Tarbiyah Academy Parent Newsletter
Updates, Information, and Reminders for our TA Families
November 15, 2022
Assalamu Alaikum Dear TA Parents and Families!
I hope that this finds all of our families well and in the best of conditions!
As we near the end of our first Term of the year, we are excited and grateful at the achievements we have made together this year, alhamdullilah. In just this first term our students have been able to expand their learning with field trips and guest speakers; we've completed our first round of MAP standardized testing; our FTA has been revived with the formation of subcommittees and dedicated room parents. We have successfully engaged our community with events such as the Back to School Barbeque, Raising Amazing, and an interactive parenting workshop. Several program-wide initiatives have been kicked off including our school-wide Social-Emotional Learning program, Middle School clubs & sports, the Middle School Student Government Association, and our Arabic language collaboration with the Natakallam Organization. In addition, we've kicked off our first session of Extra Curricular activities, invited parents back into the school building for our PYP morning assemblies, and engage our student body in community & skill building through House meetings driven by collaborative, open-ended tasks. We continue to plan and work towards success in excellence in all we do here at TA. As always, we thank our parents for your support and partnership and we look forward to achieving much more with you all.
May Allah continue to allow us to achieve our goals and beyond here at TA. May He guide and bless our efforts in all we do and grant us success in the upbringing of our children.
Thank you and jazakum Allahu khairun.
Hagar Aboubakr
Head of School
No School Friday, November 18
Important Correction
*Please look out for Ms. Elkordy's email next week for conference sign-up.*
Originally, conferences were scheduled for November 30 and December 1; this was mistakenly communicated in my email to families just yesterday, however, these days WILL NOT be early release days. November 30 and December 1 will be FULL DAYS, with dismissal starting at 4:00.
Conferences (early release) will be moved to December 7 and 8.
**Please note this is a change from what is stated on our school calendar.**
I apologize for any confusion or inconvenience this may cause our families.
ECA Schedule Updates
There will be ECAs the week of November 28.
We will send reminders, insha Allah, at the start of each week.
Mom's Potluck Breakfast
Gender and Identity Discussion for Muslim Adolescents
Gender and identity have become hot-button topics in the public social arena. We invite Muslim adolescents to join us in discussing the complex issues surrounding our being and identity.
How does Islam view identity?
How do we treat desires versus actions?
How does Islam view gender and gender interactions?
We invite Muslim adolescents to join us in an interactive discussion with Imam Sami Elzaharna and Sister Fatima Khan on these important topics and to help answer questions and clear confusion on the topic of gender and identity.
Target audience: Middle School and High School Youth
Although the event is free, registration is required. Use the link below to register. Snacks and drinks will be provided.
Saturday, Dec 3, 2022, 01:00 PM
Tarbiyah Academy
Welcome New TA Support Staff!
Ms. Dialla Suwwan will be supporting our Elementary school homeroom teachers with individual and small-group reading and math instruction, focusing on grades K-2. She may occasionally substitute for classes as well.
Mr. Ayman Karam will be supporting Math instruction for all Math classes in 5th-8th grades. He will be working with individual students and small groups to support differentiated Math learning and curriculum pacing.
Mr. Alli Mohamed will be supporting building management including building repairs, IT support, and building upgrades where/when needed, along with some procedural functions of the school.
Ms. Hajrah Khan, Ms. Aisha Malik, Ms. Anissa Ahmed, and Ms. Hiba Ahmed will support K-8 classrooms during teacher absences through substitute teaching.
We are so blessed and grateful for all of our staff. May Allah bless them in all of their efforts and reward them for their service to TA.
Discovery Day
Tuesday, Nov 22, 2022, 10:00 AM
Tarbiyah Academy, Business Parkway, Elkridge, MD, USA
Re-Enrollment 2023-2024
Re-Enrollment will open on December 6 for siblings of current students, and on January 10 for the general public. As we approach these dates, we will be sure to give plenty of reminders to our current families.
The financial aid application will open on November 15.
**Very Important**
Please note that re-enrollment may be held for:
- students with chronic behavioral issues or multiple behavioral infractions; students who are unresponsive to behavioral interventions
- families with large outstanding balances
In both cases, if the noted issue is not resolved through consistent, collaborative efforts, re-enrollment may be held for the respective child(ren) indefinitely.
Student Sickness
As you all are aware, there are elevated numbers of student absences due to sickness. Please be vigilant for symptoms your child may be exhibiting and keep your child home if he or she is sick.
Our school policy states that a child must be fever free, without fever-reducing medications, for 24 hours before he/she may return to school.
The Learner Profile
At TA, we have a school-wide attribute focus each month. The attribute focus for the month of November is Thinker. Ask your child how they've reflected on what it means to be a Thinker! Some elements of being a Thinker that students have inquired into are the following:
- Problem-Solving & the Problem-Solving Method
- Pause, Reflect, Act
- Deliberate thinking is the opposite of impulsive thinking and behavior
- Identifying problems in the school and determining potential solutions for those problems
Reminders (from previous newsletters)
Lunch Menu
Lunch Menu
Mondays/Wednesday: provided by Flip’s Pizza
- Pizza by the slice - $2
- Mozzarella sticks (5 sticks) - $6
- Medium fries - $4
- Small garden salad - $5
- Grilled cheese sandwich with fries - $5
Tuesdays/Thursday: provided by Ziza Kabob (thabiha options)
Chicken kabob (includes rice, salad, juice) $7
Kofta kabob (includes rice, salad, juice) $8
Chicken tenders (with fries and juice) $7
Chicken kabob salad $7
Chicken wrap with fries and juice $8
Lamb wrap with fries and juice $8
Fries $4
2022-2023 Academic School Year Calendar
Parent BAND Groups
All Parents https://band.us/n/a9a878baxcX9N
TA Correspondence
BAND: Each grade level has a BAND group; BAND is mainly for sharing snippets of teaching and learning with parents; here is where teachers post pictures and sometimes videos of learning engagements. Teachers update BAND groups on a weekly basis. There is also a Parent Band group for all parents for posting reminders and sometimes, for sharing pictures and other information. Use the links provided above to join!
Email: Parents receive email updates from individual teachers about every 1-2 weeks. Email is also used by teachers and other staff members to send requests, updates, reminders, announcements, etc. to parents.
Head of School Newsletter: This newsletter is sent to parents about every 2 weeks, or as needed, and contains school-wide updates, announcements, and reminders for parents. If you are not receiving the Head of School newsletter, please contact me at hagaraboubakr@taribyahacademy.org.
IB PYP (elementary school) Coordinator Newsletter: Our PYP Coordinator, Ms. Shabana Ahmed, will send out curricular and IB updates about two times a term (6 times a year). These newsletters will provide our elementary school families with curricular overviews and updates, in addition to school-wide learner engagements and other applicable information.
Events Team Newsletter: The Events Team newsletter is written by our Events Team, Ms. Ranya Mike and Sadaf Siddiqui. It is sent to families about once a month and contains important information about upcoming school events organized and led by the Events Team. If you are not receiving the Events Team newsletter, please contact Events@tarbiyahacademy.org.
Counselor Newsletter: The Counselor Newsletter is written by TA's School Counselor, Ms. Fatima Khan. It contains relevant information on the Social-Emotional Learning program here at TA. If you are not receiving the Counselor Newsletter, please contact fatimakhan@tarbiyahacademy.org.
Managebac: Managebac is the platform used by parents to view descriptions of lessons as well as grades and comments by teachers on your child's performance on some tasks. Managebac is updated weekly by teachers with grades and tasks. Managebac also has a feature where teachers can choose to alert parents when a grade has been posted. Some teachers may use this feature, so parents may also receive emails from Managebac as well, alerting them that a grade has been posted. Finally, Managebac is also used for behavior logs and for publishing report cards. Again, parents may receive alerts from time to time from Managebac alerting them of updates or postings. If you do not know your Managebac login information, please contact virtualhelpdesk@tarbiyahacademy.org.
Although not an official mode of communication for our TA families, we also have social media accounts managed by our Marketing Coordinator, Ms. Duaa Emira l, where we share snippets of TA life and happenings with the wider community. If you are on social media, please follow our pages as follows:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TarbiyahAcademy
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tarbiyahacademy
Please do support our posts on social media, if you see something you like and are so inclined!
Upcoming Important Dates
November 16: Mom's Potluck Breakfast
November 18: PD Day; No School for Students
November 22: Discovery Day
November 23-25: Thanksgiving Break-No School
November 30-December 1: Early Release Day; Conferences
December 3: Gender Identity Discussion with Youth
December 7: Neighborhood Gift Basket Distribution
December 7-8: Early Release Days; Parent-Teacher-Student Conferences
December 9: KG Bake Sale
December 12: Professional Development Day; No School for Students
December 13: Discovery Day
December 13-16: (Tuesday-Friday) Spirit Week
December 19-January 2: Winter Break
Previous Newsletters
October 20: https://www.smore.com/bkjmg
September 27: https://www.smore.com/a4dh8e
August 28: https://www.smore.com/sh5eq
Hagar Aboubakr, Head of School
Email: hagaraboubakr@tarbiyahacademy.org
Website: www.tarbiyahacademy.com
Phone: (844) 827-2492
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TarbiyahAcademy/