Crockett Middle School Newsletter
Friday, August 30, 2024
Greetings Parents & Guardians,
This week's newsletter contains NEW information regarding:
*2024-2025 1st Nine Weeks Grading Timeline
*Birthday Shoutouts
*The FBISD PAC Award
*College Shirt Day & DCMS Spirit Day
*Childhood Cancer Awareness Month
*Not new but EXTREMELY important: Student Verification (English & Spanish attached)
Student Verification is completed ONLINE. It closed on August 18, 2024, but has reopened again.
It will stay open until September 13, 2024. It only takes a few minutes, and it is so very important. Thank you very much for participating in this very important process.
Thank you for partnering with us to give the students at David Crockett Middle School the best middle school experiences possible.
Mrs. K. Griffin
Timely and Safe Arrival & Dismissal at DCMS
Our day begins at 8:50 a.m. and ends at 4:10 p.m.
Students are counted as tardy if they are not seated in their class at 8:50 a.m. As they transition through each period of the school day (seven periods in all), students will be counted tardy if they are not in their designated class when the tardy bell rings. When students arrive late, they miss out on meaningful moments in the school day. This has negative impacts on their academic growth and achievement, and their SEL (social emotional learning) experience. They also incur consequences in accordance with the FBISD Student Code of Conduct. These consequences range from a verbal warning, a parent-teacher/admin conference, upwards to various detentions and/or suspensions. Please ensure that your child arrives on time, ready to learn, each day.
Parents who drop off and pick up students, are to use the car rider line. The line runs in front of the entrance of the school. Please do not drop off students in any parking lot. Additionally, do not drop them off along the curb, in the street, or in the surrounding neighborhoods. This is unsafe and you will get ticketed by FBISD police and/or Fort Bend County Sheriff's Office.
While in the car rider line, proceed legally and with care. You are in a school zone. Stay off your phone and please be attentive to all that is going on around you. This includes, but is not limited to, pulling all the way forward when you are motioned to and/or asked to do so. Our goal is to safely and efficiently, get as many students as possible, loaded into their cars and on their way home. Thank you for assisting us with this endeavor. Your support, respect and kindness are appreciated and needed more than you realize.
Early pickups are highly discouraged, as every second of learning counts. Please be sure to see the attached 24-25 Instructional Calendar, so that you can take advantage of trying to schedule necessary appointments on days we are not in school. For those moments, when you must understandably check out your child early, please do so by 3:30 p.m. or sooner. If you attempt to check your child out any later, it will take a greater amount of time to secure them, as we are concluding the day and preparing for various modes of p.m. dismissal.
Fort Bend ISD is excited to bring you the PAC Award, an employee of the month recognition. The award is presented to staff members who contribute to the success of Fort Bend ISD staff and students.
The award recognizes employees who demonstrate what it means to Lead the PAC:
- Professionalism – exemplifying integrity and approaching the task with a commitment to excellence (who we are and how we show up every day)
- Accountability – obligation or willingness to accept responsibility for one's actions (how we hold ourselves and others to the standard)
- Communication – effectively giving, receiving, and sharing information (essential to building trust)
PAC Award recipients will be recognized at their work location with a surprise visit from the Superintendent and Executive Team, social media shouts, a FBISD website mention, a district swag bag and a special gift from the Fort Bend Education Foundation.
Monthly nominations are due on the 15th of each month. To nominate an employee who is Leading the PAC, click on the link attached to this notification.
Notice of Class Balancing
Dear Parents,
We wanted to inform you that we will soon begin balancing classes to better support our students’ needs. As a result, there may be changes to your child's current schedule, including the possibility of having a new teacher.
We understand that changes can be challenging, and we are committed to ensuring a smooth transition.
Thank you for your understanding and support.
DCMS Counseling Department
Focus on Kindness - August Theme: Friendship
This August, our focus on kindness will center around Friendship. Each day, we will share different tips to help nurture and strengthen friendships, offering ideas to foster kindness in student relationships. Stay tuned for daily inspiration as we celebrate the power of friendship for the remainder the month!
DCMS Counseling Department
Childhood Cancer Awareness Month
September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month. Join the NJHS members of DCMS as we strive to wear gold (yellow) each Wednesday. The color gold and gold ribbons are used to represent the value of children's lives. NJHS will also provide a fact each week.
This week's fact is:
Texas Children's Hospital in Houston is the largest treatment center for pediatric cancer in the entire United States.
Ms. Allison, NJHS Sponsor
Reminders for Excellence at DCMS
The message below is communicated to all students and staff, via morning announcements.
Reminders for Excellence at DCMS
Students, please adhere to the following reminders for excellence at DCMS:
Cellphones and earbuds are to be turned off and placed in backpacks, and ID badges are worn properly around our necks, once you enter the building. ID badges must be on and visible every day. Hoods, hats, bonnets and bandanas are not worn in the building. In an effort to maintain the highest level of safety, students please walk in our hallways and do not run. Please be mindful of your volume in the hallway because some students are still in class learning during certain periods. Additionally, please be considerate of others and always use school-appropriate language in and around the building.
As you walk around our campus, be sure to pick up any trash you drop. Thank you for being a Magnificent Maverick by keeping our school looking great!
Mavs, we appreciate you for respecting each other, respecting our building, and most importantly respecting yourselves and your parents every day. Remember that our 3 pillars for success at DCMS are: Care, Commitment & Trust! Let's exhibit CCT in the best way every day!
Have a great rest of the day & go Mavs!
College Shirt Day & DCMS Spirit Day
Every Monday we encourage our students to join the DCMS faculty and staff in wearing college shirt of their choice. Represent the college you will attend or dream of attending. The future is near and its YOURS Mavs! We look forward to seeing you in your college shirt and hearing your "why".
Every Friday is our DCMS spirit day. Let's go Crockett Green! For our Mavs who have purchased 2024-2025 spirit shirts, you can expect to receive them within the next 7-10 days...or sooner. Like you all, many of us staff members are waiting anxiously for our shirts too. We can't wait to show our DCMS pride!
2024-2025 1st Nine Weeks Grading Timeline
Progress Report 1
August 8-30, 2024
Grades Posted in Skyward Family Access on September 4, 2024
Progress Report 2
August 8-September 20, 2024
Grades Posted in Skyward Family Access on September 24, 2024
Term 1
August 8-October 9, 2024
Report Cards Posted in Skyward Family Access on October 16, 2024.
Change in Start Time for Football Games
Out of a abundance of caution, the FBISD Athletic Department has changed the start of football games from 5:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.
Coding Club
To all current Robotics & Engineering students and students who completed and passed Robotics & Engineering II: Coding club applications will be posted outside of Ms. Garza's room starting Monday August 26th. Both parts will be due to Ms. Garza by Friday September 6th. No late applications will be accepted.
A Message From FBISD: FBISD UPLIFT Mentor Program
One of the key priorities for the Department of Collaborative Communities is to support student mentoring efforts throughout the District. For the 2024-2025 school year, FBISD has launched its UPLIFT Mentor Program where community members will engage with students in mentoring. We invite you to join the UPLIFT mentoring effort in the FBISD community and commit to support a student as we look forward to the start of a new school year by clicking this link and the below flier with your networks. Thank you.
Beginning this year, students in Fort Bend ISD will complete NWEA MAP computer-adaptive assessments three times a year to gain information about what students know and what they are ready to learn next. MAP also gives insight into how students are growing academically, allowing you to track your student's progress throughout the school year and across multiple years. Families will have access to their child's results after each testing window. NWEA MAP is replacing Renaissance 360. For more information, visit the NWEA Family Toolkit linked here or contact your child’s teacher.
NWEA MAP BOY Testing Window
6, 7,8, ELA I, ELA II
September 3-5, 2024
Testing begins the first day the window opens.
6,7,8, Algebra I, Geo, Algebra II
September 6-10, 2024
Testing begins the first day the window opens.
6, 7,8, Biology
September 18-20, 2024
Testing begins the first day the window opens.
2024-2025 Back to School Information
Please click on the link below to access helpful information about:
- Bus Routes
- Free/Reduced Meal Applications
- New Student Online Registration/Enrollment
- Attendance Zones
- Schoology
- Skyward Family Access for Parents
- Students 1:1 Laptop Program
- District Instructional Calendar
- School Hours
- Student Password Information
- Immunization Requirements
- Pay for My Child's Breakfast/Lunch
Vaccinations for the 2024-2025 School Year!
Currently, we have about 15 7th grade students who are not current with their required vaccinations.
All incoming 7th grade students for the 2024-2025 school year are required to obtain Tdap and Meningococcal vaccines per Texas law.
Todos los estudiantes que ingresen al 7.º grado para el año escolar 2024-2025 deben obtener las siguientes vacunas Tdap y meningocócica según la ley de Texas.
Parents, you are appreciated for attending to this very important matter as soon as possible.
2024-2025 Volunteer Criminal History Information
All 2023-2024 FBISD criminal history clearances were inactivated on June 30.
To be able to volunteer for the 2024-2025 FBISD school year, one is required to have a current school year FBISD Volunteer Criminal History clearance in Raptor and Taleo. Volunteering applies to (but not limited to) parent & community, chaperones, field trips, class parties, PTO/PTA Executive Board, Booster Club members, Pro Grad, Shared Dreams, Junior Achievement, tutors, private lesson instructors, contracted services, etc. Please allow 3 – 5 business days for processing. Your Clearance Status can be found in your application by clicking the tab 'MyJobpage'.
The FBISD Volunteer Criminal History Application for the current year can be found at The Job Posting Title is Volunteers (240001RC). Please support DCMS by volunteering!
Reminders About Dress Code
The District prohibits pictures, emblems, or writings on clothing that advertise or depict tobacco products, alcoholic beverages, drugs, or any other prohibited substance.
Students must comply with the following dress and grooming standards, including in online learning platforms.
Shirts, Blouses, Sweatshirts, Sweaters, Vests
- Shirts, blouses, sweatshirts, sweaters, vests that expose undergarments and/or midriff are prohibited;
- Shirts, blouses, sweatshirts, sweaters, vests must not depict or reference alcohol, drugs, tobacco, weapons, nudity, gang affiliation, death, violence, vulgar or obscene language or images, and/or insults to race, religion, gender, or ethnicity, or other emblems or writing that may be expected to cause a material or substantial disruption of, or interference with, normal school operations.
Dresses, Jumpers, Skirts, Shorts, Skorts, Pants, and Jeans
- Dresses, jumpers, skirts, and skorts may be worn at a length that is slightly above mid-thigh;
- Shorts, jeans, and all pants shall be worn at the hip or higher and must cover undergarments;
- Shorts may be worn at a length that is approximately above mid-thigh; and
- Athletic wear, which may include yoga pants, stretch leggings and fitness tights, are permissible as long as they do not reveal undergarments, do not have sections of see through material, or are worn with a shirt that covers the posterior, or are not disruptive to the school environment.
- Shoes shall be worn, and if designed to be tied shall be properly tied
- Unsafe footwear is not permitted (i.e., house shoes, slippers); and
- Appropriate shoes must be worn during PE/athletics classes, as well as during lab activities in science, CTE, etc.
- All hair, including facial hair, shall be neat, clean, and well groomed, and worn in a style that is not distractive.
- Mustaches, beards, or goatees shall be neat, clean, and well groomed, and worn in a style that does not display derogatory remarks, symbols, or statements that disrupts the learning environment. Hair markings must not depict or reference alcohol, drugs, tobacco, weapons, nudity, gang affiliation, violence, vulgar or obscene language, or images that substantially disrupt or interfere with normal school operations. Drawings, icons, and/or other markings cut into the hair, including eyebrows, and not associated with required religious markings or hairstyles are not permitted.
- Proper undergarments shall be worn at all times;
- Revealing clothing of any type may not be worn;
- No clothing that has been ripped, torn, or cut in a way as to reveal undergarments, midriff, chest, or posterior;
- Clothing including face coverings with profanity, obscene patches, references to alcohol, drugs, weapons or tobacco, or anything that may be construed as violent, vulgar or obscene
- Language or images, and/or insults to race, religion, gender, or ethnicity, or other emblems or writing that may be expected to cause a material or substantial disruption of, or interference with, normal school operations.
- Any attire, tattoo, icons, or markings on body, e.g. bandanas, shoelaces, chains, t-shirts, etc., that is distractive, causes a disturbance, or identifies a student as part of an unauthorized group, gang, or society are not permitted that includes but is not limited to virtual background choices. No pajama wear of any type except on-campus designated days;
- Body piercings that are distractive or that pose a safety concern are not permitted;
- No hats, caps, doo-rags, wave caps, bandanas or hoods worn indoors, except on campus designated days or during designated times permitted by the campus; and
- No sunglasses may be worn inside the building unless there is a medical note on file.
Skyward Family Access Link & Notification Settings Job Aide
August Gifted & Talented Parent Newsletter
Student Absences & Absence Notes
An absence note is needed for us to excuse any absence when your child is not in attendance.
Blackboard Connect
Student Laptops
We are excited to announce the implementation of a student 1:1 laptop program (EquippED) for all secondary students starting with the 2024-25 school year. Each student in grades 6-12 will receive a laptop to use for their academic and personal growth. Students will take the laptop to and from home/school for online learning, research, communication, and collaboration. The laptop will also feature advanced end-point protection software to ensure the safety and security of our students and the district network.
The EquippED 1:1 program supports the district's vision of preparing students for their future. It aligns with Fort Bend ISD’s instructional goal of providing differentiated learning opportunities that promote purposeful technology integration. The program will foster student agency and voice while enhancing student engagement and achievement and will help empower our students to become lifelong learners and leaders.
Note: All students are required to have an EquippED 1:1 laptop for classroom instruction. Texas Education Agency (TEA) requires state tests like STAAR & TELPAS be conducted on a district issued device. Personal laptops/tablets are not allowed.
Currently, DCMS plans to distribute laptops on August 21st-23rd, 2024, during the school day.
Once students receive their laptops, they will be REQUIRED to bring it to school EVERY DAY.
Required Actions for Parent/Guardian in order for your child to receive their laptop:
- Complete online verification process in Skyward-online directions can be found here.
- Decide whether you want to purchase the optional insurance and follow the prompt to make the payment. Parents are STRONGLY ENCOURAGED to purchase the insurance.
- If you have any questions on the Equipped 1:1 program, please visit the district website at this link
To purchase insurance, visit Revtrack HERE
FBISD recommends that all students purchase laptop insurance annually to protect their EquippED laptop against accidental damage, loss, or theft. The deadline to purchase insurance for the 2024-2025 school year (for current students) is August 30th 2024. Students that enroll after this date will have to opportunity to purchase insurance during the enrollment process.
The FBISD EquippED insurance will cover up to two repairs per year (at 100%) or one total loss (at 100% after a $150 deductible). Laptop repairs with insurance are covered at 100%. A lost, stolen, or unrepairable laptop replacement (total loss) is covered at 100% after a $150 deductible. Once purchased, coverage is valid through August 15, 2025.
To purchase insurance, visit Revtrack HERE
Student ID Badges
On Monday, August 12, 2024, students began receiving their ID badges. Badges will be utilized during lunches, on school buses and at school as an added security measure.
As in previous years, students are required to wear their ID badge EVERY DAY.
Birthday Shout Outs!
Birthday Shout Outs are now available to purchase in the DCMS RevTrak webstore!
The cost is $15 and the shoutout will run for one week—Monday through Sunday. This is the Monday starting the week of your child’s birthday. For example, if your student’s birthday is on Thursday, the message will run starting the Monday of that week and be removed on the following Monday morning.
All messages will say “Happy Birthday” and Child's First name and Last initial.
Visit the "Birthday Marquee" revtrak webstore located on our campus website if interested or click here: DCMS Marquee | Fort Bend ISD (