4K Center for Literacy
Family Newsletter
November 2024
Principal Message
Hello Minimaker Families
This is a great month for us to reflect on what to be thankful for. I am thankful for our families who believe in us to grow their children into readers, writers, and citizens. I am thankful for our staff who come in each day with a purpose: make an impact on our students’ lives. I am thankful for our students who bring such joy into our building each day. I am thankful that we had a great start to the school year. I look forward to what we see from our students during Quarter 2.
During this month, we hold our Parent/Teacher Conferences. Conferences allows for parents and teachers to work together to identify students’ strengths, needs, and ways to support academic and social-emotional growth. With a collective understanding, parents and teacher provide consistent support to help students succeed. The exchange of information during conferences helps build trust and rapport between our families and our school. We look forward to seeing our parents during conferences.
We are excited to welcome Mr. Biolo, our school counselor for Quarter 2. He comes to us from Woodland Elementary. We are so excited to have him work with our teachers and students. You are always welcome to connect with our school counselor when you have questions or concerns about your child.
Last week we sent out family reading logs for November. As best as you can, we hope you can create reading opportunities at home. Please connect with your child’s teacher if you have any questions. We love it when our students talk about reading time in their homes.
Our Minimakers can do AMAZING things!
Hercules Nikolaou, Ph.D.
Congratulations Dr. Prast!
We are excited to share that the Board of Education has selected a new superintendent to lead our district. More details can be found in the full press release below.
Kimberly School Board Announces Dr. Holly Prast as its Next Superintendent
The Kimberly Area School District (KASD) Board of Education announced Monday evening, October 14, 2024, that Dr. Holly Prast will be the next Superintendent of Schools. Prast will replace Dr. Robert Mayfield, who will retire after 32 years of service at the end of the 2024-25 school year.
“With a rich background in educational leadership and a proven commitment to student success, I have confidence Dr. Prast will continue leading the District toward excellence and growth,” said Mary Pribbenow, President of the KASD Board of Education.
Dr. Prast has spent the past 11 years as Assistant Superintendent for KASD. Prior to that, she held leadership positions as both the Executive Director of Administration and the Director of Assessment, Improvement, and Communications for the Oshkosh Area School District.
“The Kimberly Area School District has a long-standing reputation of excellence. I am honored that the Board has selected me to continue working with our students, families, administrators, teachers, staff and community to maintain our excellence, and build upon it moving forward,” said Dr. Prast. “My goal will be to foster a culture where students see the connection between themselves, their experiences here in KASD, and the world beyond our doors. I look forward to serving our Papermaker Community in this new role.”
KASD Plan for Excellence
Click HERE for the Kimberly Area School District Plan for Excellence
Important Upcoming Dates
- November 7 - NO School - Conferences
- November 11 - NO School - Conferences
- November 14 - PAC Mtg - 4:30 PM
- November 15 - NO School
- November 28-29 - NO School
- December 5 - Winter Festival
Winter Festival - December 5th!
Join our Parent Advisory Committee
The Parent Advisory Committee serves as the steering committee for special and social events throughout the school year. It is composed of a team of parents who volunteer their time and talents to build a community between our school and families. We can best serve our students when we work together.
Our next meeting will be held on: Thursday, November 14th beginning at 4:30 PM at the 4K Center for Literacy.
ALL parents/guardians are welcome anytime – please join us!
Vision Screening - December 10th
4K Center for Literacy VISION SCREENING will take place on Tuesday, December 10th. Please click on the flyer to the right to access more information about the district's vision screening.
We are looking for 3 volunteers to assist with the vision screening from approximately 8:45 am - 11:00 am (am session) or 12:45 - 3:00 pm (pm session). Please call our office at 920-423-4190 or email jlchevalier@kimberly.k12.wi.us. You will need to have a approved background check on file in order to volunteer.
Note from Our School Nurse
Pertussis Update
We want to let you know there have been cases of pertussis (whooping cough) reported in our community. The health of our students, staff, and families is a top priority, so we want to keep you informed.
What is Pertussis?
Pertussis is a contagious respiratory illness that spreads through droplets from coughs and sneezes. It can affect anyone, but young children and infants are especially at risk.
Early symptoms may resemble a cold and last 1-2 weeks:
· Runny nose
· Sneezing
· Low-grade fever (between 99.5°F and 100.3°F)
· Mild occasional cough
Later symptoms include severe coughing fits, a "whoop" sound when breathing, or vomiting.
Preventive Measures:
Monitor Symptoms: If your child shows symptoms, please consult your healthcare provider and keep them home if symptomatic.
Hygiene: Remind children to wash hands frequently, cover coughs, and avoid close contact with the sick.
Library News!
Scholastic Book Fair!
Shop November 7 and 11; Room 104
Parents are invited to shop the fair during our parent/teacher conferences on November 7 & 11 during scheduled conference times. Scholastic book fairs will accept the following forms of payment: cash, credit card, check.
Students and parents are not able to make purchases during the school day. Book fair transactions can only occur on parent/teacher conference days.
Visit our Book Fair homepage to learn more and get started with previewing the fair and online shopping: https://bookfairs.scholastic.com/bf/4kcenterforliteracy (note: Not all items on the online fair will be available at the 4KC fair, but ordering online still benefits our school and online orders are shipped directly to you!)
Lamers Bus Lines - Guest Rider Information
Lamers Bus Lines has been receiving a significant amount of calls regarding guest riders or students riding a different bus than they are assigned to.
What is allowed:
-Students can get off at a different stop with a friend as long as both students are currently assigned to the same bus. Parents must call the Lamers Bus Lines office (920) 832-8800 prior to doing this to ensure that it's allowed and that the driver is notified. Parents cannot just tell the driver.
What isn't allowed:
-Students are NOT allowed to bring guests onto their bus.
-Students are NOT allowed to ride buses they're not assigned to.
November Reading Log
Daily Fun With Your Little One!
Looking for ways to help your child get ready to learn to read? See the attached calendar for a daily fun activity that will help your child build pre-reading skills.
Papermaker Proud Decals Available
Student Absences
If your child is going to be absent, tardy or leaving early, please notify the office by calling (920) 423-4190. Feel free to leave a voicemail on the 4K Center attendance line anytime. You can also email Ms. Jenny in the office at jlchevalier@kimberly.k12.wi.us
Early Release Dates for 4KCfL
Health Services
When to Keep Your Child Home!
If your child is feeling ill, please refer to the document with parameters on when to keep your child home.
More KASD Information!
Join Our Team - Be a Substitute Teacher or Paraprofessional
If You See Something; Say Something
What's Happening at the 4K Center!
Boo Fun From Mrs. Kaminski's Classroom!
Mrs. Laundrie's Classroom Enjoying the Firefighter's Visit!
Happy Halloween from Mrs. Alvarez's Class!
Other 4K Communication Opportunities!
We have a FACEBOOK Page!
Follow us on FACEBOOK!
4KC Website
You can find more information on our website. Click our Minimaker to take you to the website
Community Events!
We receive many worthwhile announcements to be included in our newsletters. Since we cannot include all information here, please click on our Minimaker to check our our Community Events page. Events and activities are listed there, and are updated often.
Student NonDiscrimination Statement
The Board does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital status, parental status, sexual orientation, sex (including gender status, change of sex or gender identity), or physical, mental, emotional, or learning disability ("Protected Classes") in any of its student programs and activities.
If you are unable to access specific content within this newsletter, please call us at (920) 423-4190. This newsletter may contain links to third party sites, which are not within our control. The District is not responsible for the content or accessibility of third party sites. Some files may require Adobe Reader to open. Adobe Reader can be downloaded here.
Pupil Nondiscrimination Statement: The Kimberly Area School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital status, parental status, sexual orientation, sex, (including gender status, change of sex or gender identity), or physical, mental, emotional, or learning disability ("Protected Classes") in any of its student programs and activities.