Great Weeks Come in Threes!
Be Safe, Be Kind, Be Responsible, Build Community
September 13, 2024
Back To School Picnic is TONIGHT!
Back to School Picnic! TONIGHT
Join us on the field. Bring your own dinner and blanket! Bobablastic Bubble Tea Truck will be at the front of the school for a treat!
Friday, Sep 13, 2024, 05:30 PM
Llewellyn Elementary School, Southeast 14th Avenue, Portland, OR, USA
Open House is this Tuesday, 9/17 from 6:00 - 7:30pm. Front doors will be open during Open House from 6:00 to 7:15
Here are slides for information about Open House. Please watch the Principal Address video.
Feel free to contact Principal Collins with questions at: dcollins@pps.net.
Breakfast and Lunch Menu Next Week
Picture Day is Coming!
Save the Date!
September 26th is Picture Day! Forms for ordering and more information will be coming home next week. Parents can order online at mydorian.com before picture day and up to four days afterwards. Check out THIS FLYER for more info!
Yearbook for All
This year our goal is to provide a yearbook for every student. More information on this will come. In the meantime, we are collecting pictures! We want to include more candid photos of all our awesome events, field trips, class parties, etc. To make it easier to collect them a google folder was created. As pictures are taken please upload any you think are worthy of the yearbook! Each teacher has their own folder as well as specials and events. You can also email them directly to kgrunde@pps.net.
From the Llewellyn School Counselors
Hello Llewellyn Community,
I hope this school year is off to a great start! Your school counseling team is looking forward to a great year getting to know and supporting your children. We are fortunate to have two school counselors this year! Ms. Kate will be the case manager, main contact, and support person for 4th and 5th graders; and Ms. Brittany will be the case manager, main contact and support for K, 1st, 2nd and 3rd graders. Please take a moment to review our Welcome Back Letter.
As your student’s school counselors, we look forward to supporting all students in their academic achievements, personal and social development, and career interests. We will do this by visiting the classrooms throughout each month and providing SEL focused lessons to help students gain the skills necessary for their school success. We also will be offering small groups, lunch bunches, and short-term individual solution focused counseling (by request of the student, teacher and caregivers).
To begin this year, your counseling team will focus on the role of a school counselor, building relationships and self-regulation. Our first few lessons of the year are focused on these topics. As we continue throughout the year, we will provide updates, by grade level, on what your children are learning, small group options, and lunch bunch opportunities. Lastly, we wanted to provide some Tips for Success to help your children come to school, feel a sense of community and are ready to learn!
To begin the school year, we are asking for your help! Please complete The Family Support and Connections Survey.
We look forward to continuing to build relationships and get to know each child.
Ms. Brittany and Ms. Kate
· Brittany Sill-Turner (Kinder, 1st, 2nd and 3rd graders)
· Kate Knochel (4th and 5th graders)
Thank you,
From the Office
If you want your 4th or 5th grade student to walk home on their own, you must add "Has Permission to Walk Home" as an Emergency Contact in ParentVue. Instructions for how to add Emergency Contacts can be found HERE. This permission is required for teachers to release students on their own. If a student is self-released, please remember they need adult supervision on the playground after school, otherwise they need to go home.
If you have a last-minute change to your student's end of day plans, please try to notify the office by 2:00PM. After that, it becomes much harder to get a note to teachers before the day ends. Thank you for your help in making sure your student gets where they belong after school!
Please feel free to reach out to the office with questions. The office is open between 7:00AM and 3:00PM on school days.
After School Programs at Llewellyn! 🍎
The Llewellyn Afterschool Enrichment program opened on Wednesday 9/4. There is a wide range of topics including Drawing, Acting for the Camera (new!), Chess, Garden Club, Yoga, Artificial Intelligence (new!), Magic the Gathering, Ukelele, Circus Arts, Electronic Music (new!), and more! Classes start week of September 16th.
REGISTRATION LINK --- Spots are first come, first serve. Sign up for the waitlist if it's full.
Wait, there's more!.........
There are also 2 amazing classes NOT on the above platform!
1) Basketball-Tues/Thur, K-2 and 3-5 https://www.pdxreignbasketball.com/event-details/llewellyn-fall-24-hoops
2) Yoga-Mondays, K-3, https://www.yogaplaygrounds.com/school_classes/llewelyn-elementary/
A limited number of scholarships are available.
Please reach out to parent volunteer Adrianne at adrianne.schaefer@gmail.com with questions about scholarships, teaching a class, or anything else!
From the Llewellyn Health Room
Please remember that only a Parent / Guardian can drop off medications for a student. Please do not give them to your student or their teacher to bring to the Health Room. The Health Room's hours are (currently) 7:45AM - 2:15PM. Thank you for your cooperation and please call if you have any questions.
Volunteering at Llewellyn
We LOVE volunteers! If you plan to volunteer at Llewellyn at any time, a background check must be completed. This is done at the district level at no cost to you and is good for three years. Please keep in mind that it can take up to 2-3 weeks for the application to be processed, especially at the beginning of the year. Look here for more information, to apply, or to see if your current application is still valid.
PTA Happenings
Open House is coming up next Tuesday, September 17 from 6-7:30 and is an event for the whole family. Teachers will be in their classrooms showing off your students’ work thus far and sharing their learning plans for the school year. This is a great opportunity to ask questions about curriculum, and any other ways to support students’ learning within the classroom. Teachers will have their wishlist QR codes ready to scan with items for their classrooms. PTA will have a table with sign ups for volunteers to help with events and committees throughout the year. We will also be debuting our new Llewellyn gear for preorders!
Calling all parents, grandparents, and Llewellyn community members! We need class leads! This volunteer opportunity is a great way to get to know your teacher and class adults! Each classroom here at Llewellyn needs a point person to facilitate communication between their teacher, the class adults, and the PTA. You'll get to coordinate support for your teacher (think class parties, volunteer readers, field trip chaperones, etc), organize teacher gifts, and more. Email our PTA Classroom Lead Coordinator, Kili Fern (kiliandethan@gmail.com) and get in on this awesome volunteer opportunity. Sign up on Konstella (the "Be a Class Lead" post made earlier this week) or we will also have a physical sign up sheet at the Back to School Picnic--look for the PTA table! >>
Our first PTA meeting will be on September 24 in the Llewellyn Library at 7 pm. We will have our new principal, Diana Collins, share with us her vision for Llewellyn and what some of the changes we will have for this year. We will be discussing our after school program and how we can continue to offer our free clubs and classes through the new district building usage protocols. Llewellyn parents, Meredith Goddard and Scott Bush, will be sharing their proposal of revamping our school fields and playgrounds. Some very exciting things are happening and we look forward to sharing everything with you. Please join us for our meeting and make sure to pay your membership dues so you can be part of any voting that happens in all of our meetings. As an added bonus, we will have raffles at each meeting for some cool gear or other equally fun prizes for attendance.
If you have any questions or creative ideas for events, fundraisers or possible business sponsorships in our community, please email us at llewellynpta@gmail.com. You can also grab one of our board members when you see them around school.
Save the Dates
9/17 Open House 6-7:30 pm
9/24 PTA Meeting 7-8pm in the Llewellyn Library
10/4 Run Llewellyn
Important Dates
TONIGHT Llewellyn Picnic 5:30-7:30PM
9/16 After School Classes Begin
9/17 Back to School Night 6:00-7:30PM
- 6:30-7:00 ELD presentation in the Library
- 7:00-7:30 TAG presentation in the Library
9/24 PTA Meeting - 7:00 in the Library
9/25 EARLY RELEASE DAY – School ends at 11:50AM
9/26 Picture Day
10/4 Run Llewellyn
10/11 NO SCHOOL – State-wide Inservice Day
10/15 PTA Meeting - 7:00 in the Library
10/19 Harvest Festival
10/23 EARLY RELEASE DAY – School ends at 11:50AM
10/27 Monster March
10/31 End of First Quarter
Pumpkin Carving Contest