Youth Ministry Monthly Newsletter
October 2024
Important Dates for October
October 5th 9:00 am - Blessing of the Pets
October 6th 12:00 - 1:30 pm - Teen Leader Training
October 14th 6:15 - 8:00 pm - Youth Night
October 20th 1:00 - 5:00 pm - Fall Festival
October 21st 6:00 - 7:30 pm - MS/HS Ignite Bible Study
October Devotion
The Catholic Church dedicates the month of October to the Holy Rosary. The feast of the Our Lady of the Rosary is on October 7th. The Holy Rosary is a prayer in which we meditate on the life of Jesus. Because of the mission that Mary received from God, her life was closely tied to Jesus. Mary's Immaculate Heart was always focused on the life of her son Jesus. When we pray the Rosary, we are asking Mary to pray for us that we might be more focused on the life of Jesus.
Photos from September Youth Night & Word Made Flesh MS Retreat
Sept. Youth Night
Word Made Flesh MS Retreat
Word Made Flesh MS Retreat
Sept. Youth Night
Sept. Youth Night
Word Made Flesh MS Retreat
Timely Teen Trivia
Congratulations to our September Timely Teen Trivia winner...Anna Dossett!
For the past five weeks (end of July/August), the Sunday gospel reading has been from what book and chapter? (Hint: It is known as the Bread of Life Discourse.) - The Gospel of John Chp.6
What saint added the Luminous Mysteries, also known as the Mysteries of Light, to the Rosary in 2002?
MS/HS Ignite Bible Study
Join us for this 4 session look at how to discuss the Bible. In each session, we'll focus on one chapter that helps us better understand who Jesus is and the wisdom of Sacred Scripture.
We'll meet in the Resource Room 6:00 - 7:30 pm on the following Mondays: Oct. 21, Nov. 4, Nov.18, and Dec. 2.
Saints of the Month
I have difficulty choosing a "saint of the month" every month...they're all interesting and I'd love to highlight each one. To be honest...it is impossible for me to choose just one of the saints with a feast day in October. Several members of my personal "Saint Posse" are celebrated this month, so here is a list of their feast days. 😇Thank you for not making me choose just one.
October 1st - St. Therese of the Child Jesus, Doctor of the Church (aka St. Therese of Lisieux)
October 2nd - The Holy Guardian Angels
October 4th - St. Francis of Assisi
October 5th - St. Faustina Kowalska
October 15th - St. Teresa of Jesus, Doctor of the Church (aka St. Teresa of Avila)
October 22nd - St. Pope John Paul II
Click on any of the buttons below to learn more about that saint.
Looking ahead....
November 1st - All Saints' Day (Holy Day of Obligation)
November 4th & 18th - MS/HS Ignite Bible Study
November 11th - Youth Night
November 23rd - St. Vincent de Paul Thanksgiving Basket Packing & Delivery (volunteers needed)