Pleasant Hope Middle School
Together, we can make a difference! Week of Jan 13
Snow Days
As you know we have had two snow days at Pleasant Hope Schools. Our first make-up day will be Jan 27th and our second will be Feb 24th. We have one more snow day before we will use AMI.
Teachers will be working this week to prepare and distribute the PHMS AMI packets. Please be sure to keep these in a secure place at home in case we need to use them. These assignments will not require a device and must be turned in to be counted "present" for the day. Students must turn in packets on time in order to qualify for perfect attendance! I am hoping we can have 75 students earn pizza for 3rd quarter attendance. :)
Wrapping up First Semester...
Grade Reports: Check out your child's final 2nd quarter and 1st Semester grades on TeacherEase. Congratulations to our 46 A and A/B Honor Roll students and our 61 students with perfect attendance for the second quarter. Way to go PHMS!
ICU: Over 3,550 missing assignments were completed first semester by PHMS students and 93% of all missing work was completed by the entire student body this quarter. 3 students were never on the list-amazing. We will continue this program for second semester as it is making a difference in student performance and learning!
This Week at PHMS...
Tuesday: Safety Drills This Week
- Pirate Time Assembly
- Tutoring until 5:00
- Clubs
A Few Reminders...
- If you are not receiving emails/texts from the school, please call our office so we can update our records. (TeacherEase and ICU)
- Be sure to call or email the office by 9:00 am when your student is absent. Attendance has been outstanding this year-keep it up!
- Be sure to check lunch balances and send money to the office or pay online. Beginning on Wednesday, alternative lunches will be served to those who owe $18 or more. Need assistance? Fill out the Free/Reduced Lunch Application below. Confidential and can occur throughout the year if circumstances change.
PHMS Cafeteria
PHMS Volunteers
Please use the link below for the needed resources for volunteering or attending field trips during the school day. Please remember, volunteers on field trips will be assigned supervision duties. Thank you!
Contact Information
Email: jpendleton@phr6.org
Website: https://www.phr6.org/
Location: 515 West McCurry Street, Pleasant Hope, MO, USA
Phone: (417) 267-7701