A Note from Principal Welch
February 7th, 2025
Members of the Rincon Campus Community,
We continue to have neighbors who live in the area immediately surrounding Rincon share with us serious concerns related to pedestrian and traffic safety. It has been reported that students and parents, alike, continue to threaten the well-being of residents in the neighborhood, as well as students, disregarding signs that are designed to promote safety.
Rincon is the central hub in this community, and we want to develop safe, respectful relationships with our neighbors so that we are a welcome entity in the community, modeling civility and respect.
Please be extra vigilant during student drop-off and pick-up, to follow and abide by the posted signs.
TPD regularly enforces the area and violations of regulations may result in hefty fines. Beyond that, we want to teach our students what it means to be courteous neighbors, as leaders in the community. As concerns continue to escalate, we advise all members of the Rincon community and surrounding neighborhood to report violations to TPD. However, we are hopeful that proceeding with caution while traveling in the area will eliminate the need to involve law enforcement.
I urge you to support our neighbors, as well as our young drivers and pedestrian students, by practicing patience and consideration while traveling in the nearby neighborhoods.
Remember, the safety of everyone in the area, including your student, is the goal!