Brunswick High School Newsletter!
2024-2025 School Year - Summer
Good Luck and Congratulations to the Class of 2024!
Congratulations to the Class of 2024! Brunswick High School celebrated the 125th Commencement on May 23, 2024, at Brunswick Auto Mart Stadium. It was an exciting evening to celebrate the graduates under the lights. This memorable event honored their hard work, achievements, and accomplishments as a Blue Devil.
The ceremony included commencement addresses from Senior Justin Pogorelec, who will be attending The Ohio State University majoring in Biomedical Engineering, and Senior Marina Wilson, who will be attending Duquesne University majoring in Biochemistry. Both speakers reflected on how their journey as Blue Devils has prepared them to be critical thinkers and responsible citizens.
The presentation of the Top 10 Seniors in the Class of 2024 for their dedication, hard work, and academic success. Amazing music performances by the Mixed Symphonic Choir, Seniors in Orchestra, and the BHS Wind Ensemble, followed by the singing of the Alma Mater.
I am proud of the Class of 2024 and all of their accomplishments, which include National Merit Commended Scholars, AP Scholars, Eagle Scouts, service in the Army, Marines, Navy, Space Force, and in the ROTC program at MIT. Among their ranks are future doctors, social workers, computer scientists, teachers, nurses, and engineers. Their diverse achievements reflect their hard work, dedication, and the bright futures ahead of them.
Mr. Keith Merrill
Principal BHS
ALL Seniors are required to have the meningococcal vaccine (MCV4) to attend!
2024-25 School Year
BHS Students, Families, and Community Members,
I hope that you are enjoying your summer! We are getting ready for the 2024-25 school year and I wanted send out information and dates to help you prepare for next year. We have many exciting changes with the building schedule, construction that will impact parking, drop off, and closures, and dates.
As we get closer to the start of the year, additional information will be added and found in the BHS building newsletter. All newsletters can be found on the Brunswick High School webpage!
Brunswick City Schools 2024-2025 School Calendar
Keith Merrill
Brunswick High School
Freshman Class of 2028, Welcome to BHS! Freshman Orientation & Parent Meeting
Class of 2028, Welcome to Brunswick High School! We hope you are excited about your upcoming freshman year at BHS. We look forward to having you join us on your Journey of a Blue Devil. The ninth grade experience is an important foundation for your years in high school. To help make the transition from eighth to ninth grade a smooth one, freshman orientation will be conducted by our LINK CREW.
Freshman Orientation for Students
*Students are expected to be present for the entire 4 hour session:
Wednesday - 8/7/24 at 8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. for freshman students whose
last names begin with A-L
Thursday - 8/8/24 at 8:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. for freshman students whose
last names begin with M-Z
Students will be present for the entire Freshman Orientation. Students will not be permitted to attend at a different time than what has been assigned.
Drop Off: Enter at Excellence Dr. (the main road in front center entrance). Please pull all the way down to the center entrance doors to let your child/children out. You can also park in the center lot and your child/children can cross Excellence Dr. for orientation.
Entrance: Class of 2028 will enter through the doors located to the East of the flagpole. Look for the LINK Leaders wearing Lime Green Shirts, they will help direct the Class of 2028 to the correct locations.
Time: Students can start to enter at 7:45 a.m., orientation starts at 8:00 a.m.
Parents do not attend freshman orientation with their students. Freshman do not need to bring anything with them!
At freshman orientation, students will:
Receive their 2024-2025 class schedule, locker assignment
Meet their LINK CREW leader who will be a resource all year long and BHS Staff
Get answers to their questions about Brunswick High School, athletics, and clubs
Tour the building, find their classrooms, lunch room, student center, offices, restrooms and much more!
Meet and make connections with other BHS students in the Class of 2028
From 12:00 -1:00 p.m. students may explore the building and walk their schedules with help from LINK leaders
The beginning of their freshman year in high school brings about many changes, some reservations and questions. Our goal at Brunswick High School is to make this transition as seamless as possible for both the students, parents, and guardians. The Freshman Parent/Guardian meeting and Freshman Orientation are in place to help with this transition.
On Tuesday, August 6th at 6:30 p.m., Mr. Scarcella, 9th grade Assistant Principal, will host a Freshman Parent/Guardian Orientation Meeting at the James J. Hayas Performing Arts Center (PAC) located behind Brunswick High School. At this meeting he will share information, dates, expectations, and answer questions. Mrs. Manek, the 9th grade administrative assistant, will be there to assist too!
Mr. Chris Scarcella
Assistant Principal, 9th Grade
Phone: 330-273-0491
Mrs. Lark Manek
9th Grade Secretary
Phone: 330-273-0491
Class of 2025, Don't Forget to Register to Vote!
BHS Represented at Buckeye Girls State and Boys State
Brunswick High School students, Ellison Gillispie, Mallory Goga, Audry Pasko, Adrienne Raglow, Taylor Rhodes, and Grayson Hayest join Buckeye Girls and Boys State. Sponsored by the Ohio American Legion, this program offers immersive civics and leadership training.
BHS Welcomes New Students to BHS! New Student Orientation for students in Grades 10, 11, & 12
Welcome to BHS and we are excited to have you join our Blue Devil Family! We know starting at a new high school is difficult and we want to help make your transition go smooth!
On Wednesday, August 8th, if you are new to Brunswick High School in grades 10, 11, or 12. we will have a new student orientation meeting at 10:00 a.m.-11:30 a.m.. During this time, you will meet your school counselor, grade level principal, take a tour of the building, recieve or finalize your schedule and become familiar with BHS.
Schedules, Homeroom, New Schedule Information
Prior to School Starting:
- Students tentative schedule will be posted in your student/parent/guardian ProgressBook account the week prior to school starting. Changes with students schedules will occur and will not be considered final until August 19th.
- Schedules will not be adjusted or changed and the counselors will follow the procedures described in the Student Handbook and Program of Study.
First Two Days of School:
- All students will report directly to their assigned homerooms.
- Students will receive a finalized copy of their schedule.
- Grade Level Meetings will take place, staff will explain the new 8 period schedule, including the new lunch schedule.
- Staff will cover start of the year procedures, expectations, safety drills, and much more.
More information will come out closer to the start of the year from Mr. Merrill or your grade level Assistant Principal.
Brunswick High School Open House, Wednesday, August 21st., from 5:15-7:00 p.m.
Success is achieved when there is a partnership between school and home. We strive to build a partnership with our parents and community is more important now than ever. I encourage you to come to Open House on August 21st, from 5:15-7:00 p.m. This is an opportunity to walk the building and to meet the Brunswick High School staff.
Parents and Guardians, if you are looking to get involved, help support programs, clubs, or groups, BHS has many options from Brunswick Athletic Foundation (BAF), Brunswick Band Parents Organization (BBPO), Brunswick After Prom Committee, Brunswick Hall of Fame, and many others.
New Attendance Office Location:
If your child is going to be absent, please call the appropriate attendance line each day. You can call the attendance line anytime day or night. Attendance lines are by grade level, please see the numbers below. Consider adding the attendance line as a contact in your phone.
9th/10th Grades (West Office): (330) 273-5964
11th/12th Grades (East Office): (330) 273-5966
NURSE: 330-273-0408
When picking up or dropping off your child: if they are coming in late or being picked up for an appointment, they need to sign in and out the New Attendance Office in the back west.
If you have any questions, please contact the grade level office.
If your child is sick and with the nurse, your child will be signed out at the Center Entrance Doors. For Safety reasons, never leave with your child without notifying and signing out with a grade level secretary, office or the Nurse.
Summer Reading 2024
Dear Students and Families,
As a department, we believe in the importance of reading over the summer, but that summer reading is about choice and taking a moment to read for pleasure. ALL STUDENTS are encouraged to choose a single book from a list created for their appropriate grade level. The *pick your own book* option allows your student to choose a grade-appropriate book that will be of interest and challenge your student.
Additionally, students enrolled in AP and Honors courses will have a required reading selection and assignment upon returning to school.
Happy reading!
Happy reading!
BHS - ELA Department
BHS Construction Closures, Traffic Changes, and Parking 2024-25
Closure Updates and Changes for 2024-25
With the loss of the East Parking Lot and the closure of Parschen Boulevard, the following changes will take place: (More information, maps, directions will be posted in August)
- All students will be required to park in the back West Lot during the construction process for the new high school.
Students must enter the campus at Boyer Drive or Hadcock Drive to access and park in the West Parking Lots.
- The speed limit is 15 mph, slow down, stop when pedestrians are crossing the road and walking through the parking lots.
When exiting campus from 7:00 a.m. to 7:30 a.m. and from 2:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. the following will be in place:
Buses will take priority, cars will be stopped, to ensure times for middle school and elementary school routes.
Excellence in front of BHS is for buses only and is one way (heading West), during arrivals and dismissal.
Excellence at Hadcock will be a right turn only
Excellence at Center Rd (303) will be a right turn only
Arrival and Dismissal Student, Parent, Guardian, and Bus Traffic Patterns
- Excellence Dr. at 303 will be for Buses and Center Lot parent drop off during arrival and dismissal.
- Excellence Dr. at 303 will be a right turn only at arrival and dismissal. If you need to take a left on 303, you must use Boyer Dr. at the light between the Brunswick Recreation Center and Brunswick Library.
- MCCC Shuttle Buses will be located in the front West Loop. MCCC shuttle buses will depart at 7:20 a.m. If you are late and buses have left, you will need to find a ride to MCCC.
- The speed limit is 15 mph, slow down, stop when pedestrians are crossing the road and walking through the parking lots.
Buses will take priority, cars will be stopped, to ensure times for middle school and elementary school routes.
- Due to construction, traffic patterns and parking changes will occur, plan ahead and leave a few minutes earlier.
- Doors will open at 7:10 a.m. for students to enter the building to get breakfast.
- All students need to be in class prior to the start of 1st period, class begins at 7:25 a.m.
- Students who are driving to school must purchase a parking pass. Passes will be available starting the first week of school
- Students who park at Tri-C, the Brunswick Recreation Center, or the Brunswick Library will be ticketed and towed.
- Students will be marked tardy at 7:25 a.m. and saying you are late because you had to park in the West Parking Lot and had to walk to the East, is not an excuse. If you are getting coffee in the mornings and are coming late to school with coffee in hand, leave earlier.
- The speed limit is 15 mph, slow down, stop when pedestrians are crossing the road and walking through the parking lots.
- Speeding around buses, cutting off buses, not stopping for buses will result in the loss of driving privileges.
- Students who do not follow directions from staff, speed, or ignore traffic patterns will lose the privilege to drive on campus.
BHS SAT, PSAT, & EOC/OST Transportation and Final Exam Changes
Just a reminder that the transportation changes set last year for the PSAT, SAT, Midterms, Final Exams, and Senior Exams are in place. Please reference the letters linked below for the remainder of this year and every year moving forward.
BCSD 2024-2025 Updated School Calendar
Brunswick High School Athletic Events
Mr. Jim Kovi
Athletic Director
Phone: 330-273-0496
Email: jkovi@bcsoh.org
Ms. Athena Fleming
Athletic Secretary
Phone 330.273.0496
Email: afleming@bcsoh.org
See Something, Hear Something, Say Something
The Brunswick City School District encourages students, teachers, staff, parents and other members of our community to report any instances of potential violence, bullying, self-harm or any other issue where our students may be at risk. Information about the SaferSchools Tip Line can be found on the Brunswick City Schools webpage. The Brunswick City School District partners with SaferSchools Ohio to provide our families with a free resource for keeping our schools safe. The anonymous tip line service helps alert local law enforcement to potential school safety crisis. By calling or texting the statewide tip line (844-SAFEROH), you can report anything that is suspicious or endangering to you, your friends or your school. The SaferSchools Tip Line accepts calls and texts 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Thank you for keeping our Brunswick Community SAFE.
Upcoming dates to remember:
District & BHS Calendar of Events All Building. Quick event check to see what is happening around the district in all schools! Great one stop check for parents, guardians, and students.
*Dates, times, and locations can change. Please check newsletter for updates.
8/6 Freshman Parent Meeting from 6:30-7:30 PM in the Performing Arts Center (PAC)
8/7 A-L Freshman Orientation 8:00-12:00 PM
8/8 M-Z Freshman Orientation 8:00-12:00 PM
8/8 Freshman walk the building 12:00-1:00
8/8 New student orientation in room 213 for grades 10, 11, and 12th from 10:00-11:30 AM
8/19 First Day of School
8/21 BHS Open House from 5:15-7:00 PM
9/2 Labor Day - NO SCHOOL
9/25 BHS Fall Picture Day all day in the WEST gym
10/5 Homecoming Dance 7:00-9:30 PM (Doors Open at 6:30 PM)
10/15 PSAT Day All Students in Grades 10 and 11
10/18 End of First quarter
10/28 Family First Night
11/5 Parent/Teacher Conferences Times TBD - NO SCHOOL
11/27 - 29 Thanksgiving Break - NO SCHOOL
12/18 BHS Exams Adjusted Schedule
12/19 BHS Exams Adjusted Schedule
12/20 BHS Exams Adjusted Schedule
12/20 End of Second Quarter
12/23-1/6/2025 WINTER BREAK - Happy Holidays!
1/7 Students return from Winter Break and report to homeroom
1/20 Martin Luther King Jr. Day - NO SCHOOL
1/30 Excellence Celebration from 6:00-9:00 PM located in the PAC
2/4 Parent/Teacher Conferences from 4:15-7:15 PM
2/17 President’s Day - NO SCHOOL
2/24 Family First Night
3/13 End of Third quarter
3/24-3/28 Spring Break - NO SCHOOL
4/15 SAT All 11th Grade Students (Dismissed after testing)
4/15 ELA II EOC Part 1 all 10th Grade Students (Dismissed after testing) OST
4/16 ELA II EOC Part 2 all 10th Grade Students (Delayed Start) OST
4/23 Biology EOC Part 1 and Part 2 OST
4/24 American History and Government EOC, Part 1 and Part 2 OST
4/29 Algebra and Geometry EOC and EOC Part 1 OST
4/30 Algebra and Geometry EOC and EOC Part 2 OST
*OST Ohio State Testing
5/10 Prom at Encore in Strongsville
5/22 Class of 2025 Commencement Ceremony is at 7:00 PM at the Stadium
5/26 Memorial Day - NO SCHOOL
5/27 BHS Exams
5/28 BHS Exams
5/29 BHS Exams
5/29 End of fourth quarter - Last day for students
5/30 Last day for Teachers
Questions, Visit the Brunswick City Schools Website for Information!
BHS Website
Check the Brunswick High School website for daily announcements, updates on student achievements, upcoming events including state testing, adjusted schedules and other important information. Visit www.bcsoh.org, select Brunswick High School in the pull-down menu, and look at the tabs which include BHS News, District News, Events and Resources.
Follow us online, social media etc.
X @BCSDBrunswickHS
Athletics @BHSGoBigBlue
BCSD @BrunswickCSD
Brunswick City Schools & Brunswick High School Website www.bcsoh.org