Walker Bulldog News
September 24, 2021
Dear Walker Families,
Our students are hard at work in all of our classrooms. Students completed MAP testing in first thorugh fourth grades and ESGI testing in kindergarten. Teachers are reviewing and using the data from these assessments to plan specific responsive instruction for our students.
Second, third, and fourth grades are also using Reflex Math as they work on mastering their fact fluency. Currently, these students have in increased their overall fluency by 6%. Students are issued certificates for the progress. Keep up the great work, students!
Thank you, parents for your support as we continue to navitage student illness and symptoms during these trying times. We appreciate your understanding as Nurse Bianca dilgently works to ensure we keep everyone as safe as possible. Please feel free to contact the office at 708.458.7150 with any questions you may have.
Enjoy your weekend!
Ms. Amanda Venegonia, Principal
Mrs. Sara Leone, Associate Principal
Upcoming Dates
10/4: School Board Meeting (6:00 PM Graves/HMS Multi-Purpose Room)
10/8: Progress reports sent home
Picture Day
Arrival Traffic Guidance
Busses will load and unload students on 66th Place under the supervision of our staff.
Students walking to school should cross at the crosswalks at 78th Street and 66th Place under the guidance of the police officer.
Parents are allowed to park on the west side of 66th Place behind the stop sign as well as in the far parking lot on 78th Street, which belongs to the Park District. Please do not drop off students in front of the school for safety reasons.
Tech Reminders
Students will incur fees for damage/loss of technology items as outlined in the student handbook at the bottom of page 36.
- Sleeve ($10)
- Charger ($25)
- Touch Screen ($115)
- Device ($250/Year 1, $200/Y2, $150/Y3, $100/Y4.)(New devices are provided to 1st/5th every year.)
Sypmotoms of Covid-19
- Fever greater than 100.4 degrees
- New onset of moderate to severe headache
- Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- New cough
- Sore throat
- Nausea or vomiting
- New loss or taste or smell
- Diarrhea
- Fatigue from unkown cause
- Muscle or body aches
Remote Learning
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday class meets from 8:00 AM to 10:30 AM.
Wednesday class meets from 9:00 AM to 11:20.
Academic After School Clubs
Review the form below and sign up online. Academic clubs are anticipated to start the week of October 4.
School Uniform Shirts for Sale
Links to Important District Information
Fall Family Fun
Celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month: People You Should Know
Gabriela Mistral
Lin-Manuel Miranda
Lin-Manuel Miranda was born on January 16, 1980, in New York City. His parents were born in Puerto Rico. The family often returned to the island in summer.
Miranda attended New York City’s Hunter College Elementary School and Hunter College High School. He performed in many of his school’s plays and musicals. He spoke English at school and Spanish at home with his family.
Miranda went on to study theater and film at Wesleyan University. He began writing his first musical during his second year there. It was titled In The Heights. The show was set in Washington Heights. It’s the Hispanic neighborhood where Miranda grew up. Miranda graduated from college in 2002. He worked part-time jobs and continued writing the show.
Ellen Ochoa
Dr. Ellen Ochoa, a veteran astronaut, was the 11th director of the Johnson Space Center. She was JSC's first Hispanic director, and its second female director. Her previous management roles include Deputy Center Director and Director of Flight Crew Operations.
Ochoa joined NASA in 1988 as a research engineer at Ames Research Center and moved to Johnson Space Center in 1990 when she was selected as an astronaut. She became the first Hispanic woman to go to space when she served on the nine-day STS-56 mission aboard the space shuttle Discovery in 1993. She has flown in space four times, including STS-66, STS-96 and STS-110, logging nearly 1,000 hours in orbit.