BTPS Newsletter
October 18, 2024
Superintendent's Memo
In his book Visible Learning: Maximizing Impact on Student Learning, John Hattie states, “those teachers who are students of their own impact are the teachers who are the most influential in raising students’ achievement.”
Last week, over the course of three days, BTPS leadership, including school leaders, Central Office staff, and Trustees, gathered to discuss the impact and ways we all support student learning. Sessions began with a deep dive into the division’s Vision, Mission, and Values, focusing on how these principles are lived out daily in our schools. Leaders examined how staff collaborate to maximize student learning, foster safe and caring environments, and tap into the strengths of each team member. This led to a celebration of the unique and effective ways schools support learning at the local level, allowing principals to showcase the outstanding work happening in their schools and learn from one another.
School leaders participated in a session on how AI can be used to enhance learning and meet the diverse needs of students. They then reviewed their school assurance plans to align their strategies with these goals, while Trustees had the opportunity to focus on governance work.
On the last day, the group participated in a walking tour of the river valley, led by a Métis facilitator. This tour offered a rich perspective of the land, combining both geological insights and Indigenous experiences, and included visits to the Rossdale Burial Site and the Indigenous Art Park.
Beyond the collaborative learning, this time together also allowed attendees to continue building strong and productive relationships.
James Trodden, Assistant Superintendent
Edgerton Public School has been a hub of activity to start our 2024-2025 school year!
We started with a welcome back Pancake Breakfast provided by our EPS Foundation. We have a great parent group that graciously supports our school community on many occasions throughout the year! Our Student Leadership Group planned a week of fun welcome back activities including “Dress Like Your Teacher Day”, Egg Races, Three-Legged Races and more, that involved the entire student body. We have had visitors to our school that have enriched student learning, such as Rob Malo Metis Storytelling, Fire Fighters Presentations and Ian Hill Mental Health & Wellness Presentations. Our awesome staff continually provide extra learning opportunities such as Reading Buddies and coaching sports. EPS celebrated all 2023-24 Award recipients on October 11th.
Edgerton Public School is a great place to learn and grow where we are forever striving and succeeding together. Go Eagles go!!
The Learning Hub has some new staff members this year, and we are currently connected to 255 students from a variety of places, including within BTPS and from throughout the province. Many of our students are seeking courses to complete their high school diploma. Some students have a conflict in their schedule at their regular school or are wanting a course that their school doesn’t offer. Others are simply seeking an alternate environment and/or delivery method.
There have been a number of exciting events happening already at the Hub. Here students and staff enjoy muffin morning early in the new school year.
Our new Educational Assistant, Beth, works with students to help with math concepts, as well as provides motivation, encouragement and connection.
Foods is always a popular course to take at the Hub. Our students enjoy learning to prepare new recipes with new techniques. Of course there is also the draw of getting to eat what you cook!
Through a partnership between BTPS and Lakeland College, our students are able to participate in week-long, hands-on courses. Not only can they explore some programs with the college instructors, they can also earn high school credits. Here are some of our students who participated in carpentry.
We hosted Thanksgiving Lunch for students, parents and guests, including our board member, superintendent, computer tech, and maintenance crew.
Smiling student faces, learning in our safe and caring environment, supported by a highly effective team!
National School Bus Safety Week
October 21-25, 2024
This week serves as an important reminder for parents, students, staff, motorists, school bus drivers, and the entire community to prioritize school bus safety.
A special thank you to our incredible BTPS bus contractors and drivers for their dedication to keeping our students safe every day. Your commitment ensures that each student’s journey to and from school is a safe one, and we appreciate all that you do!
Learn more about school bus safety here: Alberta School Bus Safety
Innovation Coaches' Corner
I’m excited to share a new website developed by the APLC to support Indigenous Culture-Based Learning. This resource is designed to integrate Cree ways of knowing into the curriculum, offering valuable guidance and insights.
Tyler Pearse
Teacher Professional Development Fund
BTPS is pleased to announce a new teacher professional development fund. In the 2024 BTPS Collective Agreement, the Board and ATA identified the importance of establishing a fund for teachers to support professional development. This fall, BTPS has established a $50,000 professional development fund as per Letter of Understanding #14.
Moving forward, teachers will be able to access funds for both graduate studies and professional learning through an application process. The terms of reference and application process were created collaboratively with ATA representatives Chris Demeule and Jesse Atkinson and assistant superintendents Camille Quinton and James Trodden.
If you are interested in this new opportunity, please review the attached Terms of Reference and the Application, which can be viewed on the BTPS website in the quick links tab under Staff - Teacher Professional Development Fund.
During the first year, timelines will be modified to allow for approval of fall submissions for both Professional Development and Graduate Studies up to the end of November, with a request to submit as soon as possible. The remaining dates will follow the Terms of Reference.
Bring Vimy Inspires Tomorrow to your classroom! Encourage your youth to submit an initial project idea to be eligible for a $2,500 project grant.
Vimy Inspires Tomorrow is a history-based leadership program for youth in Canada, ages 13-17. It is designed to encourage youth to develop leadership skills that they can use to make a positive impact in their communities. A free, bilingual Facilitator’s Guide is available.
Youth who complete the program are eligible for a project grant of $2,500 to assist them in bringing their project to life. Individual youth and community groups can now apply here! The deadline for applications is December 11, 2024.
Learn more https://vimyfoundation.ca/programs/vimy-inspires-tomorrow