Timber Wolf Times
News for TMS Families Week of May 23 2022
Principal Updates
Dear Trailside Families,
Library Book Returns, please make sure all library books are returned by June 1, 2022.
There are two letters attached (1 English and 1 Spanish) regarding Immunization Requirements for next year.
May 26th: The Stone Bridge Cluster Fine Arts night and Timber Wolf Trap event, the music will be outdoors with the art show taken place in the library Open to the Public: Art show begins at 6:00 PM, Music begins at 6:45
June 1: All day, Author April Henry will be here to meet with all students
June 1: 8th graders who ordered a yearbook will receive it at lunch
June 2: 7th graders who ordered a yearbook will receive it at lunch
June 3: 6th graders who ordered a yearbook will receive it at lunch
June 3: Hershey Park Music trip and competition
June 10th: 6th grade Field Day in the am, Grade Level Movie in the pm
June 10th: 7th grade movie in the am, Field Day in the PM
June 13th: 8th grade cook-out and Carnival, begins at 12:00 noon
June 15th: Last day of school
There are less than 40 yearbooks remaining. If you wish to have one, order today: https://osp.osmsinc.com/LoudounVA/BVModules/CategoryTemplates/Detailed%20List%20with%20Properties/Category.aspx?categoryid=DB104
Please note: We do not do a promotion ceremony for 8th grade. The tradition at TMS is for the students to celebrate with a cook out and carnival.
Next year students will be expected to dress out for HPE. Students are not required to purchase a HPE gear, however it is encouraged. If you wish to have HPE gear, you must order it ahead of time. This can be found on the school link: see at the bottom of the newsletter.
all my best,
Bridget Beichler
Timber Wolf Trap Returns joined by SBHS Cluster Concert
Doors open at 6:00 PM--Art Show in the Library
Musical concert : Outdoor in front of the school, open to the public, FREE!!!! Bring your lawn chairs, pack a picnic basket, come and enjoy our talented students
Empower Club will be selling water, baked goods, and chips
See the attached flyer
7th Grade Field Day
7th Grade Field Day:
We are seeking 5-10 more volunteers for a few stations during our Field Day on June 10 (rain date June 15)! The event is from noon – 3:30. If you are interested in volunteering, please sign up via this Google Form. Thank you to those that have already volunteered!
Details about Field Day and confirmation of volunteer stations will be emailed from Mrs. Carlson after the Memorial Day weekend. For questions, please email Lauren.Carlson@lcps.org.
Mrs. Lauren Q. Carlson
7th-Grade Dean
Counseling Updates
YouthFest - May 28th
Teens, young adults, and their families are invited to join us as we screen It's Kind of a Funny Story.* Connect with other youth and young adults while enjoying food, a lighthearted movie, and positive conversations around mental health. For more information and to register, please see the YouthFest Flyer.
PAL’s Parent Seminars
The Prevention Alliance of Loudoun (PAL) will feature a virtual series of free seminars for parents to learn more about mental health wellness for youth and teens. PAL is a coalition of youth, Loudoun County agencies, faith-based organizations, other community stakeholders and parents dedicated to mental health awareness and substance misuse prevention efforts. The Loudoun County Department of Mental Health, Substance Abuse and Developmental Services; Loudoun County Public Schools Student Assistance Services; Loudoun County Sheriff's Office; and Virginia Tobacco Control Program are key member agencies of PAL organizing this seminar series.
Visit loudoun.gov/mhsadsprevention for detailed information about each event and to register. Events will include:
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs): Tuesday, May 24, 2022, 7:00 - 8:00 p.m.
Talking to Your Teen About Vaping: Tuesday, May 31, 2022, 7:00 - 8:00 pm
Young Entrepreneurs Academy
The Young Entrepreneurs Academy (YEA!) is an exciting, 7-month program that transforms middle and high school students into real-life entrepreneurs and business owners. In this program presented by the Loudoun Chamber Foundation and the Loudoun Economic Development Authority, students will develop business ideas, write business plans, conduct market research, be mentored by local business men and women, pitch to a panel of investors, and become ready to launch their own legal, fully formed companies and social movements. Complete with guest speakers from the local business community and behind-the-scenes trips to local companies, the projects-based YEA! approach empowers students to take charge of their futures in a profound way.
Learn more and apply at Young Entrepreneurs Academy - Loudoun Chamber. Application open till June 12th.
For Rising 9th Graders only: as of Monday, May 23, schedule changes must be made through your Stone Bridge school counselor.
Compass & SEL Learning
Please find below what your student discussed in Compass the week of May 16th and some questions to discuss with your student.
6th Grade
In this week’s lesson, your child used their conflict-solving expertise to help solve a realistic peer conflict.
Ask to see your child’s assignment. If they don’t have it, ask them to explain it to you. Think of a realistic conflict from real life, TV, a movie, or book and have your child explain the steps they would take to resolve it.
7th Grade
In this week’s lesson, your child learned how to take responsibility for their actions in a conflict and make things right.
Discuss with your child a time in your life when you had to take responsibility for your role in a conflict. What did you do to make things right and repair the harm?
8th Grade
In this week’s lesson, your child identified signs of an unhealthy relationship.
Ask your child who they would go to for advice and support if they found themselves in a relationship that was unhealthy. Share why one of your close friends or family members is someone you turn to for advice and support.
Pre-Order Your PE Gear for 2022-23 School Year -No extra gear will be ordered
We will not be doing a mass order of HPE gear for next year, if you would like you child to have HPE; you must pre-order .
- To Pre-Order a PE Uniform: https://tinyurl.com/TMS-PE-Uniforms
- To PAY for a Pre-Ordered PE Uniform: https://tinyurl.com/TMS-PE-Uniform-PAYMENT
A new fundraiser is also being launched for the non-profit organization, "The Stage". They are a group of middle and high schoolers dedicated to helping the community through music. Right now, they are raising money for underprivileged teens in India overcoming mental health challenges. As of Monday. May 23rd - June 6th , you can purchase a cutout of a music note for $1 with no change at lunch, and write your name on it. This will be made into a chain, and the chain will eventually grow and be used as decoration for a bigger event.
Thank you!
7TH Grade Student Rex Dan, recently qualified for the Raytheon Technologies Invention Convention US Nationals, held in Dearborn, Michigan, on June 1-3, 2022 (https://inhub.thehenryford.org/icw/competitions/us-nationals-landing), with his entry of a low-cost, portable, versatile, internet-connected, smart air quality monitor.
He is fundraising (https://gofund.me/3a1bbab6) to help cover the round trip from Virginia to Michigan and the registration fee for the Convention.
Supporting Trailside Middle School-Together in Education Program
School Contact Information
“Showing gratitude is one of the simplest yet most powerful things humans can do for each other.”
― Randy Pausch, The Last Lecture
Email: bridget.beichler@lcps.org
Website: https://www.lcps.org/Trailside
Location: 20325 Claiborne Parkway, Ashburn, VA, USA
Phone: 571 252 2280
Twitter: @TrailsideMiddleSchool
TMS School Spirit Store from Cheers is on-line New Winter Gear Items! check us out
School Hours
Late Bell: 8:35 AM (students are tardy if arriving after the bell and will need to report to the main office for a tardy pass)
Dismissal: 3:23 PM