E-News Week of March 9th

Message: "Finding Strength" - 2 Timothy 2:1-7
Worship Songs (Click on the song title below to hear it.)
Come People Of The Risen King
Missed Last Weeks Sermon Click On the Video Above
On December 15th, 2024 we had a special called Business Meeting. At the meeting The Stewardship Committee and Sanctuary Remodel Committee gave a recommendation to enter in a contract with Paragon 360 and all portions of the project overseen by the church at a cost of $914,452 not to exceed $1,200,000 for the entire project. Also to continue the capital campaign into 2025. As a church we voted to move forward with recommendation.
Thankfully, as we have started all the work many of the costs have come under budget. The document below you can see a breakdown of what was estimated in the beginning, what we have spent to date, and what we still owe towards the project. We have collected $90,219 towards the capital campaign. With the lower costs to date, we only need $9,375 towards the capital campaign.
African Service
African Service
We are so excited to announce that we are having an African Worship Service here at Parkade from 12pm-3pm on Sunday Afternoons under Pastor Innocent Mugwaneza. He and his team have been meeting during this time over the last several months as a soft start. They would love for you to join them each Sunday starting at noon. The service is in Swahili and in English. We are thrilled to see where this new found partnership will lead us in the upcoming future.
Philippine Mission Trip Presentation
Philippine Mission Trip
Join us on March 12th at 6pm down in the Fellowship Hall to hear a presentation from Pastor Chris and Christopher on their Mission Trip to the Philippines.
Church Family Night
Sign Ups for Wednesday Night Dinner are Due on Sunday. If you do not sign up on Sunday and come on Wednesday Night we will be asking you to step aside until those who have signed up go through the line. We also ask that you pay the $ 5 for Ind. or $ 20 Family donation at the door, or online.
Deacon Recommendations
Partnership In Education - Parkade Elementary
Here are some upcoming dates you can help serve Parkade Elementary through our PIE Team.
February 24-27: Volunteers to Assist at the Book Fair
Fancy Lunch February 24: Volunteers to come join them for the Fancy lunch and sit with students who's parents or grandparents could not attend 11am-1:55pm
Trivia Night March 8: Volunteers and Teams to Join $25 per person on a team. This is a fundraiser for the PTA.
If you are interested in serving and helping Parkade Elementary out with any of the events you can contact Pastor Christopher.
The Blessing Box
Blessing Box Update
The new Blessing Box is in place and is working out wonderfully. We are collecting items once again for those in need, below are the items needed for the box.
Items Needed items:
Chemical hand warmers
Hats, gloves, scarves, small blankets
Cereals- individual and family size
Powdered milk
Hot cereal packets- oatmeal, cream of wheat, etc.
Hot chocolate packets
Dry instant soup mixes
Dry beans and rice
Instant pasta and rice meals
Snacks- nuts, trail mix, breakfast and granola bars, etc.
Women on Mission
Operation Christmas Child
WOM will be placing OCC boxes out in the Welcome Center. Pick up One or Two !!
Children's Ministry
Be sure to check out the March newsletter, Winter/Spring activity calendar, and the Children's Choir schedule below.
Our fellowship activity this month is a trip to Sky Zone. There is more information about this event at the Kid's Check-In desk in the Welcome Center.
If you are interested in volunteering on Sunday mornings or Wednesday evenings, please contact Elizabeth Cook (elizabethc@parkade.church).
Student Ministry
Check out our Student Ministry Fall Calendar Here
Super Summer 2025 June 16-20 Southwest Baptist University Bolivar Mo. You can pick up your form in the youth room or print and fill out the forms below. All forms are due Wednesday, February 12th.