Bronco Announcements
Bella Vista High School

August 28, 2024
Coming soon...
BVTV will be back September 10 on Tuesday's & Thursday's!
Staff Absences
David Gonzalez – sub Amy Stockett
Sydney Smith (5th only) – covered by staff
Student Body
- Attention SENIORS! If you have not scheduled your appointment with Bill Smith Photography for senior portraits, please do so ASAP!
- BVHS Senior Portrait Appointment Link: https://billsmithphoto.com/bellavista/ for any ordering questions: text or call (916)749-1026
- TODAY is the the last day for Schedule changes. Requests can continue to be submitted through the google doc or by visiting your counselor at lunch.
- There will be an HBCU (Historically Black Colleges & Universities) recruitment Fair on September 12 at 1:30pm at El Camino HS for 11 & 12 graders.
- Bussing & a light light lunch will be provided
- You can get more info or a permission slip to ride the bus in A6 with Mrs. Gonzalez. Permission slips are due by 9/9
Upcoming Meetings
- Model United Nations annual information meeting today at lunch in room A11.
- Grade Level Assemblies: School Rules/ Expectations, special bell schedule Thursday, 8/29
- Club Day - Friday 8/30 in the large quad at lunch. Come learn about all the different clubs BV has to offer and sign up!
- Interested in joining the BV Tennis Team? Meet at the tennis courts after school from 3:30pm - 5:15pm. No experience needed & all are welcome!
- Freshman Tailgate this Friday 5:45 - 7pm in the stadium near the west end zone. BV Freshmen, come support Bronco football & have a great time eating pizza, ice cream, games and music, raffles & face painting.
Athletic Events
Support our Bronco Athletics at these upcoming sporting events! Free home admission with your ASB card!
- First home football games are this Thursday for freshmen & Friday for JV & Varsity vs. Nevada Union. Theme is military/USA
- Come support BV Girls Volleyball home games this Friday, Frosh 4:30, JV 5:30 & Varsity 6:30
On going Reminders...
- Detentions can be served Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday after school in J6. Students should arrive by 3:35pm. Courtesy reminders will be delivered to students during the school day, but it is the responsibility of students to serve any owed detentions before the due date.
- If you purchased a School Planner or Class Shirt swing by the Mini Quad during Lunch and pick up your items.
- Student Body Cards, Planners and Class Shirts can still be purchased online at GOFan.co (use your student ID# as the access code) or you can purchase these items at the finance office with cash/check.
- Students planning to participate in 2024-2025 sports need to be registered on Sports Net and have a current sports physical on file before conditioning or trying out.
Jessica Cokinos
Jessica is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters