Owens Intermediate
Parent Newsletter
As we began preparing for the return of our students, I would like to assure you that there is No Place Like OWENS; Operating With Excellence Never Stops! When the doors open in a few short weeks, the staff will be well prepared to meet the diverse needs of all our students. This newsletter contains a wealth of information to support a strong start to the school year. Please take some time to review this information so you are as prepared as possible for the upcoming school year.
Our campus library is currently being renovated and is scheduled for completion very soon I am thrilled to share that our library has been designed with state of the art technology, contemporary learning spaces, and an inviting décor to support digital literacy and engaged patrons. We will host a library grand opening for the community so you have an opportunity to share in this spectacular space for literacy.
We are excited to welcome our students back for an amazing year.
Dr. Lorena Augustus
Owens Intermediate Principal
Mark Your Calendars!
- October 2-Round II; Cheerleader Tryouts, 6th Grade only
- October 9-11-Fall Break
Student Mode of Dress
Owens mode of dress for students consists of a basic uniform that parents may purchase at area stores that sell uniform items. The selections for the Owens’ “mode of dress” are as follows:
- Tops must be white, gray, navy, or purple. Solid colors only. Shirts with the official school logo will be available for purchase at the beginning of the school year.
- Bottoms must be khaki, black, or navy blue. No leggings, joggers, or athletic bottoms.
- Students may not wear the same-colored top and bottom.
- No stripes, decorations, or symbols other than the school shield on clothing permitted.
- Shirt/top must have a collar; turtlenecks are acceptable during colder months. No emblems or writings on clothing except for official school logo are permitted.
- Shirts must be tucked in at all times.
- Pants/shorts must be fitted and worn at the waist (not baggy, too tight or clinging to skin).
- Elastic waistbands are acceptable.
- Belts must be worn if pants/shorts/skirt has belt loops. No hanging canvas belts and no buckles with lettering or symbols.
- Girls may wear navy or khaki jumper dresses.
- Khaki, black, or navy shorts, capris, and skirts are allowed.
- Owens spirit T-shirts may be worn on only on Tuesdays
- College Spirit Fridays— Wear your favorite college t-shirt.
- Leggings must be black and only worn under skirts or skorts.
- Sweaters/sweatshirts must be solid in color, white, or gray or the school purchased sweat shirt. Navy Cardigans, pullover or V-neck styles are acceptable if worn with collared shirt underneath.
- Shirts, jackets or sweatshirts should not have hoods. Students are not allowed to tuck in hoods on garment.
- Only solid white-T shirts with no writing may be worn under any collared shirt
- An Owens’ ID badge is worn as part of the mode of dress.
- Jackets/windbreakers are not allowed to be worn within/around the building and must be kept in the class coat closet.
- No oversized clothing is allowed at any time.
- Hair must be styled in a socially acceptable manner, neat, clean and not cause a distraction. Natural color hair, i.e. no green, blue, pink, purple, etc.
- No make-up allowed.
- Fingernails should be short to medium length.
- Girls—Hoop Earrings must be quarter size or less.
- All necklaces must be tucked inside shirts/tops.
- Principal has the discretion to change mode of dress at the campus.
Student ID Policy
Students are required to wear IDs around the neck or clipped to the upper part of the body at all times. Legal name must be used for identification for the safety and security of everyone. Failure to
properly display ID or use of another’s ID will result in disciplinary actions. These IDs will be required for admission to school activities and must be shown or surrendered upon request.
Student IDs are the property of each campus. Any identification card that is lost, defaced, or broken must be replaced immediately at the student’s expense.
In order for the SMART tag system to work efficiently, student ID's must be worn.
Clear Backpack Policy
Students will only be allowed to use clear backpacks while on campus. All items in the bags must be visible, but students can have a small nonclear bag for personal items like money and hygiene.
Daily Attendance
We don’t want your child to fall behind in school and get discouraged. Please ensure that your child attends school every day and arrives on time.
Here are a few practical tips to help support regular attendance:
1) Make sure your children keep a regular bedtime and establish a morning routine.
2) Lay out clothes and pack backpacks the night before.
3) Ensure your children go to school every day unless they are truly sick
4) Avoid scheduling vacations or doctor’s appointments when school is in session.
5) Talk to teachers and counselors for advice if your children feel anxious about going to school.
6) Develop back up plans for getting to school if something comes up. Call on a family member, neighbor, or another parent to take your child to school.
Please see the detailed letter below for more information.
Arrival and Dismissal Information
- Owens Intermediate opens our doors at 8:00 a.m. Students who arrive to school via car, day care bus, or walking should not arrive prior to this time.
- Students are able to enter their classrooms at 8:20. They will either go to breakfast or sit in the hallway near their classroom until 8:20.
- The instructional day begins at 8:35 and ends at 3:50.
- Breakfast is served from 8:00-8:30
- Students should be in their seats ready to learn by 8:35.
- Dismissal release times are as follows:
4:00-Car riders
4:05-Bus riders
4:10-Front Walkers
During the first weeks of school dismissal typically takes a little longer as students learn the procedures. Please be patient with us, especially on the first day of school. The car rider line is usually very long as parents begin lining up before the school day ends.
Car riders pick up tip: If you arrive around 4:10, the line is usually much shorter as the year progresses.
It is helpful if your child will be a bus rider, they ride the bus first day of school instead of car in the morning and bus in the afternoon. They are sometimes unaware of what bus they should ride home. This is your choice, but students are more successful when they start in the manner which they will utilize for the school year.
If your child is designated as a bus rider, they will not be allowed to walk from school.
If you would like to know what bus your student will ride and you have not received a letter, you can check here:
Bus Information
Smart Tags
The SMART Tag system helps increase safety and security for students riding on a school bus, leveraging technology to improve student management and communications on school buses.
SMART Tag monitors student loading and unloading, providing real-time information to the Transportation Department, and you, the parent.
SMART Tag will help.....
- Increase driver, school and parent awareness
- ensure riders will load on the right bus and unload at the right stop
- maximize rider safety and security
- enable drivers to efficiently and effectively carry out their duties
SMART Tag Parent Portal
- SMART Alerts - Sign up for SMART Alerts and receive emails or text messages when your child is approximately 10 - 15 minutes from their stop.
- SMART Locate - allows parents to view a map showing the bus as their child is being transported
Car Rider Information
Owens Intermediate uses Silent Dismissal at end of day student dismissal. Silent Dismissal enables students to get to where they need to go in an orderly, safe fashion. This includes bus riders, car riders, afterschool program, or any extracurricular events.
Nutrition information
All Alief ISD school cafeterias offer nutritionally balanced meals that meet USDA regulations. They include meat or a meat alternative, a vegetable and/or fruit, bread, and a choice of milk. A vegetarian entree is also available each day, as well as many traditional and reduced-fat a la carte and snack items.
The Federal Meals Office - Location is 12400 High Star, Building T-248.
Application for Free and Reduced-Price School Meals
Download 2024-2025 Meal Application
Alief ISD announced its policy today for providing free and reduced-price meals for children served under the attached current income eligibility guidelines.
Starting August 01, 2024, Alief ISD will begin distributing letters to the households of the children in the district about eligibility benefits and any actions households need to take to apply for these benefits. Families are encouraged to complete the Application for Free and Reduced-Price School Meals, also available at www.SchoolCafe.com for fastest processing, or return the completed paper Meal Application to Alief ISD Nutrition-Federal Meals Office, 12400 High Star, Building T-248 Houston, TX 77072, 281-988- 3388.
The application will determine a child's eligibility for free and reduced-price meals and may assist in the determination of eligibility for other state or federal benefits. Only one application needs to be completed per household. Schools will notify the household of the child's eligibility. The Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) administers school nutrition programs in Texas and offers an eligibility calculator at www.SquareMeals.org/ProgramEligibility.
Decisions regarding payment for school meals are at the national-government level, not by the school nutrition team or TDA. The dedicated staff at Alief ISD is looking forward to serving healthy, balanced meals to students in the new school year. These meals, whether paid, free, or reduced-price, offer a good source of nutrition for children.
Please note that if you received a notification letter that a child is directly certified for free or reduced-price meals, do not complete an application.
To pre-pay your student's meal account & complete an application online to apply for free or reduced meals benefits. 855-729-2328 Toll free support line
- You will need your student's ID number to register. If you do not know your student's ID number, call 281-988-3388.
- Online applications are encouraged for faster response time.
- View your student's cafeteria account balance and purchases.
- Make secure online payments anytime, anywhere.
- Set up hassle-free automatic payments for your student
- Receive email messages when your account has a low balance
All Alief ISD school cafeterias offer nutritionally balanced meals that meet USDA regulations. They include meat or a meat alternative, a vegetable and/or fruit, bread, and a choice of milk. A vegetarian entree is also available each day, as well as many traditional and reduced-fat a la carte and snack items.
The Federal Meals Office - Location is 12400 High Star, Building T-248.
About Us
Email: owenscontact@aliefisd.net
Website: https://www.aliefisd.net/owens
Location: 6900 Turtlewood Drive, Houston, TX, USA
Phone: (281)983-8466
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/OwensInt/
Twitter: @OwensInt