New Albany Primary School
September 16, 2024
Fall is a time for new beginnings, and our school year has truly gotten off to a wonderful start! Our teachers and staff have been busy establishing routines and setting a strong foundation of positive relationships with students and families. Student achievement is at the forefront of our minds and planning as well; and we have plenty of exciting activities and important information to share!
Hopefully you had an opportunity to review Superintendent Sawyer’s email message from September 13, 2024 announcing that the New Albany-Plain Local School District is one of 18 districts to earn 5 Star ratings on all components on the 2024 state report card. With 607 school districts in Ohio, we are proud of our hard working students, dedicated teachers, and supportive parents. We are also proud of our district’s performance on the K-3 Literacy Component, which was the 11th highest score in the state and the best in Central Ohio. Go Eagles!
Join us for a Spirit Week at the Primary School! Each day, through the week of September 23-27, we will have a different theme. Friday, September 27 is the New Albany High School Homecoming Football Game at 7:00!
Monday, September 23 - Wear a jersey or tshirt to support your favorite sports team.
Tuesday, September 24 - Wear as many colors as you can to brighten up the school!
Wednesday, September 25 - Spread positivity today by wearing a shirt with a positive message.
Thursday, September 26 - Wear pajamas and bring a towel to sit on for a school-wide campout lunch.
Friday, September 27 - Where white or NEW Gear to cheer on the NA Eagles football team!
With Fall Sports underway on our school campus, including upcoming high school home football games, I wanted to share a reminder for families and students that applies to attendance at sporting events. Our Preschool to Grade 6 Handbook states, “The district sponsors many extracurricular events [i.e. high school football games, evening programs, etc.] which families are invited and encouraged to attend. For reasons of safety, a parent must accompany elementary students or a responsible adult designated by the parent. Elementary students must be under the supervision of an adult at all times on these occasions. School rules for behavior apply whenever students are on school property.” You can click this link to access our Official Athletic Website. Thank you for your cooperation in providing a safe environment for our students.
Regular attendance is critical for school success. We hope to see your students at school everyday. However, we know there may be days your student will be out due to illness or scheduled appointments. Please call or mail the attendance hotline for any absence reason .
If your child misses school for an ill or planned doctor's appointment, always request a note from the doctor. These notes should be turned in to the Eagle Office or emailed to the attendance hotline. This allows the absences to be considered medically excused.
If your family has a planned absence, please fill out and submit the district's pre-planned absence form. This form must be returned in 7 days prior to the absence date in order to excuse the absence.
Lost and Found season is upon us: the mornings are cool and the afternoons are warm, which means that sweatshirts and jackets are taken off and forgotten about. If your child has the tendency to do this, please write their name on the tag of their outerwear, and remind them to look for their missing item in our Lost and Found! If your child packs his/her lunch or carries a water bottle, please also remind them to collect their items from the playground before heading into the building and/or check Lost and Found if they have misplaced anything.
Your child’s classroom teacher might ask families for volunteers to help throughout the school day by working with children on academic tasks, helping with materials, or supervising walking field trips with the class. Any adults that are interested in joining the class as a volunteer must first complete a background check. The background check will be valid for five years and costs
$19.45. Use this website to begin the background check process:
Please call 614-855-2040 with any questions related to background checks in the New Albany-Plain Local Schools.
If you will be coming to the Primary School as a visitor, a background check is not required. Visitors are adults who come in for a single event and are in the classroom with the teacher. To come to our school as a visitor, bring your driver’s license and enter the building using the buzzer door system at the front office.
To protect the health and well-being of all students, we ask that lunch visitors only bring food for their own child or the person they are visiting for lunch. Parents wanting to eat lunch with their child need to contact the school office one day prior to their visit as there is limited seating for lunch visitors.
You can call the school office at 614-413-8600 to RSVP for a spot at the next day’s lunch.
September 23-27- Spirit Week
October 3- Teacher Professional Day (No School)
October 4- Teacher Work Day (No School)
October 7-Picture Re-take Day
October 22- 3rd Grade OST test
October 24-3rd Grade OST test
November 11-Veterans Day Assembly (9:30am-10:15am Yellow/Blue, 2:30pm-3:15pm Purple/Green)
Teresa Smith, Building Principal
Colleen Masters, Assistant Principal
Dr. Sara Peterson, Assistant Principal
Our Purpose
The New Albany-Plain Local School District is committed to creating a culture of accountability that achieves the best academic and developmental outcomes for each student.
New Albany Primary School
Email: news@napls.us
Website: www.napls.us/primary
Location: 87 North High Street, New Albany, OH, USA
Phone: 614-413-8600
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NewAlbanyPrimarySchool/
Twitter: @napls_ps