Lowell News
April 26, 2024
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Message from Mrs. Phelan
Dear Lowell Families,
What an exciting week it has been at Lowell! The performance by Jack and Tim was a fantastic experience for our students in grades 2-5. Don't forget the Watertown's Family Dance Night is just around the corner. Please take a minute to learn more about the evening in the information below. I've provided a sign-up link to expedite the registration process. It was a bit hit last year, don't miss out!
Grade five families- the transition to middle school can be a significant milestone for fifth graders and their families, please be sure to read your classroom teacher's newsletter. It will provide information about end-of-year activities and the upcoming transition process helps ensure that everyone is prepared for the changes ahead.
Overall, things are going very well as we round the corner toward the end of the year. Here's to more memorable experiences and successful transitions in the weeks to come!
With Gratitude,
Stacy & Ben
The FTO has generously agreed to donate books from the Book Fairy to Lowell students in need. If you are interested in having your child receive a book from the Book Fairy, please contact either of our Guidance Counselors at melina.jacovides@watertown.k12.ma.us or brian.connors@watertown.k12.ma.us.
Are You Moving Out of Watertown/Not Returning to Lowell?
If you are planning to move out of Watertown or the Lowell School District, please complete this form as soon as possible. This information helps us to accurately plan for the fall.
Message from the FTO
Hello Lowell Families,
It is a busy time of year for the FTO and we are so appreciative for all of the Lowell community members who have been helping support the FTO in countless ways. Walk-a-Thon ends today (see the flyer below) and has been a great success. Students are looking very cool in their new sunglasses! Only a few more hours to donate.
Book Fair starts next week and we are so excited for one of the Lowell FTO’s signature events. The Book Fair is an incredibly fun time for students and families alike. The success of this year’s book fair depends on parent/guardian volunteers. Please reach out to lowellelementarypto@gmail.com or kellylinehan@gmail.com with any questions.
Visit: 2024 Lowell Book Fair Sign Up Sheet for Volunteers - Google Sheets to sign up for Book Fair shifts.
Thank you,
Brooke Burke
Parent Diversity, Inclusion, & Belonging Council Final Meeting
Save the date!
Join the Parent Diversity, Inclusion, & Belonging Council for the year's final meeting to review organized activities and start planning for the following year. The meeting will be on Thursday, May 9th, from 6:30 to 7:30 PM. More information will be sent!
MCAS Dates
Grades 3, 4 and 5 - MATH Test
- Tuesday, May 7th
- Thursday, May 9th
Grade 5 only - SCIENCE Test
- Tuesday, May 14th
- Thursday, May 16th
All test sessions begin at 8:40 am.
Please make sure your child is at school on time. Students who arrive late may not be able to participate in the test session with their class. They will take that test session on a make-up test day.
Technology is not allowed while doing the test, so please ask your children to not bring smartwatches.
A good night’s sleep and a healthy breakfast will positively impact your child’s test experience.
Encourage your child to take their time and do their best.
Golden Leopard
We are amazed at how many students have been spotted! We are so proud to see children in the school working hard to demonstrate their commitment to our core values.
The Golden Leopard reward was created to celebrate our students. If a student earns a leopard spot for each core value in one week, they will receive the Golden Leopard reward.
They will receive a special certificate; their names will be announced during the morning messages and appear in the family newsletter.
During the week before vacation, three students earned the Golden Leopard. Please congratulate Joey Segreve, Treazure Lewis, and Milana Potz!
Jack and Tim Music Presentation
We had the opportunity to see a short performance by Jack and Tim, a father-son musical duo from Norfolk, UK. Jack and Tim were finalists in the 2018 series of Britain's Got Talent. Our students had a fantastic time listening to their music!
Watertown's Family Formal
The Family Formal is approaching. Please sign up prior to this event by filling out the registration form. Email watertownfamilyformal@gmail.com with any questions.
May 11th, at Cunniff Elementary school, 6:00-8:00pm. There will be food, drink, raffles, Photo Booth and DJ.
Important Dates
- Tuesday April 30th - Whole School Buddies Activity
- April 29th to May 3rd - Lowell Book Fair
- April 30th & May 1st - AAPPL test. 5th Grade Only (Spanish Assessment)
- Monday, May 6th - Friday, May 10th - Teacher Appreciation Week
- Tuesday, May 7th - ELA Math Test
- Wednesday, May 8th - School Nurses Appreciation Day
- Thursday, May 9 - ELA Math Test
- Thursday, May 9 - Parent Diversity, Inclusion, & Belonging Council Meeting
- May 11th - Family Dance Night at the Cuniff
Tuesday, May 14 - Science Test - 5th grade only
Tuesday, May 14 - FTO Meeting
Wednesday, May 15th - Professional Learning Day. Early Release 12:15
Thursday, May 16 - Science Test - 5th grade only
Friday, May 24 - Classroom Smores go home
Monday, May 27 - Memorial Day. No School
Contact Us
J.R. Lowell Elementary School
123 Lowell Ave.
Watertown, Ma 02472
Phone: 1-617-926-7770
Principal- Stacy Phelan
Assistant Principal- Benjamin Kraus
Administrative Assistant- Kara Flynn
Receptionist- Jim Swift
Nurse- Kathy Taverna
Guidance Melina Jacovides k-2
Guidance Brian Connors 3-5
Special Education Team Chair- Greg Roberts, ext. 37171
LEDP Site Coordinator- Adam Vachon
Lowell Elementary School Principal