Some thoughts for the starting school year

September 2024 Edition
Our September Value is Co-operation
Co-operation means working together as a team to help each other reach a common goal.
Jessop Priorities
- To ensure our children are happy and we explain things well
- To ensure no child leaves our school unable to read
- To ensure children learn a broad vocabulary to access the world around them
- To enhance the educational experiences of diagnosed and undiagnosed children with SEND
Teddy Bear's Picnic
An amazing start to this academic year with our very own Teddy Bear's Picnic welcoming our Reception parents to our school. Many thanks to all involved in the planning and preparation for our event and also to all parents who contributed such healthy delicious food. A special welcome to all parents who took the time out of their busy schedule to come in and get to know our team and other families within our year group.
A Message from Mr Baffoe
Welcome to a new academic year at Jessop Primary School and Children's Centre! I hope you all had a restful and enjoyable summer. As we embark on this exciting journey together, I want to express my gratitude for your continued support and commitment to our school community. This year, we are focusing on fostering a love for learning, encouraging creativity, and promoting well-being among our students. We have an exciting curriculum planned, with plenty of opportunities for growth and development both inside and outside the classroom. I look forward to working closely with you to ensure our children have a successful and enriching year. Together, we can make this year one of the best yet!
I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to our wonderful PTA for organizing the recent Meet the Teacher Event giving our children the opportunity to meet their new teachers. It was a delightful event that fostered community spirit. I also invite you to our upcoming Parent Consultations at the end of this half-term, where you can discuss your child's targets and how they have settled into the term. A top priority for us this year is encouraging reading, and we’re excited to announce that a book fair will be held at school, along with visits from authors to inspire our children to read for pleasure.
Thank you for your continued support in making our school a vibrant place for learning!
Parent Reading Drop In
Once again our recent Parent Reading Drop-In event was a resounding success. Many thanks to all parents who were able to attend. Your presence and enthusiasm made this initiative truly special. Seeing you share the joy of reading with your children, whether by reading to them or listening to them read, was inspiring and heartwarming.
Your involvement not only enriches your child's learning experience but also strengthens our school community. We are grateful for your continued support and look forward to many more opportunities to collaborate and celebrate our students' love for reading.
Thank you once again for making this event a success!
Exhibition of Work
Its that time again for you to unleash your creative juices! Do not forget to have fun with your child by supporting them with their creations ready to be exhibited for our Exhibition of work. Please send in the exhibits on Thursday 10th October 2024. Please see attached letter for further information.
International Breakfast
Join us for an exciting International Breakfast Event on Friday 11th October, where parents are invited to contribute a traditional dish from their culture to share with the community. This is a wonderful opportunity to celebrate the diverse backgrounds of our families. Children are encouraged to come dressed in their national colors or traditional clothing, adding to the festive atmosphere. Let's come together to enjoy a morning of delicious food, cultural exchange, and unity!
Blue Whale Assembly
Bees meet Ballet - A Celebration of Co-operation.
Dolpin Class Assembly
Dont forget to join us on Friday 27th September at 10:30 to watch Dolphin Class perform their last class assembly!
Whole School Book Fair
Save the date for our Scholastic Book Fair!
When: Friday 27th September 2024 after school
Where: KS2 Playground.
Lots of books on offer and earn free books for our school with every book bought. Books on sale from just £2.99.
Jeans for Genes : A Denim Celebration for a Great Cause
This week, our school participated in Jeans for Genes Week, with both children and staff proudly sporting their favourite jeans to raise awareness and support for genetic disorders. It was wonderful to see everyone come together in denim, showing solidarity and making a positive impact. Thank you to everyone who took part and helped make this week a success!
Winter Melodies - A Music Masters Welcome Back
We are excited to kick off another wonderful year of music lessons, with Year 1 students starting their musicianship journey and Year 2-6 diving into cello and violin practice. A warm welcome to all the Year 2 children starting lessons for the first time—your musical adventure begins now!
Reading at Jessop
Early Reading Development
At Jessop we use the Essential Letters and Sounds (ELS) program for reading. In EYFS and KS1, children are taught 20 minutes of phonics everyday. Ask your child what sound they are currently learning?
We encourage children to continue applying their phonics learning to support their spelling in KS2, particularly for those tricky words. You are never too old to use phonics!
At Jessop we teach reading discreetly, this means it is taught as a single subject. Each day we have a different focus.
On Mondays it is ‘Text and Talk,’ the children are introduced to their new text for the week. Children are exposed to a variety of different text types and genres. The children hear the text being read to them and identify new vocabulary and meaning of words.
On Tuesday, the children become ‘Word Detectives’. The children answer retrieval questions. This is where they can find the answer in the text. Children use their skimming and scanning skills to find their answers.
On Wednesday, children use their ‘Thinking Caps’. They answer a variety of inference questions. They are taught the skills that help them use your prior knowledge and textual information to draw conclusions, make critical judgments, and form interpretations of a text.
Thursday is our ‘Building Blocks’ lesson. This is where children look at the grammar and structures of the text they have been reading.
On Fridays, children answer opinion questions. We call this our ‘Points of View’ lessons. Children are encouraged to express their opinions and make links to the text and their own experiences in the world.
The children revisit the text daily reading it aloud, independently and with their peers.
Try reinforcing the day's learning with focussed questioning during home reading time!
FoJ (Friends of Jessop) - Update
Transforming Playgrounds: A Big Thank You to Our Opera Volunteers
A heartfelt thank you to our dedicated Opera Volunteers, who recently revitalized our playgrounds by painting benches and woodwork, transforming the area into a more vibrant and inviting space. Your hard work and creativity have truly made a world of difference, enhancing our children's learning environment and bringing new life to their outdoor play areas. We are incredibly grateful for your generous contribution!A special thank you to our Friends of Jessop, especially Laura, who spearheaded the project and made sure this happened
Meet Your Child's Teacher
A Warm Welcome to the start of a new year!
Welcome back to all our Jessop Primary families! A huge thank you to our amazing PTA for organising such a fantastic community event to kick off the new term. We also want to thank our wonderful parents for their continued support. The day was filled with exciting stalls, including second-hand treasures, delicious food and drinks, and a fun bouncy castle. A special shout-out to the children who made and sold their own creations, generously donating £28 to the school—well done! It was a well-organised event that truly brought our school community together.
We raised over £500 for school funds. Please come along to Friends of Jessop drinks on Wednesday 9th October at Prince Regent at 7.30pm. We also look forward to seeing you at fireworks night on Friday 8th November. Where there will be a bar, school uniform and lots of glow sticks for sale!
Topics this Term
To learn more about the curriculum for your year group/s next term, visit the school's website to access the knowledge organisers.
Please help support your child with their spellings by looking at the spelling rules, sounds and patterns in each word. Practising spellings daily (or as much as possible) will help your children to learn and remember each word.
In KS1, children will need to choose five spelling words to put into sentences.
In KS2, children will need to write a sentence for each word, using neat, joined handwriting.
This will give the children the opportunity to understand the meaning of each word, put the word into context and allow them to practise their handwriting.
The children will complete a Spelling and Times Table test during the week.
Top questions to ask your child this month!
Please remember, there is a 'Word of the Week' for every subject.
Ask your child for their 'Word of the Week' in English and Maths.
Ask them to explains what it means and to put the word into a sentence.
Calling all Parent / Carers with children under five!
This is a great opportunity for your child to have access to free books delivered to you every month!
Lambeth Children's Centres have joined with The Dolly Parton Imagination Library to foster a love of learning. All you need to do is register and they will do the rest. Please see the attached flyer for more details, or click on the picture. To Register please click on this link https://imaginationlibrary.com/uk/affiliate/LAMBETH/?chkAvalAddressData=eyJjYWxsYmFjayI6dHJ1ZSwiYWRkcmVzcyI6eyJjb3VudHJ5IjoiVUsiLCJ6aXAiOiJTVzIgMVJXIn19
For more information about Children Centres in Lambeth please click on the link provided below.
Important Dates for your Diary September and October 2024 ...
Tuesday 24th September
4.00pm - 4.45pm - Year 6 Expectations Meeting for parents in the main hall
Thursday 26th September
3:30pm - Whole School Book Fair
Friday 27th September
10.30am - Year 6 Dolphin class assembly in the main hall
Tuesday 1st October
9.30am and 2.00pm Open Day - please book online
Friday 4th October
10.30am - School Council Harvest assembly in the main hall
Monday 7th October
Wellbeing Week - 7th - 11th
Tuesday 8th October
9.30am and 2.00pm Open Day - please book online
Thursday 10th October
Mental Health Day
Friday 11th October
8.30am - 9.00am - International Breakfast in the dining hall
Tuesday 15th October
9.00am and 2.30pm Exhibition of Work in the main hall
Tuesday 15th October
3.45pm - 6pm Parent Consultation in person
Wednesday 16th October
9.00am and 2.30pm Exhibition of Work in the main hall
Wednesday 16th October
3.45pm - 6pm Parent Consultation in person
Monday 28th October to Friday 1st November Half Term - School Closed.
All children return to school on Tuesday 5th November @ 8:55
Central to raising standards in all schools and ensuring all pupils can fulfil their potential, is the need for children to attend school regularly to benefit from their education.
There is a strong link between good learning, high achievement, rapid progress and developing good social skills with excellent attendance.
We want to take this opportunity to outline our expectations for school attendance this academic year.
If your child arrives at school from 9.01am they will be marked as LATE, if they arrive after 9.30am they will be classed as “late after the register is closed” and their attendance is classed as absent for the morning session. As the registers would have already been returned to the Department for Education.
Regular poor punctuality can also have a negative effect on your child’s attendance as well as their academic learning. Being 6 minutes late each day equals 30 minutes of missed learning every week.
If your child’s attendance drops below 90%, we will need to share our concerns with the Local Authority Education Welfare Officer at Lambeth Council.
Is my child too ill for school?
How to seek support with attendance challenges
What's new on the website?
Check out our new learning updates page on the website.
You will also be able to access our current term curriculum learning (Knowledge Organiser) from there too.
Key Stage 1
Lower Key Stage 2
Key Stage 2
Raising a Concern
It is important to us that any concerns or questions you may have are dealt with as efficiently as possible. The structure we have in place is designed to do just that.
The structure
1) Your first port of call is -Your child’s class teacher
(email via the admin team to request a meeting)
2) You may contact the leader of your child’s phase
This includes issues regarding communication and organisation
(email via the admin team to request a meeting)
Should you be dissatisfied with the handling or outcome…
3) You may raise your concerns with Mr Baffoe
(email via the admin team to request a meeting outlining the nature for the purpose of the meeting)
Leaders are required to share items (as appropriate) with Mr Baffoe on a weekly basis, even if the matter is being handled by them.
We request that you do not field your concerns to FoJ but instead work directly with the school staff as outlined above.
Quote of the Month
Out of School Clubs at Jessop
Do you have the Skill to help?
When we need particular support from our parent community, we post for help on our 'Call to Action' page on the schools website, and send the direct page link in an email to our parent community. So signing up is really easy!
Perhaps you would like to be a secret reader (reading a story to your child’s class), or would like to support us in maximising children’s opportunity to practice their reading skills.
New this week! We are looking for parents to help us prepare, organise and sort resources for our SEND learners. If you would like to support these children by giving some time to the school, please click on the link above.
We need you. Click on the title to find out more.
Our September SEND Newsletter is out now, find out more about our Inclusion Team
What's on at Jessop Children Centre
Keep up to date
For more information on any of the above and more, press below to visit the schools website and follow us on Twitter!