Special Announcement
From CBFGA-Disaster Relief Response-Hurricane Helene
A message from the Executive Coordinator, Jody Long
Click Below to Donate to CBF Global or CBFGA Hurricane Helene Disaster Relief Funds
CBF Global Hurricane Helene Disaster Relief Fund
CBFGA Hurricane Helene Disaster Relief Fund
Hurricane Helene's destruction and devastation will be felt for years to come. In many areas of our state and beyond, residents are still without power and water and access to food and fuel are very limited, if unavailable. Many of our CBFGA partner congregations and supporters have reached out with offers of help. For the moment, the best help we can give is financial.
By giving money to CBFGA or CBF Global's Diaster Response work, you are directing funds to go to local partners and groups who are on the front lines of the response and recovery efforts. 100% of the monies you give go directly to response efforts.
There will be opportunities in the days ahead for other types of response, including giving supplies and even sending people to help with clean up efforts. Right now, however, with the lack of power and water, all of the energy of first responders should be directed in those ways.
CBFGA will continue to update the response efforts in the days ahead.
Tomorrow you will receive your regular Newletter from CBFGA (ReVisions) with registration information for State Gathering and Fall Youth Retreat, Save the Dates for Children's Retreat and Mission Madness and links to important info on our website.