Jaguar Journal 3/7/25
Dear Merrill Families,
Thank you for another great week at Merrill! We enjoyed a preview performance of our spring musical, Beetlejuice, had an engaging mock trial for our 8th grade students, and kicked off our basketball season.
Congratulations on completing the first full week of Ramadan! This month is about reflection, patience, and growth. Merrill is here to support all of you during this time of celebration.
We invite you to the Beetlejuice performances tonight at 6:30 PM and Saturday at 1:30 PM. Tickets are just $5 for students and $8 for adults at the door. Skip the line and buy on myschoolbucks before you come!
Please remember that Quarter 3 ends next Friday. Check in with your students regarding any missing work submissions. Our Quarter 3 celebrations will be as follows: 6th grade—TBD, 7th grade—March 20th, and 8th grade—April 4th.
Additionally, parent-teacher conferences will be held in person at Merrill on Wednesday, March 19th from 4:30 PM to 8:00 PM and virtually on Thursday, March 20th. Please find the sign-up links below.
Thank you for your continued support!
Merrill Leadership
Family Feedback!
Mr. Franklin is looking for feedback on how we can celebrate our student's attendance! Families, please fill out this FORM with any ideas/suggestions!
Upcoming Dates!
3/10/25- Merrill Dine out at Ester's ALL DAY!
Spring Conferences:
In person Conferences 3/19 from 4:30-8pm
Virtual Conferences 3/20 4-8pm
3/21-3/31-25 NO SCHOOL Spring Break! Students return Tuesday 4/1/25!
5/2/25 Merrill School Auction: A Little Bit Country, A Little Bit Rock 'n' Roll Early bird pricing on tickets is available for a limited time. >> BUY NOW https://merrill.bolder.bid]
>> Donate Now
Merrill Athletics
Good luck to the Girls and Boys Basketball teams as the play at home vs. Manual today! Go Jags!
From the PTSA!
Upcoming Dine Outs - Remember to Mention Merrill When Ordering!
March 10 all day at Ester’s
April 29 from 4pm-10pm at Campus Lounge
Click to gear up your Jaguar with 20% off code: SAVE20
Quick links to support Merrill:
Donate your Longmont Dairy Caps
Longmont Dairy supports Merrill by
giving 5¢ back for every milk cap!
Start collecting and tell your neighbors
that Merrill is a drop off location for
Longmont Dairy milk & juice caps!
Happening at Merrill!
Cool Classrooms
Cool Classroom: 7th Grade Math Ms. Walters
Sarah Walters has students engaging with surface area in a method of their choosing today:
- using wooden cubes and measurements
- using nets to fold into 3D shapes
- using Legos
What an engaging way to learn about surface area with student choice!
Cool Classroom: 8th grade History: Ms. Graves
Students researched the indigenous tribes that were present in America before European and Spanish people arrived in North America. Each student was assigned a state and were tasked with unpacking who the tribes were their, communities government and culture, events that impacted their tribes as settlers and explorers moved west and ultimately the lasting consequences for native peoples in America. They created scavenger hunt questions based on their research and work creating a “puzzle piece” to the story of Native tribes in America. Finally they created a question based on their work. This week they went on a scavenger hunt through America using the question their peers created to learn about what happened to the groups and States they did not have a chance to learn about.
Secret Staff Spirit Day!
Colorado Day!
From the Library!
March is Women’s History Month. Enjoy reading some of these highlighted books.
The Yearbook Pre-Sale has begun! If you would like to order a yearbook for your student, you can order in the Office with cash or card, you may also order on MySchoolBucks, or you can order directly through the TreeRing website link - https://www.treering.com/purchase?PassCode=1015403108471048
All yearbooks will be delivered to Merrill and distributed to students during the last week of school.
Families Helping Families
Greetings #FAMILY! Merrill Meals pantry provides free groceries once a month to Merrill families that would like to receive extra food. We understand that everyone could use some support from time to time, and we are here to help.
If you would like to receive extra groceries one-time per month, please complete this private and anonymous survey, so we can provide the food items that your family likes to eat and match your preferences. Please mark the items that you would like to have potentially included in your pre-packed backpack.
***NOTE: Not all items are available, but we will match your request with whatever is in stock! Thank you.
Form can be found HERE
Are you interested in volunteering with Merrill Families Helping Families and the Merrill food pantry? The Spring signup is now open to help with the monthly backpack distributions. Our biggest need is on the first Friday afternoons helping pack the bags and distribute the backpacks. Don't see a time that works for you, but are interested in helping? Email sgrisinger77@gmail.com to be on the email list.
We want Girl Scout Cookies! Please Donate!
The Merrill Store is designed to promote positive behavior and encourages students to make good choices. They earn Merrill Money throughout their time at school and use it to "purchase" items at the store during their recess. Items include snacks, chips, candy, sports equipment, Merrill gear, fidgets, toys, stickers and most importantly- gift cards! Please see the Sign Up Genius below to sign up to donate items and to volunteer at the store. It's so fun seeing your student during the school day! We will have the store open 2 Fridays a month and hope to see you there!
Merrill Clubs!
Club Offerings 24-25
Around the Community!
South Cheer Clinic!
Immigration Resource Toolkits Available-
Family Toolkit
The Family Resource Toolkit (available in multiple languages here) contains information about rights, current DPS policies, Know Your Rights training, mental health support, DPS resources, community resources and more.
After School Meal Program
Tasty Food's After School Meal Program is now available providing FREE meals and snacks to youth ages 3-18. No ID or registration is required to participate.
Have you Heard About My Spark?!? $1,000 to enroll in After School Activities!!!
This new pilot program will provide 4,000 eligible Denver Public Schools middle school students with $1,000 to enroll in afterschool programs. As students enroll in participating programs, My Spark Denver will also invest $4 million in afterschool activities.
My Spark Denver gives parents the agency to decide how they want to use the money, which is provided to them in the form of a restricted debit card that can be redeemed across 100+ afterschool providers, big and small. Every kid is different and what parents really need are the resources to help their children pursue their sparks, whether it's fencing, football or fashion design.