Willow Parent Bulletin # 18
January 22, 2021
Dear Families,
Yesterday I received a few emails regarding some information that was on Facebook. I appreciate having the opportunity to answer those concerns when they arise and assuage fears. The concern seemed to be that students who would be staying remote through the year would no longer have "live" specials. By "live" I mean on Zoom and interactive with the teacher, not in physical proximity. That's simply untrue. To the greatest extent possible, our wildcats will continue to have their specials in the same format that they currently have.
Please know that you can always reach out when you have a question. If we don't have an immediate answer, we will let you know that and get back to you as soon as we do. We know all the stress families are feeling and misconceptions like the one above can just add to that.
We are all in this unique education journey together!
Stay warm,
Book Blurb: "Sojourner Truth's Step-Stomp Stride"
Why does my child have an asynchronous day scheduled?
This doesn't mean it's a day off from learning. Your child should still complete all the assignments listed in See Saw or otherwise assigned by his/her classroom teacher. If you will be needing to pick up a lunch for your child over at the Sports Complex on that day, please call the Willow Office and we will take the order instead of the classroom teacher.
The asynchronous days are:
Jan. 22- 2nd grade
Jan. 25- Pre-K and Kindergarten
Jan. 29- 1st grade
Weekly Announcements brought to you by Mrs. DeBoer
Social Emotional Learning this week: Solving Problems
Young children often have a difficult time thinking of the feelings and perspectives of others because they tend to focus on one thing at a time and on the more concrete (rather than internal) aspects of a conflict situation. Sometimes focusing on their own needs and feelings can make it difficult to resolve conflicts among peers.
When conflicts occur in the classroom, they provide learning opportunities in which adults can guide students through the process of peaceful and effective problem-solving. Helping students develop positive strategies for resolving their day-to-day conflicts with peers will help prevent students from developing unhealthy patterns of behavior that can lead to social difficulties later in life. Other students benefit as well, as they observe examples of positive conflict resolution.
Our goal is to give students the skills to work through problems without ever being physical. Part of this is equipping them with a vocabulary to recognize and describe their feelings with the goal of ultimately ''using their words." (appropriately) :)
Feb. 1: Board of Education meeting
Feb. 2: data check for return to school
Feb. 12: PreK snack pick up
Feb. 14: Valentine's Day
Feb. 15: NO SCHOOL- President's Day
Feb. 16: possible return date pending Feb 2 metrics 100th Day of School
Feb. 22: data check for return to school
Mar. 5: School Improvement Day - 11:30 AM early dismissal
Mar. 17: St. Patrick's Day
Mar. 26: School Improvement Day - 11:30 AM early dismissal
Mar. 29-April 6: Spring Break
April 7: students return to school
PTA Panera Fundraiser- Wednesday, January 27
Willow School
Email: melissa.lawson@hsd153.org
Website: www.hsd153.org
Location: 1804 Willow Road, Homewood, IL, USA
Phone: 708-798-3720
Facebook: facebook.com/homewoodschooldistrict153