Family Update 5.1.24
Message from Principal Branch
Happy Spring!
This school year has moved very quickly! We have some fun family activities still happening this month, and some graduation ceremonies for our last week in June. Please make sure to read below for those events and dates. It has been a fun and great year here at Garden City, and we thank all of you for your continuous support and love you show all our students and staff.
Thanks for being part of the Garden City family!
Principal Branch
Upcoming Events- Mark your calendars!
5/1: 3rd Grade Science Museum Field Trip
5/2: Build em Bust em Field Trip
5/6: Staff Workshop Day (NO SCHOOL)
5/7: Families to Families (Multicultural Night Planning with Volunteers) 5:00-6:00pm
5/8: 5th Grade Three Rivers Field Trip
5/13: Kindergarten Como Zoo Field Trip
5/16: Family Multicultural Night 5:00-6:30pm
5/22: School Family BBQ & 5th Grade BMS Field Trip Visit
5/30: Field Day
5/31: 5th Grade Field Trip to MIA
Tuesday, June 4th
Pre-K Ceremony
Location: Courtyard
AM: 11:15-12:00pm
PM: 3:15-4:00pm
Kindergarten Ceremony
Location: Courtyard
Wednesday, June 5th
5th Grade Ceremony
Location: Gym
Bus Safety:
Please review bus expectations with your scholars. We have seen an increase in bus behaviors. For example, students getting out of their seats when the bus is moving, crawling under seats, profanity and even fighting. These are a distraction to the driver and create safety issues for all students riding the bus. Much of the behavior is coming from Bus 202 and 220. If this behavior continues, bus riding privileges will be temporarily suspended. If you have any concerns about bus safety please call the main office.
Healthy Food and Drinks:
We are asking that families keep candy, sweet treats, and beverages like soda pop, Kool-Aid, juices, etc. at home. Do not bring them to school. Clear water bottles are allowed for water only. Please do not send students to school with sugary drinks. We have extra clear water bottles at school. Send your child to the main office if they need a new one. Supply is limited.
Student Cell Phones/Devices at School
We are encouraging families to keep student cell phones be left at home. If you choose to send your child to school with a celll phone, please keep the following in mind:
Secure your phone. The school and district are not responsible for replacing lost or stolen cell phones.
Keep them in backpacks, coats, etc.
Do not use them for social media, taking pictures, or videos during school hours or on the bus.
Cell phones being inappropriately used at school will be collected by staff and returned the student at the end of day. If it becomes a repeated interruption to learning, a family member may be asked to come to school.
All students have access to district devices while at school, so cell phones are not needed or required for instruction. If you have any questions, concerns, or situations that require your student to have a cell phone at school, please contact Principal Branch or Ms. Hartman at 763-561-9768.
To ensure the safety of all our students…
If there are ANY changes to pick up at the end of the day (example- your student(s) being a parent pick up instead of taking the bus home, or a different family/friend picking up etc) please notify the
OFFICE NO LATER than 2:30pm.
Call 763-561-9768