Weekly Newsletter
March 21, 2024
News from Principal Emma Liebowitz
Mark your calendar! Mohawk Trail Regional School's annual Celebration of Learning is happening next Wednesday, March 27th from 4 to 6 pm. We invite and encourage elementary school families (especially 5th and 6th grade students and families) to join current high school and middle school families in exploring what it means to be a Trailblazer at MTRS. You'll see, hear, feel, and experience student work as you tour the gym, hallways, auditorium and library.
Student panels? Yes.
Art show? Yep.
Robotics? Oh yeah.
Demonstrations and projects? Sure thing.
Book fair? You know it!
Other perks include free dinner from Foxtown Diner and desserts from local bakeries, the chance to win raffle prizes, and a book giveaway - all made possible thanks to the efforts of the Mary Lyon Foundation. We hope you attend to truly get a sense of what it means to be a Trailblazer! Come see what makes Mohawk Trail Regional unique and a great place to learn and grow.
Upcoming Events
March 18 - 22: Spirit Week
March 18 - 22: Sanderson Book Fair
Thursday, March 21: 12:30 Dismissal for Conferences
Friday, March 22: 12:30 Dismissal for Conferences
Friday, March 22: Pizza and Movie Night
Tuesday, March 22: Author Visit - Prudence Marsh
Wednesday, March 27: 1:50 Dismissal
Friday, March 29: Ed Pop the Magician at 2:00
Link to Sanderson Academy calendar.
Pizza and Movie Night
The SLT is planning a Pizza and Movie night coming up on Friday, March 22 at 5:30pm at Sanderson. Please fill out the Google Form to help the PTO know how much pizza to order. Thanks!
RSVP here: https://forms.gle/pLFTDXbZ8atKMkvDA
Spirit Week
Book Fair
Preschool and Kindergarten Registration
Library News from Ms. Wilson
So much is happening in the library! Here is some important information about upcoming events.
The Book Fair is in full swing THIS week, March 18 - 22! The fair will be open during conferences on Thursday from 12:30 - 7:00 and Friday (also pizza and movie night!) from 12:30 - 6:00. Thank you for supporting this important library fundraiser!
On March 26th, Pre-K - 3rd grade students will enjoy a visit from Ashfield author Prudence Marsh, who will share her new book, Pippa and the Lost Paintings. Pre-K and 3rd graders will meet with Prudence at 10am, while K - 2nd graders will have their visit at 2pm. Families are welcome to join!
If you would like to pre-order a copy of Pippa and the Lost Paintings to be signed by the author, you can follow this link to print and complete a pre-order form by this Friday the 22nd. Order forms may be turned into classroom teachers. Pippa and the Lost Paintings will also be available at the book fair (cash or check only).
Art News from Ms. Hawthorne
The MRSD District Celebration of Learning is on Wednesday 3/27/2024. Each elementary school art department chooses two pieces of art from each grade for the school art exhibit. The following Sanderson students will have artwork on display in the Sanderson Academy exhibit. Congratulations to each of them for their careful work, originality, and perseverance.
Colt Jorgensen, Kindergarten
Petra Haerer, Kindergarten
Clayton Davis, 1st Grade
Isabelle Burrington, 1st Grade
Easton Amberman, 2nd Grade
Hudson Lilly, 2nd Grade
Juniper Benjamin, 3rd Grade
Ursula Tobin, 3rd Grade
Hallie Williams, 4th Grade
Sawyer Drury, 4th Grade
River Kenny, 4th Grade
Emerson Russell, 5th Grade
Durham Lilly, 5th Grade
Wyatt Kuta, 6th Grade
Alaina Toothaker, 6th Grade
News from the Health Office from Nurse Loranna
Happy Spring! With spring’s arrival comes new beginnings, baby farm animals, spring flowers and mud! Here in New England it is hard to know what to prepare for with the weather each day. It is still a good idea to send in hats, gloves and boots with your child. Check with their teacher for other requirements such as snow pants, many classes are still wearing snow pants to keep clothes dry and the kiddos nice and warm. Please continue to send in sneakers to wear in school and especially on PE days (Tue/Thur). Check to see if your child has an extra set of clothing at school in case clothes get wet during recess.
Along with muddy and unpredictable weather, also comes the addition of spring sports and activities. Spring is a good time of year to take stock of your child’s protective equipment. Helmets are very important for children (and adults) to wear when biking, four wheeling, skateboarding and horse riding along with other activities. Helmets protect children’s delicate brains from injury, reducing the risk of concussions and other serious head injuries.
Preschool news from Ms. Freeman and Ms. Becky
This week we are talking about spring! Warm sunshine, animals coming out of hibernation, some birds migrating back, grass starting to grow, flowers blooming, and snow melting were mentioned during our discussion. We also took a short walk around the school looking for signs of spring. We found pussy willows and noticed the flowers starting to push their way up through the ground. We used our observations to help us create artwork. Crayons and finger paints were used to make the pussy willows. For the flower drawings, preschoolers were asked to predict what the flowers may look like when they bloom, and then turned their thoughts into drawings using crayon.
Kindergarten News from Ms. Sarah, Ms. Veronica and Ms. Beckwith
In science, we are in the middle of our study of the properties of matter. This week, we focused on gases. We learned that gases change their shape to fit their container and spread out to fill the whole container—even escaping if there is no lid! To see this, we put a balloon over a bottle of seltzer water and watched it expand. We also put dry paper towels in the base of inverted cups, filled the cups with air by moving them down, and placed them into a bowl of water—and were amazed to see that the cups were so full of air, the water couldn’t get in and the paper towels stayed dry. This is a fun experiment to repeat in the bathtub! And we caught air in sandwich bags and felt how full they were, even though they looked empty (and we got to pop them at the end to hear the gas escaping!) These experiments helped us to see how the air is there taking up space, even though it is invisible.
Fourth Grade News from Ms. Lagoy and Ms. Upright
Fourth graders have been working extremely hard this week to finish up our poetry writing and author’s literary essay. These wonderful tri-folds will be on display at the District Celebration of Learning on March 27th from 4-6 p.m. at Mohawk Trail Regional High School. We hope you will have a chance to go and see them, as well as all of the other amazing learning that will be showcased.
Fifth Grade News from Ms. Johnson and Ms. Shero
Fifth grade has been studying food webs and energy in food webs. Students have been learning how plants make their own food through photosynthesis. They have also been learning about how consumers get energy and what they use it for. They have also been learning about the FBI- fungus, bacteria, and invertebrates which are the decomposers in a food web.And most recently, they have learned about conservation of energy which is the idea that energy isn’t created or destroyed, but changes form.
News from Ms. Prew
Check out this Would You Rather? image. Would you rather eat the bowl of grapes on the left or the bowl of grapes on the right? Why? Use numbers, words, or sketches to explain your thinking. There are no correct or incorrect answers! Click here to check out more examples of Would You Rather? Send me your thoughts! :) aprew@mtrsd.org
Reading News from Mrs. Morey
The purpose of reading is to understand something, not just to read the words correctly. This can mean to learn information, to be entertained, to learn a new skill (step by step), to make something (recipe) etc. It is important for us as caregivers to check with students to be sure they are understanding what they are reading. Ask them to tell you about what they are reading. What they like about it? What is a challenge in the story? How do the characters overcome a problem? Tell a fact you learned about ________.
Community News and Events
Check out what is happening in our area!
About Us
Email: eliebowitz@mtrsd.org
Website: https://sanderson.mohawktrailschools.org/
Location: 808 Cape Street, Ashfield, MA, USA
Phone: (413) 628-4404
Facebook: facebook.com/SandersonAcademy