August 30, 2024
Rejoice and Be Glad
“This is the day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice
and be glad in it.” (Psalm 118:24)
Many, many decades ago, a story came out of mainland China. A provincial official had been sent to investigate the growth of a Christian community within a village. The official went to the village elders and asked, “Do you have any Christians here?”
“Oh yes,” replied an elder. “We have Christians here, though we understand it is against the laws of our nation to promote faith in Christ.”
The officials walked around the village to investigate. They saw workers in the streets who were cleaning, repairing, and maintaining their village, just as they were paid to do. But the state official did not see anyone dressed differently or causing a ruckus as he assumed a Christian would do.
One official asked the elders, “How do you know there are Christians among those men working on the roads?” The elders answered, “The Christians are the happy ones.”
What if someone were looking for evidence of the Spirit of God at work in our lives. Would a person be able to tell we are Christians by our sense of purpose, contentedness, and serene joy?
“This is the day that the Lord has made [for you]. Let us rejoice and be glad in it.”
Yesterday is gone and cannot be recalled. Tomorrow has not arrived; we cannot hasten a day by either daydreaming about how great that day will be, or worrying about the pitfalls and challenges that day will present. Today is the only day we can explore, enjoy, and use in positive and creative ways.
This can be a great and glad day for you. Experience this day – infusing your conversations and actions with joy and strength – as the gift from God it is.
Sunday Worship & Scriptures
Please note, we will have one Worship Service at 10:00 am on September 1, 8, and 15. with livestream.
Join us this Sunday as we partake in the Sacrament of Holy Communion. Pastor Rich will bring us the message, The Scarlet and Gray Game.
Click here for Order of Worship
Scripture Readings are:
To access our church online options, subscribe to our YouTube channel on the link below.
In Our Prayers
Pray for these people on our Prayer List: Bev Ayres, Mary Bahr-Jones, Marion Benedict, Nancy Bedell, Dennis Burton, Nancy Burton, Nancy Carter, Vangie Chase, Ellen Coffman, Tom Conrad, Judy Daulton, Ann DeMarco, Margaret Edwards, Eileen Fisher, Dorothy Friedl, Tom Gribbell, Steve Hauser, Herbert Jarvie, Diane Kennedy, Lee Knoblock, Lori Konecki, Laura Krzeczkowski, Karla Kurzweil, Kay Malaney, Bill Marvin, Adrienne Matthews, Mary Mehelich, Julie Morrish, Richard Mudge, Rebbeca Naftel, Sarah Robertson Nadeau, Shannon Paul, Pat Rothley, Brian Russek, Sally Russell, Rev. Anne Schaefer, Karen Schoonover, Pete Shilland, Jim Skeeters, Pat Sluka, Paul Stottlemyer, Brett Tremaine, Ron Verduin, Nancy Watts, Doris Wiegert, Bill Windscheif, Martha Windscheif, and Pamela Zimmerman.
Prayers are requested for Colin Cornwall’s father-in-law, Tom Shaney.
Stephen Ministry
OLCCP is a Stephen Ministry congregation, which means many of our members and friends have completed a 50-hour training course in peer counseling, listening, and referral. If you would like to meet regularly with a Stephen Minister for a listening ear, supportive prayer, and companionship in times of struggle or transition, see Steve Orr or email info@olccp.com
The OLCCP Stephen Ministers are: Bev Ayres, Dorothy Friedl, Sherry Orr, Steve Orr, Bob Siebert, and Pat Redner-Colvin.
OLCCP Calendar
Our calendar is available to browse live 24 hours a day, 7 days a week at OLCC,P Calendar. You can browse all events coming up. You can also subscribe to the calendar on the same page.
Please be sure to check the calendar before organizing an event at OLCCP.
Dear Orchard Lake Family,
Have you thought, recently, about joining the choir? This might be a good season to check it out! At our first gathering we are trying to attract you with Strawberry Shortcake!
Then we will introduce the musical we are singing during Advent, “Have You Heard?” It’s a new piece by our friend, Joel Raney. It is lots of fun to sing with Celtic music overtones—penny whistle, hand drums, fiddle. So, if you were interested in trying this out for a season, or for a relatively short commitment, you could join just for this project.
We will perform on Friday, December 6th at 7:00 p.m.
Come to the first rehearsal on September 4 at 7:00 pm and hear interesting details about making music in the worship life of OLCCP this season!
Praising God through,
Bruce Snyder
Please join us in the Lakeview area for tea and donuts at 10:00 am then we will kick off our quilting season in the Quilt Room (room 115). Contact Helene King at
hmking56@gmail.com for more information.
Food, Fun & Fellowship
September 8 during the service!
We would like to send our students back to school with many prayers and blessings. All children, preschool and up, are invited to bring their backpacks to worship and join us for this special time of blessing as they prepare for an exciting new school year.
Contact Kelly at Kellyh@olccp.com for more info or to volunteer.
OLCCP wishes ALL of the students and teachers a wonderful school year!
Contact Kelly at Kellyh@olccp.com for more info or to volunteer.
Fall Bible Study - Thursdays
This is a nine-course study on Genesis. The course will go over the biblical account in detail and will show you that GOD created the world and all that is in it and around it. And He created YOU. From the Big Bang, Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve to Abraham - we will show you the implications of these monumental events and how they are important even today.
Please join us at 10:00 am starting on September 5, 2024. As usual, coffee and donuts or equivalent will be available.
See you then!
Our Daily Bread Devotions
Join us on Zoom for Our Daily Bread Devotions during the Fall months, Monday through Friday at 9:00 am. Free devotional guides are available for pick-up 24/7 in the Little Free Library outside our entrance or in the main lobby.
The Zoom link is
And to lead the class, you can sign up here Orchard Lake Community Church, Presbyterian: Our Daily Bread Devotional (signupgenius.com)
If you missed the exhibit on our 150th Celebration Sunday, be sure to stop in
Heritage Hall and take a look. Museum panels and historic photographs recount the history of Orchard Lake Community Church from its founding in 1874.
Extended captions are available on the website (olccp.com/history-exhibit), so you can learn more as you stroll the exhibit. Special thanks to contributors Jim Horner, Katie Cangany, the family of Alice Bentley Harvey, Greater West
Bloomfield Historical Society, and others who shared historic photographs in
our archives.
Thank you, also, to Wheelhouse Graphics who printed the museum panels and went above and beyond to solve a problem with the installation.
Historical Field Trips – Update for August 9
Feel free to invite your family and friends to any upcoming events.
August – No group field trip is planned for August. Please feel free to explore on your own. Ideas: Greenfield Village, Henry Ford Museum, Ford Rouge Factory Tour, Detroit Zoo, Historic Fort Wayne, Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit Riverwalk, Meadowbrook Hall, and the Holocaust Center.
September – As part of our 150-Year Founders’ Weekend, on Saturday, Sept. 14, at 5 pm, there will be a family fun activity at our church. Then, on Sunday, Sept. 15, at 10 am, we will have an outdoor worship service on the shore of Orchard Lake Country Club followed by a classic church potluck picnic with games and boat rides around historic Apple Island. More details to follow.
If you have any questions, please email Gary at garyforhan@ameritech.net.
Deacon Transportation Service
Do you need a ride? Deacon Transportation Services at OLCCP is staffed and able to take fellow members to medical or essential appointments.
Please contact Linda V. or Rebecca for information or email info@olccp.com.
The pantry is in need of the following food items: jelly, condiments, canned meat, tuna, soups, canned vegetables and fruits, canned chili, stew and baked beans, spaghetti sauce, pasta, boxed cereals, cake mix and frosting, crackers, and juice. This is an ongoing collection at OLCCP that is distributed weekly.
They accept all shelf-stable items. Any donation of food or hygiene products is appreciated. Items can be dropped off in the brown bench near the office.
Thank you for your continued support!
Contact Us
The Church Office is open Monday through Thursday from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
- Rev. Dr. Richard Lapehn (Pastor): In the office Monday through Thursday. May be reached by email at (pastorrich@olccp.com)or by phone at 248-682-0730.
- Leida Soto (Office Administrator): In the office Monday through Thursday or by email during office hours at (leida@olccp.com) or by phone at 248-682-0730.
- Stacey Cheff (Business Administrator): In the office Mondays and Thursdays or by email during office hours (stacey@olccp.com)
- Kelly Holquist (Children & Youth Director): May be reached by email during office hours at (kellyh@olccpl.com) or phone at 248-682-0730.
- Rebecca Grice-Johnson (Faith Community Nurse) : Email at (rebecca@olccp.com) or call 248-682-0730.
- Bruce Snyder (Director of Music Ministries): (bruce@olccp.com)
Email: info@olccp.com
Website: www.olccp.com
Location: 5171 Commerce Road, Orchard Lake, MI, USA
Phone: 248-682-0730
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OLCCP/