Weekly Bulldog Bits
for the week of December 9th

Reminder Parents/Guardians!
Attention parents/guardians!!! Students need to wait to get out of cars at the loading area or wait until a staff member gets them out of the car at drop off. The loading/unloading area is clearly marked with signs and we need to work together to get everyone to school safely. Please remember the Valet Loop is only for students in grades 1-5; TK/Kindergarten must be walked to the gate/Adults are unable to use the Loop to enter/exit cars.
Also, parents/guardians are not allowed past the school gate. If your child needs a forgotten item please bring it to the front office. All volunteers must check in first before coming onto campus. Thank you for your cooperation in helping to maintain a safe campus.
Holiday Wishing Tree is Back!
Looking for the perfect gift for your child's teacher, Specialist, Librarian, or the school? Starting Tuesday, December 10th, stop by the front of the office to take an "ornament" with your person's wishes. Attach the "ornament" to your item and you have the perfect gift! Feel free to take a picture and leave ornaments for others to use, especially if it's an item that the person would benefit from multiple donations! We thank you for your generosity!
Spirit Week- December 16-20
Join us as we celebrate Winter Spirit Week from Monday, December 16th through Friday, December 20th!
Monday, 12/16 - Merry Monday - Bring a smile to faces and wear an Ugly Holiday Sweater
Tuesday, 12/17 - Tasty Tuesday - Wear Red and White! Dress in candy cane colors.
Wednesday, 12/18 - Winter Wonderland - Dress in winter gear
Thursday, 12/19 - Theatrical Thursday - Dress as your favorite winter character
Friday, 12/20 - Festive Friday - Wear any type of holiday headwear
Incoming TK Students for 2025-2026
FUSD will be holding a parent information night for incoming TK students on Tuesday, 12/17. This will be an in-person meeting with a tour of a TK classroom. The meeting will be at Durham Elementary.
Early Release Day for Grades 1-5 on Friday, December 20th
As a Reminder - Friday, December 20th is an early release day at 1:20pm for Grades 1-5.
TK and Kindergarten will have regular dismissal.
Hirsch Yearbooks are on Sale Now!
Don't miss out on this year's memories!
Purchase your Yearbook at ShoobPhoto.com
Soft Cover Yearbook Price $20 (+tax) Before 1/31!
The deadline to purchase your yearbook is April 21st.
Calling in Absences
Please contact the school's absence line, day or night, at 510-657-3537 and then press 7.
Please be sure to state:
1)your student's first and last name
2)student's classroom number
3)reason for the absence
4)your name and relationship to the student
If these absences are not cleared by a parent guardian within 48 hours, they will be considered unexcused. Excessive absences and/or tardies, excused or unexcused, may result in a truancy warning.
Make-up work may be requested on the second consecutive day of a student's illness.
PTA Links
If you haven’t joined our Hirsch PTA social media already, here are the links to our Facebook page- https://www.facebook.com/groups/hrsch/?ref=share&mibextid=S66gvF
And our Hirsch Family whatsapp group- https://chat.whatsapp.com/FNg6wn9coPvFLiYN0dNNEo
Hirsch PTA WeChat : Scan the QR code to join the Group
Upcoming Events:
PTA Meeting: December 10, 2024
Fame: December 18, 2024
The Next fame session of the year will be Wednesday December 18th.Artist : Edgar Degas
Art: Ballet SchoolComposer: Peter Tchaikovsky
Music : Waltz of the flowers, from the Nutcracker Suite
Math Kangaroo
Hirsch PTA is excited to bring back Math Competitions for 2024-25 to our school. Please join the respective WhatsApp groups for registration details.
*Math Olympiad MOEMS (4th & 5th Graders):* https://chat.whatsapp.com/DFx26HtCB75K2LrjrLtpSk
Registration Details: https://hirsch-pta-math-olympiad-2024-2025.cheddarup.com Please contact Hirsch PTA for any additional questions: @Shweta Shah, 415-265-8463
Hirsch Chess Club update:
Registration is now open. We are using cheddarup this year for both signup & payment.
Here is the link: