Nobles County Clover Digest
August 16, 2024

Congratulations on a successful county fair!
Thank you to everyone who took time to share their project learning at the 2024 Nobles County Fair. Take some time to reflect on your hard work and be proud of your accomplishments. Here is a folder of photos from the week.
And while you are thinking about your project learning at the county fair and preparing for the state fair, be sure to complete your annual records. All 4-H records will be due to the Extension Office by October 1. All links needed to complete records are available on the Extension website.
Reflect on the 2024 Nobles County Fair
Please take some time to reflect on 4-H at the Nobles County Fair. The post-fair survey is open and will accept responses until Tuesday, September 3. As a reminder, constructive feedback includes identifying a problem and then offering tangible solutions to solve that problem. Excessively harsh feedback with no solutions is not actionable and will not be tolerated.
2024-2025 Club Charters
It is time to think about your 2024-25 club charter. This annual process ensures youth have a chance to lead and the club has a calendar of events planned. All information required for club charters is on the Extension website. All club charters and 2023-2024 treasurer books are due to the office on October 14.
Sign Up for a Month to Host Cloverbuds
All our Cloverbuds enjoyed attending monthly events hosted by each club last year. We will continue this project again this year. As you are planning your club calendar for the 2024-25 year, please sign up for a month to host Cloverbuds. Reach out to Anna with questions.
Minnesota State Fair Reminders
Code of Conduct Reminder
The State Fair is a time when many 4-Hers, volunteers and parents gather for exhibition and fun. Please be sure to review the code of conduct and ensure it is upheld. Minnesota 4-H has a code of conduct for youth, volunteers and parents. Being part of 4-H is a privilege.
4-H at the Minnesota State Fair - Extension Webpage
As you are preparing for your experience at the State Fair, please reference 4-H at the Minnesota State Fair.
Required: State Fair Livestock Interviews
All state fair exhibitors (except for dairy) must take their livestock interview test. Exhibitors will each view an educational video and then complete a specie-specific test. The whole process will take 30-60 minutes to complete. Questions from the video will be included with specie-specific information on the test.
Tests need to be completed by August 20 at 6 p.m. in order to be eligible for higher than a blue ribbon at the State Fair. Links to the video can be found on the 4-H Livestock Exhibitor Information page at z.umn.edu/StateFairLivestockInterviews. Select your correct specie and age group to view the video and participate in your livestock interview test. Be sure to enter in an email address when you begin and once you complete the test, a confirmation email will be sent to you.
Livestock Exhibitor Get-Together
The 4-H animal science youth leadership team is hosting a state fair livestock exhibitor get-together on Wednesday, Aug. 21, 2-3 p.m in the white tent between Christensen Pavilion and Como Avenue. The event is open to all, but geared towards exhibitors with three or less years of experience at the state fair, those showing a new specie, and those with small county delegations. Learn more and register.
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