Tashua Family Weekly Update
Mrs. Neumeyer, Principal
January 17, 2025
Dear Tashua Families,
Last Friday, Tashua students and parents enjoyed a fun-filled Family Wellness Game Night hosted by the Tashua PTA and TPAUD. Students participated in wellness-themed games, crafts and had a chance to relax at story time. This event could not have been possible without our many wonderful volunteers and the support of TPAUD members. A special thank you to Jessica Samuolis for chairing this event!
CAS Leadership Conference
Student Council members Aadit Garg, Abhay Kamath, Lorenzo Solustri, Davis Burke, Talia Principi and Sadie Salzano had the opportunity to attend the Connecticut Association of Schools (CAS) Elementary Leadership Conference at Housatonic Community College. Teacher advisors Ms. Kenler and Mrs. Pierce said the students represented Tashua well and were engaged in many hands-on activities centered around creative problem solving, communication, decision making and productive thinking.
Parent Drop Off Reminder
Tashua School begins at 8:35 a.m. and doors open at 8:20 a.m. If you are dropping off your child, please wait for the doors to be open and staff visible. If it is after 8:35 a.m. and parent drop off has ended, parents must drop their child off at the front of the school to receive a late pass.
As always, please do not hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions, concerns or good news to share by emailing me at NeumeyeJ@trumbullps.org or calling me at school 203-452-4433.
Kind regards,
Mrs. Neumeyer
Monday, January 20
- No School; Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
Wednesday, January 22
- Scripps National Spelling Bee; 6:00 PM
Wednesday, January 29
- Lunar New Year
Friday, January 31
- Tashua's Got Talent Show
Tuesday, February 4
- BOE Meeting; 7:00 PM
Friday, February 7
- Super Heart Health Day
- Tashua Talent Show - Snow Date
Tuesday, February 11
- Diversity Committee Meeting; 8:00 AM
Friday, February 14
- No School; Long Weekend
- Valentine's Day
Monday, February 17
- No School; Long Weekend - President's Day
Tuesday, February 18
- BOE Meeting; 7:00 PM
Friday, February 28
- Read Across America Day Assembly; 2:00 PM
- Read-a-thon starts; 2/28 - 3/21
- Ramadan begins at sundown
Author Visit: Order Your Signed Books by February 1st
Mrs. McKenna and Tashua's PTA's Diversity Committee have scheduled Tashua's first author visit on Friday, March 7th! Michelle Artis is a local author who wrote the book I am "Different" about her son who was born with spina bifida. Families can place orders of signed books through February 1st.
Schools Hours / Delays and Early Closings
As the weather is changing, please be reminded of our adjusted school hour schedules:
Delayed Opening Hours
1 ½ hour Delay – 10: 05 AM – 3:20 PM
2 hour Delay – 10:35 AM – 3:20 PM
2 ½ hour Delay – 11:05 AM – 3:20 PM
Early Dismissal Hours
8:35 AM - 1:00 PM
Please note: Students can not arrive early on delayed opening days as we do not have staff to supervise the children. In addition, school lunch is served every day, including on our adjusted school hours.
Kindergarten Registration for 2025-2026
We will begin registering students for the Class of 2038 on Wednesday, January 8th! If you are looking to register your child for the 2025-2026 school year, please click here for all the information you need.
TPS Budget Season Reminder
Please be reminded our budget season is in full-swing. Please take every opportunity to educate yourself on the needs of our district. Remember, once the Board of Education approves our budget, it will move to the First Selectman, Board of Finance, and Town Council. Contacting the Board of Finance and Town Council members to approve our budget is vital for all of our schools to ensure we are providing the highest level of education for our students.
Elementary Lunch Menu
Please see the Food Services Breakfast and Lunch Menu for the Month of January.
The Kindergarten crew has made the best of this winter weather! Science activities have been in the forefront….we’ve become dangerous weather experts. We know difference types of weather and how to be safe in case of emergency. We performed an experiment simulating a flood using a small sponge as the earth and a pipette to act as the rain. We also had an amazing in-school field trip from The Stepping Stones museum. The students learned about force and motion using ramps and balls. We had a blast!
Grade 3
Third grade mathematician are stretching their thinking and problem solving using vertical wipe boards in small groups and using Khan Academy. We’ve become masters of multiplication and division problems and soon we’ll apply our knowledge to problems involving area and perimeter of polygons.
Congratulations to Everett Vitiello, Gavin Ma, Thomas Ciarletto, Nathan Klein for winning the chance to spin the P.B.I.S. Recognition Wheel. Keep showing your T.I.G.E.R.S. traits!
Congratulations to Adelyn Morabito for being a great office helper! We were grateful for her help and she enjoyed getting a sneak peek at behind the scenes in the office.
Tis' the season for dry, chapped lips! To help keep your child stay comfortable, please have him/her pack Chapstick to keep in his/her backpack (unscented and unflavored preferred).
As always, please reach out to me with any questions or concerns.
Brenda Chamale RN BSN
Tashua Elementary School Nurse
P: 203 452-4434, F: 203 452-4432
Calling all Tigers - Yearbooks are now on sale. Hold on to this year’s memories and make sure you get a yearbook. The order site will be open until 4/8/2025. Softcovers are $29 and hardcovers are $37, including a service charge. Don’t miss out - order your yearbook now!
Wellness Committee Volunteer Needed
Tashua's Wellness Committee is looking for a volunteer to run the Fruit and Veggie challenge that happens in March! This is a fun opportunity to get involved at Tashua and promotes healthy eating habits for our students! Email Emily @ emily.t.jamison@gmail.com ASAP if you are interested!
Adult Night Out
Tickets for this year's Gatsby-themed Adult Night Out are for sale! Tickets are $90 per person before 2/1, and then increase to $95. Please scan the QR code to purchase directly from toolkit. We are looking forward to a successful and enjoyable night!
PTA Committee Interest Form
HELP! We are in a real need of some help for some of our committees, especially Adult Night Out! Please fill out the link below for express your interest in joining a committee, or even helping us chair these committees! Current chairs and co chairs are all set for this upcoming year, this interest form is to fill in the gaps or find chairs for next year PTA Committee Interest Form
Please take a moment to log onto membership toolkit to register or renew your membership using the link: 2024-25 PTA Membership. Please remember that being a member is not about a commitment of time or money but to show our amazing Tashua community support and allow us do all of the amazing activities, events, and fun to our school!
PTA Contact
Dani Romano, PTA president: dani-romano2224@gmail.com
Community Corner
Important Parent Information
Tashua Elementary School
401 Stonehouse Road Trumbull, CT 06611
TPS School Calendar
Tashua School Hours
Doors open at 8:20 AM
Regular School Hours: 8:35 AM - 3:20 PM
Early Dismissal Hours: 8:35 AM - 1:00 PM
Delayed Opening Hours
2 hour Delay – 10:35 AM – 3:20 PM
2 ½ hour Delay – 11:05 AM – 3:20 PM
Infinite Campus
Tashua Parent Handbook
2024-2025 Tashua Parent Handbook
Volunteer Forms
Volunteer Form Tier II If you will be volunteering UNSUPERVISED, please complete a Tier II form which includes a DCF Background Check. Please use this form: