Conroe ISD celebrates "Read for a Better Life"
- Pajama Day for Online and In Person Students
Friday, September 25
- Last day to order PTO spirit items
Thursday, October 8
- Last Day of the 1st Grading Period
- If you want to switch your child to in person or to online, you'll need to wait until this date. Students could begin in their new instructional setting on Tuesday, October 13.
Friday, October 9
- Staff Development Day
- Student Holiday - No school for students online or in person.
Monday, October 12
- School Holiday - No school for students or staff.
Tuesday, October 13
- First Day of the 2nd Grading Period
Tuesday, October 20
- Report Cards Go Home
Read for a Better Life
We will be joining in on the district-wide celebration on Wednesday, September 16. If you would like to be a guest reader (via ZOOM) for your child's class, please contact their teacher. It will be an exciting day of reading for all students, both in person and online.
Wednesday is Pajama Day!
Tardy Policy for In Person Learners
Students that arrive after 8:00 are counted tardy. Students that ride the bus are not counted tardy. Students that are dropped off in the car line may be counted tardy if they arrive after 8:00. We are working on making sure the morning car line is as efficient as possible to avoid students being late to class.
Our morning car line looked very good on Friday and there was not a line of cars at 8:00. We will monitor the line again on Monday and Tuesday.
Students will be counted tardy if they arrive after 8:00 beginning on Wednesday, September 16.
COVID Screener Acknowledgement
Parent Access Accounts (PAC)
Directions for how to create the account are found at this website: If you have any trouble creating the account, please contact our front desk at 832-663-4000 or email
Requesting Assistance Through the Counselor
Durante el año, diferentes organizaciones vienen a la escuela Houser Elementary con el objetivo de ayudar a nuestros estudiantes y sus familiares con útiles escolares, ropa, y otras necesidades. El Acto de Privacidad y Derechos Educacionales de la Familia, una ley federal que hace que los archivos educativos del estudiante sean confidenciales, nos prohíbe que divulguemos información de estudiantes a tales organizaciones sin el permiso suyo. Para que nos ayude a trabajar y cooperar con esas organizaciones de la manera más eficiente, le pedimos que si Usted está interesado(a) en recibir dicho tipo de asistencia o ayuda, complete la forma electrónica. La forma sólo será en formato electrónico, y toda la información será enviada a Mrs. Turrubiartes.
Estos programas de asistencia varían de año a año. El que nos autorice a dar el permiso pedido no significa que recibirá ayuda automáticamente. Lo que nos indica es que Usted está dispuesto (a) a recibir dicha asistencia y que acepta que la información suya sea compartida con esas organizaciones. Esto permite a que estos grupos y organizaciones acuerden usar dicha información solamente para el propósito del programa de asistencia. También se requiere que renueve este permiso de divulgación de información anualmente.
Para completar el formulario, por favor vaya al enlace que aparece más abajo y llene el formulario electrónico. También puede escanear el código QR con un dispositivo electrónico, y lo enviará directamente a la forma. El formulario puede abrirse desde cualquier dispositivo electrónico, incluyendo un teléfono.
Clave para le forma de asistencia de Houser Elementary 2020-2021:
Throughout the year, different organizations come to Houser Elementary wanting to assist our students and families with school supplies, clothing, and other various needs. The Family Educational Rights and privacy Act, a federal law that make student educational records confidential, prohibits us from releasing student information to these agencies without your permission. To help us work with these groups in the most efficient way possible, we ask if you are interested in such assistance, you complete an online electronic form. The form will only be in electronic format, and all information will be sent directly to Mrs. Turrubiartes.
These assistance programs vary from year to year. Giving us permission to release your information does not automatically mean you will receive assistance. It does let us know that you would welcome such assistance and would be willing to have your information released to these organizations. In turn, these groups agree to use your information only for the purpose of their assistance program(s). It is also required that your consent for release of information be updated annually.
To complete the form, please go to the link listed below and fill in the electronic form. You may also scan the QR code with an electronic device, and it will send you directly to the form. The form may be opened from any electronic device, including a smart phone.
Link to 2020-2021 Houser Elementary Assistance Form:
PTO Spirit Items for Sale
Orders are due by September 25.
Can my child go to school today?
Face Covering Expectations
Important Reminders
YMCA After School Care Available
If you are interested in having your child participate in the after school program, please see the flyer below.
Note: There is a special discount code specifically for Houser families.
Lunch Applications
Change of Instructional Option
For Your Reference ...
You Must "Opt In" to Receive CISD or Houser Text Messages
Houser Elementary
Location: 27370 Oak Ridge School Road, Oak Ridge North, TX, USA
Phone: 832-663-4000
Twitter: @HouserHawks