Pleasant Valley Family Newsletter
November 27, 2024

What are you Thankful for?
Dear PV Families,
As we approach the holiday season, I’m grateful that we begin with Thanksgiving. It’s easy to get caught up in the desire for more—more things, more gifts, more shopping—and lose sight of how truly blessed we are. At PV, we have a tradition of asking students and staff to reflect on one thing they’re grateful for each day.
In today’s announcement, we shared a Read Aloud of Thankful by Elaine Vickers, with illustrations by Samantha Cotterill. In the story, a family creates thankful chains that stretch all the way through December. The book encourages us to be grateful for things like “a heart that beats,” “every breath in and out,” “icy water in my favorite cup,” “a cloth on my forehead when I fell sick,” “warm things like soup and socks,” and “the spot under the covers where someone has just been sleeping.” It’s a reminder to be thankful for everything, even the smallest blessings in life.
What are you thankful for? I am thankful for all the staff and students of PV. They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and below are photos of our staff and students, showcasing some of the ways they celebrated Thanksgiving at PV. November is our RESPECT month, and below are pictures of students nominated by their teachers at the end of the celebration. We also want to celebrate Samarth Pradeep Chavan, who is a part of the SW Robotics Team (Lego KOUGARS). The team participated in the First Lego League (FLL) Championship qualifying event at Walcott High School over the weekend and made it to the State (with a Golden ticket) that will be held at Glastonbury High on December 14, 2024.
One more thing I am thankful for are the families of PV. Your support, dedication, and love for our school is what makes our school community the amazing place that it is. I'm blessed to be a part of this community.
As the holiday season approaches, we are reminded of the importance of generosity and community. We invite you to consider supporting families among us who could benefit from a little extra cheer this year. If you are willing and able, please use the link below to sign up to donate items.https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C084AAFA922AAFBC25-53551528-pvchristmas
All donations should be dropped off at PV by December 18th, to allow enough time for wrapping (if necessary) and delivery to families before Christmas. Your kindness and support make a tremendous difference. Thank you for helping make this season brighter for everyone in our community.
To add another layer of fun to the month of December, we encourage families to help our students participate in PV’s tradition of the Countdown to Winter Break Dress Down. See the calendar below for more details.
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving, and we’ll see all our students back here on Monday, December 2nd.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Esther and Jenna.
We are THANKFUL for...
1st Grade
2nd Grade
3rd Grade
4th Grade
5th Grade
Some of Our Awesome Staff
2nd Grade Project on the book Balloons Over Broadway
"RESPECT" students of the month
Partner Pals- Mrs. Manguinao 5th Grade class & Mrs. Federowicz 2nd Grade class
Partner Pals - Ms. Dehaas' 3rd Gr Class & Mrs. Tracey's K Class
First Lego League(FLL) Championship (Samarth C. & SW Robotics Team-Lego KOUGARS
Tuesday, December 3rd
Two Turtle Doves (dress like twins or more)
Wednesday, December 4th
Rock Your Holiday Socks
Early Release - 1:15 p.m. dismissal
Thursday, December 5th
PTO Meeting 7:00
From the Safety Officer
PV Portal Page
The PV Portal page below has been updated to include sign ups for fall conferences.
Kindly take a moment to review our upcoming events and important links below. Your participation and volunteer efforts with the PTO are highly encouraged as they play a vital role in ensuring a smooth transition into the school year and in fostering a strong community connection. The links provided include essential information about arrival and dismissal procedures, FAQs, PTO details, and a link to our school website.
Countdown to Winter Break
This is a time for students and staff to dress up and enjoy the holiday season.
Invention Convention
Dear 3rd, 4th, and 5th Grade Families,
I am thrilled to invite South Windsor students in grades 3, 4, and 5 to participate in this year’s Invention Convention! Our first informational and work session will take place on Tuesday, December 17, 2024, at 7:00 PM at Timothy Edwards Middle School.
The Connecticut Invention Convention is a non-profit organization dedicated to fostering an interest in STEM careers by encouraging critical thinking and problem-solving skills. During the program, students will have the opportunity to design and create their own invention to solve a problem of their choosing. Through this experience, they’ll learn about invention design, brainstorming techniques, and reflecting on challenges in their lives and the world around them.
The Invention Convention is a unique science fair that South Windsor students have participated in for many years, and we are excited to continue this tradition. While most of the project will be completed independently at home, there will be two additional work sessions where students can get feedback and support on their process. Students will present their inventions at our in-person South Windsor Public Schools Invention Convention tentatively set for March 1, 2025 at Timothy Edwards Middle School.
If your child is interested in participating in the 2024-2025 South Windsor Invention Convention, please take the following steps:
- Submit the "Intent to Invent" permission slip by Friday, December 9, 2024.
- Attend the introductory meeting on Monday, December 16, 2024, at 7:00 PM at Timothy Edwards Middle School. A family member must attend with their student. During this meeting, inventors will receive an overview of the invention process, the Invention Log, and suggested deadlines to help guide their work.
For additional details about the Connecticut Invention Convention, visit ctinventionconvention.org.
We look forward to seeing your young inventors at the Invention Convention!
Karyn Kruzick
5th Grade Teacher
Orchard Hill School
South Windsor Invention Convention Coordinator
From the PTO
Holiday Fair - December 13th
The Pleasant Valley Holiday Fair is quickly approaching! We are looking for volunteers to help to make this amazing Pleasant Valley tradition possible. The Holiday Fair will run on Friday, December 13th from 9:00-3:00. We are looking for gift wrappers and those who are willing to help run the PTO table to help students shop for gifts for their loved ones. Thank you for being willing to help make the Holiday Fair magical! Click on the link to sign up to volunteer.
Bike Week Volunteers
Do you love to ride bikes? Are you willing to help 4th graders learn to ride? We would love to have your help. Dates for Bike week are April 23, 22, 24, & 25. If you are interested, please complete the Volunteer Registration form above and email Kristin Carmon to let us know you are interested.
If your child is going to be absent, please log in to your Parent Portal and fill out the Attendance Monitor prior to the start of the school day. It is very important that the office be aware of your child's absence. Attendance Monitor Instructions can be found under Important Links, below.
If you would like to pick your child up early, please email both Mrs. Brown and Mrs. Strom or call the office at 860-610-0291.
Volunteer Registration
Throughout the school year, there are many volunteer opportunities for parents/guardians (for example - chaperoning a field trip, helping at a PTO event, etc.) If you would like to volunteer, you must complete a Volunteer Registration form-