Welcome Back!

Welcome Back!
I hope you all had a wonderful summer
filled with fun, relaxation, and memorable moments. As we prepare to embark on another year of learning and growth, I am thrilled to extend a warm welcome to both our returning families and those who are new to our school community.
At Northwest, we are dedicated to creating a safe, nurturing, and engaging environment where every student can
thrive. Our talented and caring staff have been working diligently to prepare for the year ahead, and we are eager to support our students in achieving their fullest potential academically, socially, and emotionally.
Northwest Elementary believes that strong partnerships between school and home are key to student success. We
have planned a variety of events and activities to foster family involvement and open communication. Our academic and social-emotional learning programs will continue to support students in developing essential life skills such as empathy, resilience, and collaboration.
Please make sure to regularly check our school website, newsletters, talking points, and Facebook page for
updates, important information, and upcoming events. If you have any questions or need assistance, do not hesitate to contact our office.
We are excited to welcome our students back into the classrooms and look forward to a year filled with discovery,
growth, and success. Together, we can make this school year a positive and enriching experience for every child.
Thank you for your continued support and partnership. Let’s make this a fantastic school year!
Principal Miller,
Aug 14th 5:30
Bring your school supplies and meet your new teacher at open house!
Aug 15th
First day of school!
Aug 19th and 20th 5:30
Aug 20th 3rd - 4th
First Day of School!
- Doors will open at 7:25am.
- Breakfast will be 7:25-7:55am in the school cafeteria.
- ALL KIDS WILL REPORT TO THE GYM if they arrive before 7:55am.
- The second bell rings at 8:00. If your student arrives after 8am, they are considered tardy and will need to stop by the office to grab a tardy slip from the attendance clerk before heading to class.
- If you need to make chances to your students regular dismissal please call to notify the office before 2:30.
- Dismissal is 3:15pm. Please see below on Safe Dismissal details.
Safe Dismissal
Northwest will continue with Safe Dismissal for this upcoming school year. Please see the videos below if you are new to NW! This dismissal process improves the safety of your children and the efficiency (speed) of dismissal. One of the many features of this dismissal process is that your children will remain comfortably and safely in their classroom until the moment they will meet you in the "car loading zone".
Here are a couple tips to follow during our new dismissal process:
1. Please make sure to have your ‘pick-up’ card displayed in your front window when entering the dismissal line. Please keep your card displayed until your child has been loaded into your car. You will get your new card at Open House August 14th (5:30-6:30pm). We are going to try to keep the numbers the same for returning families.
2. If your student does not arrive at the loading spot before you do, you may be instructed to move forward where your child will be notified again. We ask you to move forward so that we do not hold up the remaining dismissal line.
3. There are 4 walk-up locations. Office, Kindergarten, 1st grade and 6th Avenue doors.
4. Please refrain from cutting into traffic by turning into the pick-up line when traveling south on 6th avenue.
Finally, we ask for your patience the first couple of days. Our staff is committed to making this process beneficial to all!
Please visit www.safeDISMISSAL.com for more information as well as more info from NW!