Eagle Flyer
May 2, 2024
Important Dates
May 7
Kindergarten Musical 6pm in Cafeteria
May 8
Bruster's (Holcomb Bridge Road) Spirit Night 4-7pm
May 13
All Library Books Due
May 15
Q4 PBIS Celebration
May 16
Field Day for Grades 3-5
May 17
Field Day for KDG-2nd Grade
May 21
Virtual Learning Day for all students
May 23
Last Day of School
Newsletter Translation
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Bruster's Spirit NIght May 8
Wednesday, May 8th, 4-7pm
Visit Bruster’s Ice Cream at 8420 Holcomb Bridge Rd on May 8th from 4-7pm for a cold, sweet treat! 15% of all proceeds go back to REES PTA!
Landscaping Beautification : Thanks, Calling All Dads!
A huge shoutout to our amazing PTA for spearheading the "Calling All Dads" event aimed at enhancing our school environment. The efforts put forth by everyone involved have made a tremendous impact on our campus.
The incredible team that showed up last Sunday successfully revamped the area outside of the 4/5 hallway by dismantling flower beds and replacing them with new plants and mulch. Additionally, they beautified the front of the school by planting new greenery in the planters, picking up trash around the entire campus, and clearing debris near and around the flagpole. They also took the time to trim overhanging limbs on the steps to the lower field and revitalized the appearance of the front exterior of the building with a thorough pressure wash.
This event attracted not only dads but also several moms and students, underscoring the strength of our supportive parent community. We are incredibly fortunate to have such dedicated individuals contributing to the betterment of River Eves.
Heartfelt gratitude to our PTA and all volunteers for their commitment to creating the best possible learning environment for our students. Your hard work and dedication do not go unnoticed, and your efforts truly make River Eves the exceptional school it is.
Thanks for all you do!
Georgia Milestones Testing
Greetings Families,
A detailed calendar of the days each grade level will be testing is attached below.
Testing will begin promptly at 8:00 on each day of testing. It is imperative that students arrive to school on time so that they are not rushed before their assessment begins.
Our staff has been working hard to ensure your student feels confident and prepared for these assessments. We will be reminding them to take their time and to do their best, and we encourage you to do the same. Ensuring students get a good night’s rest each evening and arrive to school with enough time to enjoy breakfast and get to class before 7:40 are other ways you can help your child feel prepared and confident on testing day.
If you have any questions, please feel free to send me an email.
Thank you!
Mrs. Lavoie, Assistant Principal
School Calendar Change for May 21
On May 21st, Fulton County Schools will be implementing a virtual learning day for all students. This decision has been made in response to the statewide election scheduled to take place on that day.
While our dedicated staff will be required to report to River Eves, all students will remain at home for the day. Our teachers will provide students with assignments and activities to complete from home. These assignments will be communicated through our usual channels. We encourage all students to engage actively with their assigned tasks and to reach out to their teachers should they require any assistance or clarification.
We understand that this change may disrupt your usual routine, and we sincerely appreciate your understanding. Should you have any questions or concerns regarding the virtual learning day on May 21st, please do not hesitate to contact me.
-Susan Gowin, Principal
All Library Books Due May 13
To pay for library books, visit Online School Payment. Thank you.
Kindergarten Musical : The Three Piggy Opera
Our precious Kindergarten classes will be presenting their Spring musical entitled “The Three Piggy Opera” on May 7th at 6:00 pm in our school cafeteria. Please come out and see our young musicians as they retell the story of the Three Little Pigs. A guest reader from our Fifth-grade class will also be a part of this show. We hope to see you there!
Forget to Order a Yearbook?
You’re in luck…we have ordered extras. Limited quantity available. Yearbooks will be distributed to Homeroom Teachers on May 13th!
Click HERE to order!
Lost & Found Reminder
Parents, please have your children check the lost and found as soon as possible for any missing items. The lost and found is overflowing with jackets, sweatshirts and water bottles!
All clothing items will be donated to charity on the last day of school! Additionally, all lunch boxes, water bottles and accessories will be thrown out on the last day of school.
Field Day 2024 Volunteers
We are so excited for our annual Field Day at River Eves! Our theme this year is House Olympics and we have a lot of fun stations planned!
Grades 3-5 Field Day is Thursday, May 16th from 8:30-12:46pm.
Grades K-2 Field Day is Friday, May 17th from 8:30-12:46pm.
Please take a look at the stations below and sign up to volunteer your time to help teachers and students with directions and monitoring. If you wish to be at the station the entire day, feel free to sign up for both slots. We would love to have you! Please plan to come 10-15 minutes early to prepare and make sure you are ready to run the station. I will have directions and diagrams ready for you when you get to the station and I will have contact information in case you have any questions or come across a problem.
Thank you again for volunteering your time and I look forward to a fun filled two days with our community!
-Coach Carrillo
Career Day Interest Survey
Career Day is fast approaching and we are looking for speakers! If you are interested in sharing your career with the students at River Eves, please complete this survey by scanning the QR code below and Ms. Exum will reach out to you. The students love hearing about exciting career possibilities! This special day will take place on Monday, May 13th from 12:00pm to 2:00pm for our 3rd-5th graders.
We look forward to having you!
- Kiara Exum, School Counselor
Phone: 470-254-9981
Email: exumk@fultonschools.org
School Supply Kits
Introducing SchoolKidz Supply Kits! Great News! This year we will be offering the SchoolKidz supply kit program which offers custom school supply boxes filled with the exact items requested by your
child’s teacher. Everything you need for class in one box. It’s that easy!
Skip the lines this summer. Order your supplies with SchoolKidz!
REES Account #32108
End of Year Clinic Medication Pick Up
Q4 PBIS Celebration - Inflatables
Wednesday, May 15, 2024
Our Quarter 4 celebration will be a variety of inflatables for students to enjoy.
Please sign up to volunteer to make this day a bigger success.
We need five parents from each grade level to support this event!
Please also make sure you are approved to volunteer by completing the mandatory volunteer video and form https://www.fultonschools.org/Page/9539
Reminder: The inflatables are for currenly enrolled students only.
Sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0C49ACAF29A5FFCF8-48528575-q4pbis#/
May is Mental Health Month
Attendance Matters ALL DAY, EVERY DAY
Please keep your child home if they are feeling sick (vomiting or running a fever), but don’t forget to email your child’s teacher to inform of their absence/provide a doctor’s note. If your child is missing a lot of school due to illness, check with the teacher about any work that needs to be completed. Also, check in with your child to ensure they're caught up on missed assignments, and to see if they need assistance and/or support to complete them. Reach out to your child's teacher for assistance when necessary.
Help Your Child Succeed in School: Build the Habit of Good Attendance! School success goes hand in hand with good attendance!
- Kasey Vermilya, LMSW, School Social Worker
Fridays are Spirit Days!
Let's show our school spirit!! Every Friday is Spirit Day! Students are welcome to wear school colors on Fridays and there are some awesome spirit wear options that can be purchased online. Just click on the following link and Go Eagles! MemberHub
Jr Knights Cheer Registration
Roswell Youth Tackle Football & Cheer Registration
Registration for Roswell Youth Football for K-5th grade is now open for Fall 2024! Coaches will teach players the game of football thru good sportsmanship and proper and safe techniques. Information sheets will be e-mailed out during the summer months with further details on equipment handouts, etc. There will be some travel required for games on Saturdays- metro Atlanta areas. Practice days will be determined after drafts. Registration for Youth Tackle Football closes on Friday, July 26th.
Road Closures for Taste of Alpharetta on May 9
Jr Knights Football - Spring Practice
Centennial Football Summer Camp
Centennial Basketball Summer Camps
Building Character Summer Camp
Johns Creek Volleyball Camp
Roswell Junior Hornets Volleyball Camp
The Link : Student & Family Engagement Center
Taekwondo Generations
Who Do I Contact for Questions/Concerns?
If you have questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to our team. The first point of contact will always be your child's teacher.
- Allyson Hewett/Jessie Ivey - Instructional Support Teachers (IST) – Ms. Hewett coordinates programs and service delivery for special education students, as well as the coordination of educational testing for students who are referred for special education services. Parents with questions about the special education process should contact the IST for information. hewettad@fultonschools.org; iveyj@fultonschools.org
- Laura Lavoie - Assistant Principal - Ms. Lavoie oversees student information, grading, standardized testing & discipline. lavoiel@fultonschools.org
- Kiara Exum - School Counselor - Ms. Exum works with school personnel to foster a positive learning environment for children. She assists parents in understanding children and in developing positive attitudes, techniques, and strategies essential for constructive child rearing. Ms. Exum assists parents and children in obtaining special school and/or community services and serves as the 504 chairperson. exumk@fultonschools.org
- Ginny Long - Curriculum Support Teacher (CST) Ms. Long supports parents with questions involving curriculum, class placement, and diagnostic placement assessments. Ms. Long also supports teachers to improve the quality of teaching and learning in science and math. longg@fultonschools.org
- Stacy Storr – Student Support Team Chair and Upper Grades Literacy Coach – Ms. Storr leads the Multi-tiered System of Supports (MTSS) team in using the problem-solving model to identify appropriate interventions to ensure every learner has the opportunity to succeed. Ms. Storr also works with teachers to improve the quality of teaching and learning in reading and language arts and social studies. storrSB@fultonschools.org
- Brittany Brewer – Lower Grades Literacy Coach – Ms. Brewer works with teachers and students to improve the quality of teaching and student learning in reading and language arts. BrewerB3@fultonschools.org
- Ramona Fair – Data Clerk – Ms. Fair provides assistance and support in the maintenance structure and processing of data necessary to facilitate proper scheduling, updating, and monitoring of student records. She is responsible for ensuing attendance, scheduling, and student record data within infinite campus is accurate. She is also responsible for new registration and withdrawals. FairR1@fultonschools.org
- Kasey Vermilya – School Social Worker – Ms. Vermilya serves as the liaison between the school, home, and community to support attendance, social-emotional, and academic needs of students. She also conducts student/family assessments to determine barriers in accessing and engaging in the educational environment to help identify ways to best support students and families. vermilyak1@fultonschools.org
- If further assistance is still needed, contact the Principal, Susan Gowin. gowins@fultonschools.org