Go Ganders!
Principal Torok's Newsletter
May 20, 2024
Here are the highlights for this week. As always, do not hesitate to contact me with questions, comments or ideas.
Week at a Glance
Monday, May 20 (C day)
Tuesday, May 21 (D day)
Wednesday, May 22 (A day)
Thursday, May 23 (No School)
Friday, May 24 (No School)
Upcoming News & Events!
Spirit Week begins Monday, 5/20!
Join us for our last Spirit Week of the school year! See the flyer for details. All attire must follow the school dress code. Get your school spirit on!
Springfest is this Wednesday, 5/22! 🎉
Springfest will be this Wednesday, May 22 at 1:00 PM! Students will enjoy a fun time in the sun and have the option of participating in activities such as soccer, frisbee, cornhole, and volleyball! We will also have a dunk-tank where students can take a chance dunking some of their teachers! Various booths will be selling snacks and refreshments, so bring some cash to enjoy some treats and support our clubs' fundraising efforts. An abbreviated schedule will be used on this day, see below.
PM BOCES students interested in participating should report to the library after 4th
period and remain there until 1:00 PM. PM BOCES students will report to the cafe period 6 for lunch. Students are not permitted to leave and come back to school for the event.
Bell Schedule for Springfest, 5/22!
Above is the abbreviated bell schedule for Springfest on Wednesday, May 22. Teachers, please hold students in class until a PA announcement is made. Thank you!
- Monday, 5/20 Varsity Baseball (Sectionals) at 4:00 PM vs New Paltz
- Thursday, 5/23 Varsity Track & Field (Sectionals) at 2:00 PM vs Multiple Schools
Please note this listing only includes home games.
School Budget Vote on 5/21! 🗳️
The School Budget Vote is happening on Tuesday, May 21, 2024. Voting will be open from 7:00 AM to 9:00 PM at the District Office. Don't forget to vote!
Attention Students! 📢
As we approach the last few weeks of school, many students seek extra help or Regents review during their lunch period. Please remember that you must have a pre-signed pass from your teacher to do so. Make sure to plan ahead and get your pass in advance! 📝
Ulster BOCES is Closed on Tuesday, 5/28!
Attention BOCES Students! Please note that Ulster BOCES will be closed on Tuesday, May 28, 2024 due to a giveback emergency closure day.
No Classes on June 4!
Important reminder! The new Algebra I Regents exam aligned to Next Generation Learning Standards is scheduled to be administered on June 4. Therefore, the high school will be administering the exam to the entire freshman class as well as any other students who need to take this on Tuesday, June 4. As a result, there will be no instructional classes held on June 4. Only students taking the Algebra 1 Regents exam will report to the high school on Tuesday, June 4.
Students taking the exam will arrive at school on their regular morning bus runs, and will be transported home after completion of the exam. If you have any questions, please see your teacher.
Regents Review Schedule!
Check out our full listing of after school review for Regents and Final Exams. Review sessions will start at 2:30 PM in assigned locations. To view, click HERE.
June Regents Exams
Be sure to review the June Regents exam schedule below. If you have questions, please contact your student's counselor directly. Please note that all morning exams will begin at 8:00 AM and all afternoon exams will begin at 12:00 PM. Additional testing information will be released next week.
Order Your Yearbook Now! 📚
Yes, you can still order a yearbook! You can order at any time (even years from now), but if you want it signed before the end of this school year, the time to order is now.
To order, go to www.treering.com and click "Buy Yearbooks." Then enter the passcode: 1014540845314295. Yearbooks cost $48.
Join Us for Our Final PTSA Meeting of the Year!
We invite you to our last PTSA meeting of the school year on Wednesday, June 5 at 6:00 PM in the High School Library. This important meeting will cover reflections on this past year and outline our plans for the upcoming year.
In addition, there will be a special presentation on Title I funded programs. Principal Torok will provide an in-depth look at the Academic Intervention Services available at RVHS and our reading program. We will also explain the academic assessments used to measure student progress, the proficiency levels expected of our students, and the crucial role you, as parents, play in your child's education. Your participation is valuable, and we hope to see you there!
Class of 2024 Info!
Attention Seniors!
Important information about graduation, graduation rehearsal and other end of the year festivities will be released this week to all seniors and their families. Stay tuned!
FAFSA Workshops Offered This Month! 💰🎓
Attention, seniors! The time has come to complete your Financial Aid application, and SUNY is here to help. Take advantage of virtual hands-on workshops to navigate this crucial step in your academic journey. These workshops provide invaluable guidance and support as you navigate the complexities of the Financial Aid process from the comfort of your own home. Click here for more details and to reserve your spot! 💰🎓
Lunch Menu!
Health & Wellness News!
Fall Sports Physicals are Approaching! 🏈🏐🎾
Attention all student-athletes! Fall Sports Physicals are right around the corner. Fall Sports Physicals will be held on 5/29, 6/5, & 6/12. To secure your slot, please sign up with Nurse Redmond as soon as possible. Go Ganders!
Gander News!
WISE Program!
Rondout Valley High School Grade 12 students in the WISE program spend a semester pursuing in-depth investigation on a topic they want to learn more about. Projects can be research-based internships or creative explorations based on the student’s area of interest. During the semester students keep a daily journal and meet with a mentor (a district administrator or teacher) weekly. The culmination are public oral presentations about their subject, which take place from May through mid-June. We are so proud of their hard work! To learn more about the WISE program, click here.
Science Symposium on June 6! 🔬🧬
Get ready for an evening of fascinating exploration and discovery at our upcoming Science Symposium! Join us on June 6 from 6:00 to 9:00 PM in the high school auditorium for an enlightening showcase of research and innovation.
Our senior Science Research Program students will be presenting their cutting-edge studies, covering a diverse range of topics:
- Luke Kotsides: Investigating Inequalities in Access to Covid Testing
- Django Accardi: Testing the Existence of Batesian Mimicry in Northern Water Snakes and Eastern Copperheads
- Jakob Baron: Application of GPR in Detecting Small to Midsize Fossils and Artifacts
- Siddhartha Lama: Assessing the Potential Application of a Targeted Basic Income Program in Hamilton County NY
- Nick Laskowski: Energetic Efficiency of a Tidal Turbine
- Adeline Delessio: Simulating the Environment of Europa to Investigate the Lifetimes and Degradation Rates of Amino Acids When Irradiated in the Presence of Salt
Our sophomore students will also be showcasing their research posters, featuring the work of:
- Ceci Kwiecinski
- Ruby Powell
- Tristan Post
- Jeffrey Ulrich
- Borny Patwoary
The evening's schedule includes three initial presentations, followed by approximately 45 minutes for refreshments and exploring the poster displays. Students will be available during this time to answer any questions. Then, we'll conclude the night with the remaining three presentations. The event will be emceed by Amelia Dunphy.
Don't miss out on this exciting opportunity to celebrate scientific inquiry and innovation within our school community! We hope to see you there! 🌱🧬
Recognize a RVHS Teacher or Staff Member!
Mr. Reeder, English Teacher
by Anonymous HS Student
Because he is funny and he has the best classes.
Ms. Miller School Counselor
by Anonymous HS Colleague
Ms. Miller is compassionate, kind and cares about her students.
Mr. Delessio, Special Education Teacher & Mr. Mahoskey, Senior Crisis Behavior Specialist
by Anonymous HS Student
They both help people with everything.
Ms. Quinones, English Teacher
by Anonymous HS Colleague
Ms. Quinones works hard to engage her students and truly think about how to keep them interested in reading. She finds various ways to get them talking and thinking about the stories they read.
Mr. Loheide, PE & Heath Teacher
by Anonymous HS Student
This person needs to be recognize because he is very helpful and hard working.
Ms. Burch, Reading Teacher
by Anonymous HS Student
She helps us with a lot and makes sure we have a good time she asks about our weekend and asks how we are.
Mr. Serson, English Teacher
by Anonymous HS Colleague
Mr. Serson goes above and beyond to have his students think critically about the texts they read and pieces they write. He informs students about both their writing strengths and ways to improve.
Ms. McDonough, English Teacher
by Anonymous HS Colleague
Mrs. McDonough creates clever ways to get students to engage in the texts they read. During March, she created a March Madness bracket board for her students to read some great poems and choose the best ones!
Mr. Reeder, English Teacher
by Anonymous HS Colleague
Mr. Reeder is a great person to discuss literature. His passion for reading about the human condition and talking about the different conflicts and characters of stories is unmatched. He speaks with students about literature with such an excitement that convinces you to read more even if you are not an avid reader.
Ms. Burch, Reading Teacher
by Anonymous HS Colleague
She is an excellent teacher whose love for teaching and students is clear in all that she does. She has high expectations, values accountability, and has excellent student outcomes! Her professionalism is unmatched along with her creativity and organization. Her contributions to the educational community are invaluable.
Thank you to everyone for your nominations. We appreciate your encouraging and positive words! Your support inspires us to be the best educators we can be!
Krispy Kreme Doughnuts! 🍩
Craving something sweet? The Junior Class (Class of 2025) has you covered with Krispy Kreme Doughnuts! 🍩 Order forms may be picked up in the Library. All orders and payment are due by Monday, May 20. Pick up all orders on Thursday May 30 on the loading dock from 2:30 to 5:00 PM. Spread the word to your friends and family! Don't miss out on these delicious treats!
Order Gander Merch & Support the RVHSPTSA!
Show your Rondout Valley school pride! There are a variety of colors and styles to choose from. These are perfect for a graduation or Father's Day gift or to treat yourself. Please order by May 31 for a June 11-20 arrival. Your purchases will be mailed directly to you.
Order at https://www.bonfire.com/store/rvpride/
Thank you for supporting the Rondout Valley High School PTSA.
Questions?: ptsarvhs@gmail.com
Awareness Calendar Now Available!
Class Advisors for 2023-24!
Class of 2025: Ms. Samuels & Ms. Murphy
Class of 2026: Ms. Bouton & Mr. Brodhead
Class of 2027: Ms. McPeek & Ms. Sheehan
Athletic News!
Impressive Second Place Finish at MHAL Tennis Championship!
Congratulations to Maven Flamhaft and Finn Kenney for their outstanding performance in the MHAL Boy's Tennis Championship Tournament! 🎾 They secured second place in the competition held at FDR High School on May 17. Well done, Maven and Finn!
Gander Merch!
Gander gear is available for purchase online! This store is open all year and all orders are shipped directly to the buyer. Orders are customizable and there is something for everyone! Click here to shop now! If you have any questions, please contact our athletic office. Go Ganders!!!
Jeff Panek
Director of Athletics, Health and Physical Education
687-2400 ext. 4287
School Counseling News
Counseling Office
For 2023-2024, the students are assigned to Counselors as follows:
- Holly Miller, Grade 9
- Courtney DeMarco, Grades 10–12 (A–K)
Jody Hoffman, Grades 10–12 (L–Z)
- Alison Klein, College & Career Counselor
Bell Schedule!
Here's the regular bell schedule for the 2023-24 school year. Two-hour delay bell schedule is also posted on our school website.
After School Support!
Night School Schedule & Info!
Night School started on Monday, October 2. Night School & Regents Prep will be held from 2:35-4:30 PM on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays. Questions about Night School, contact Ms. Balestra.
Night School Supervisor
Ms. Balestra
687-2400 ext. 4252
After-School Expectations
We wanted to take an opportunity to remind students about after school expectations.
- Students are not to be in the building after school unless under the direct supervision of a staff member, which includes club advisor, after school help, Night School, or detention. Students must remain with the supervisor for the duration of time. When a club advisor or teacher dismisses you, students must report to the cafeteria and wait for the late bus.
- After school buses depart campus at 3:30 and 4:35 PM daily.
- Anyone wishing to stay after to complete schoolwork, but not with a specific teacher must report to the cafeteria.
- All students are to report to assigned areas by 2:30 PM. Those found in the halls without passes after that time will be given an office referral and may face loss of after school privileges.
Campus Parent (Parent Portal)
The Parent Portal through Infinite Campus allows families to monitor their child’s progress, grades, and attendance. If you need assistance accessing the portal the portal, please email Randi Chase at rchase@rondout.k12.ny.us. If at any time you have a question about your child’s assignments, please contact your child’s teacher or counselor.
Upcoming Dates!
21: Third Meeting of the Month at 2:35 PM
22: Springfest at 1:00 PM
23-27: School Closed
29: Spring Concert at 7:00 PM
3: Senior Award Night at 6:30 PM in HS Auditorium
4: Algebra 1 Regents/No Classes
5: PTSA Meeting at 6:00 PM
6: Science Symposium 6:00 PM in HS Auditorium
13: Last Day of Classes
13: Last Day of BOCES
14-25: Regents Exams
26: Graduation at 6:00 PM
View Past Newsletters
RVHS News 2023-24
September 14, 2023From Ms. Torok
Email: jtorok@rondout.k12.ny.us
Website: https://rondoutvhs.sharpschool.com/
Location: 122 Kyserike Road, Accord, NY, USA
Phone: (845) 687- 2400
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RondoutValleyCentralSchoolDistrict/
Twitter: @RVCSD