Charles A. Lindbergh Elementary
October 2024
Important Upcoming Dates
Tuesday, October 1st - Picture Day
Thursday, October 3rd - Early Release (12:29 K walkers, 12:32 Gr 1&2 walkers, 12:34 Gr 3&4 walkers, 12:40 Bussers leave)
Friday, October 4th - Early Dismissal Drill - All schools dismiss 15 minutes early
Monday, October 14th - No School - Columbus Day
October 15th-18th - Digital Citizenship Week
October 21st-25th - Safety Week
October 23rd - Parent Conferences
October 29th - Parent Conferences
October 31st - Halloween Parade at 2:00 pm outside (weather permitting)
Our Open Gate Weapons Detection Systems are utilized after student arrival and will be used periodically at evening events throughout the school year.
Counseling Information
October is Bullying Awareness & Prevention Month. Check out the Pacer website that has great resources that kids will really enjoy!
October 16th is Unity Day - Wear orange for bullying awareness
Attendance Information
School attendance is very important for student success. Here is some helpful information and tips on attendance.
Safety Week
During the week of October 21st-25th, Lindbergh will be conducting mock emergency drills so that we can better evaluate our readiness in the event of a real emergency. We will send more information when we get closer to Safety Week.
Parent Volunteers
If you will be volunteering at Lindbergh Elementary in the classroom, for a special event or as a chaperone on a field trip, you will need to complete this Volunteer Application prior to the activity, event or trip. You will only need to fill out this form once each school year.