2024-2025 Enrollment Edition Marysville Jr/Sr High School
Principal's Note
Enrollment Hours: Thursday 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM or Friday from 8:00 AM - 4:00 PM.
It's time for enrollment! We look forward to seeing you tomorrow or Friday during the hours listed above. Please excuse the mess when you get here. There are all kinds of projects going on as you can see below. Our maintenance department and construction professionals are inside and outside the building working hard to help make our school even more awesome!
In addition to facilities improvements, we have also made some other changes. School now begins at 8:00 AM and ends at 3:15 PM. I know students will enjoy getting out at the earlier time but the 8:00 AM start time is going to be a shock for some. The other big change is our new cell phone policy. Students will need to stow their phones in lockers this year during the school day. We will be having an assembly in the auditorium on "Open House" night at 6:00 PM. Parents and students, please come right at 6:00 PM so we can talk about the changes, and then we will turn you loose to check out your new schedule and meet your teachers. As always, we ask that all 7th graders and parents/guardians attend.
Please do your best to get here during the enrollment times listed above. If you can't make it during our open enrollment, make sure to call the office at 562-5386 to set up a time to come enroll with Michelle and Deb on your own. Have a great rest of your summer! We will see you all soon!
Tim Woodcock, Principal
Auditorium On Its Way!
The new seating in our auditorium is almost done! Look at how great it looks!
Important Dates
Thursday, August 1
9:00-6:00 PM Open Enrollment
Friday, August 2
8:00-4:00 PM Open Enrollment
Wednesday, August 14
6:00 PM Athletic Parent Meeting @ Auditorium
Monday, August 19
Sports Practices Begin
Tuesday, August 20
6:00 PM Open House - Begin in Auditorium
Student/Parent Meeting with Mr. Woodcock
Mandatory 7th Grade Attendance
Wednesday, August 21
8:00 AM First Day of School - DISMISS @ 1:40 PM
Thursday, August 22
8:00 AM First Full Day of School
Extreme Library Makeover!
The finishing touches are being put on the library this summer!
AC Never Looked So Good!
Take a look at the huge ducts and vents bringing cool air to a classroom near you!
Glow Run, Anyone?
Mrs. Smith, a math and PE teacher here at MJSHS, has organized a "Glow Run/Walk" at the Beattie MiloFest. Check it out and see if you can get involved!