Montgomery Blair HS
Principal's Newsletter
May / June 2024
Dear Montgomery Blair High School Families,
This is my last newsletter as your PROUD principal. As the leader of Montgomery Blair High School for 13 years, I have had so many memorable experiences, and I have truly enjoyed my time leading our amazing school. A new principal will be named later this month, but I am still your principal through June 30, 2024. I look forward to prom, GRADUATION, and the end of the year activities.
This is a reminder that school is closed on Wednesday, May 29, 2024, so that staff can attend graduation. Pictured in the top right corner of this section is Ms. Fus, Senior Class Sponsor and me. I want to THANK Ms. Fus for all of the amazing proms and graduations that she has planned during my time at Blair.
Last week was Teacher / Staff Appreciation Week. We hosted a group of dignitaries to kick off the week, including Lt. Governor, Aruna Miller, who joined the National Education Association in awarding our Silver Chips News program $5000, please see the news release below. Thank you Blair families for kind notes, delicious desserts, and gifts. I want thank Blair parent, alumnus, and restaurateur, Jason Miskiri for providing a delicious meal to our staff last week. We truly appreciate all of the tremendous support from our Blair families.
Our students need YOU! Blair After Prom is a safe event for all Blair junior and seniors. Students do not need to attend prom in order to attend the After Prom event at Blair High School. We need parent volunteers to make this a successful event. Please sign up here, https://www.signupgenius.com/go/30E0A44AEA62FA2FE3-47958995-afterprom, to help us. There is more information below.
We will be administering thousands of standardized tests in May, so please review our testing schedule and make sure that your teen is in school for their scheduled assessment. Testing information is below for you to review.
As always, please check our website at https://mbhs.edu/ and social media pages for up-to-date school news and information.
Follow on X/Twitter @blairprincipal
Like Montgomery Blair High School on Facebook
Follow on Instagram @blairprincipal
Thank you for your support,
Renay Johnson
Proud Principal
Blair High School Retirements
Please join me in wishing the following staff HAPPY Retirement at the end of the school year!
Renay Johnson, Principal
Angie Bosse, Magnet / Health Teacher
Paris Bustillos, Communication Arts Program Teacher
Bob Gibb, Social Studies Teacher
Brian Hinkle, Social Studies Teacher
Sandra Jacobs, English Teacher
Jim Mogge, Communication Arts Program Teacher
David Ngbea, School Security Staff
Diane Norris, Math Teacher
National Education Association Kick-off Teacher Appreciation Week at Blair!
Thank You Parents for the Delicious Food & Treats for Teacher Appreciation Week!
Student Appreciation Day, Friday, May 17, 2024!
Montgomery Blair High School's Annual Student Appreciation Day celebration is Friday, May 17. Help us celebrate our students for all their hard work and achievements by donating individually packaged snacks (e.g. fruit snacks, cookies, chips, granola bars, etc.). Please drop off the items in the main office. We appreciate your support.
Thank you,
Blair HS Staff
Blair Fair was a HUGE Success! View the picture gallery below.
VOTE: Maryland Official Ballot Box is at Blair HS!
Spring Testing Information and Schedule
MCAP Testing Schedule
In order to earn a Maryland high school diploma current students must participate in the MCAP Algebra 1, MCAP English 10, Government High School Assessment (HSA), and Maryland Integrated Science Assessment (MISA). These assessments will be given in May. Please click the link below for more details!
THANK YOU Ms. Atterberry, Blair's PTSA President!
PTSA Meeting, Ayo Atterberry, President
Joining the Montgomery Blair High School Parent Teacher Student Association (Blair HS PTSA) is one of the best ways to get connected and support the Blair community.
Please see information about the PTSA and join here: https://blairptsa.org/join/
Please see our listservs here: https://blairptsa.org/listserves/
Mark your calendars for our PTSA meeting dates at 7:00 PM:
Below is the date for our last PTSA meeting this year:
- Tuesday, May 21, 2024
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 892 1956 5825
In order to ensure a safe, productive, and positive learning environment, Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) publishes these handbooks to help students, parents/guardians, and staff understand the Montgomery County Board of Education's core values and commitments; students' rights; school rules; expectations for student conduct; and the possible consequences for violating the rules. If you have questions, please speak to the administration at your school. If you have comments about any of these publications, please send them in writing to the MCPS Department of Communications at pio@mcpsmd.org.
Parents: Have you been receiving our school communications via Remind? Check out the quick guide for how to set up and use the app.
For questions, please contact Mr. Bernstein, assistant principal, Aaron_M_Bernstein@mcpsmd.org
Report Card Distribution Dates
Quarter 1: November 9, 2023 ✅
Quarter 2: February 5, 2024 ✅
Quarter 3: April 18, 2024✅
Quarter 4: June 24, 2024, mailed to your home.
Interims and mid-quarter progress reports will be available on ParentVue and StudentVue.
End of Course Exam Reminder and Update on the Grading and Reporting Regulation
In order to be in line with Maryland State Department of Education guidelines and other school districts in Maryland, Montgomery County Public Schools will be reducing the number of unexcused absences from 15 to 10 for students to be withdrawn for non-attendance. Please email Roxanne Fus, Roxanne_F_Fus@mcpsmd.org, if you have questions about our attendance policy.
Counseling Department News & Information
Happy May Flowers to our Blazer Families! Throughout the month of May, we will be bringing awareness to Mental Health, having several activities throughout the month for students to participate in. We are also excited to share two great discussions that will be occurring virtually for parents to attend. Registration is required for the zoom link information. As we prepare for the summer and next school year, our counseling newsletter highlights helpful information like SSL opportunities and last-minute Senior tasks! You can also find great information from our CCIC within her newsletter in preparation for next year.
Mental Health Awareness Month: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vGCC6Us2k30SUqLnUnBaOLA7OJk1vDP5/view?usp=drive_link
Parent Mental Health Education Series: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1C3koAtXpK81LXfR8GZM2nJe3jOrN2IDY/view?usp=drive_link
Counseling Newsletter: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tCzoMb7vV_DF1dCxkgBmoH_ze_P4nqiu/view?usp=sharing
CCIC Newsletter: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1HTuNUOHAT5MWQYkqT6-A1NCFCW6pEVoM/view?usp=drive_link
Thanks! Makeyda
Mrs. Makeyda Soriano, NCC (she/her)
Resource School Counselor
Montgomery Blair High School
Phone: 240-740-7220
School Counseling Website: https://sites.google.com/mcpsmd.net/mbhs-schoolcounseling-team/home
Blair Academies
Blair's Preschool Program
Do you have a child who is turning 4 for the 2024-25 school year? Do you know someone that does? Sign your child up for the preschool Child Development program today! You can find information about our program on our website; It includes all the documents needed to enroll for next school year! Contact Denae_N_Guzan@mcpsmd.org for more information.
Communication Arts Program News
English Language Development Students of the Month!
Fine Arts Department
Math Department News
Attention Class of 2025!
Believe it or not, the Class of 2025 is just a few short weeks away from being SENIORS! The first order of business will be your senior class photo!
Just a few tips about scheduling your senior photo:
Legacy Studios will contact seniors via email to alert them that the scheduling site is open. Please be sure to regularly check your Spam folders just in case!
Seniors can access the site to schedule their time either through the customized link provided or by visiting the Legacy Studios website and searching Montgomery Blair High School.
Both the MBHS link and a link to the general Legacy Studios website are provided here:
2. https://seniors.legacystudios.com/montgomeryblair-hs-silverspring-md/
Below is the contact information for Legacy Studios customer care service should you require any assistance.
3. Call: 716-512-6336
4. Email: customercare@legacystudios.com
5. Chat: https://seniors.legacystudios.com
For any specific inquiries related to senior photos and Montgomery Blair High School, please contact our School Business Administrator, Dr. Andrew Fields, at andrew_s_fields@mcpsmd.org.
NEW this year:
- Breakfast: FREE FOR ALL STUDENTS, 7:00 a.m. - 7:35 a.m.
- Lunch: Regular Price: $2.80 (Middle and High); Reduced Price (All Levels): No Cost for those who qualify.
- Supper: FREE FOR ALL STUDENTS, 2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Free and Reduced-Price Meal Applications
Apply online NOW! Families who meet certain federal income standards are eligible for free or reduced-price meal benefits. All children use their MCPS ID number at the register so confidentiality is maintained and no child is overtly identified as receiving free or reduced-price meals. Only one application is needed for all students in a household.
A new application must be completed for any family requesting assistance this school year. The online application is now open for families to submit applications.
For more information, visit the Food Services website: https://www2.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/departments/food-and-nutrition/meal-payments/
George B. Thomas Learning Academy Saturday School at Blair!
Through this county-wide program, we strive to ensure every student believes they can achieve and has the tools to maximize their potential. SAT/ACT prep classes are also available at our site, in addition to general tutoring in the core subjects, for high school students. Please register online at www.saturdayschool.org.
Rahman A. Culver, M.P.A. (he/him) What’s this?
George B. Thomas Learning Academy Center Director
Montgomery Blair High School
51 University Blvd. East, Suite 340
Silver Spring, MD 20901
(240) 621-2760
Twitter: @mrculverteaches
Instagram: www.instagram.com/mrculverteaches
Facebook: www.facebook.com/mrculverteaches
Explore Montgomery Blair High School's equity journey!
Register now for the 2022-23 year of the George B. Thomas Learning Academy Saturday School Program!
Blair Network Information (BNC) Daily Show
Congratulations to Nathan Charles MCABSE Distinguished Scholar!
Congratulations to Sergio Cohen, Commitment to Susquehanna Univ Lacrosse!
Congratulations Mireya King, Commitment Williams College Track & Field!
Congratulations to Beatriz da Silva, Commitment to Bryn Mawr College Soccer!
Congratulations to Nathan Wallace, Commitment to Monmouth University Swimming!
Blazers Dance Showcase!
Blair Staff Spotlight!
Blair Staff With Their Children on Take Your Child to Work Day!
Silver Chips News
Be sure to check out Silver Chips' most recent issue! The magazine takes a deep dive into local and national politics. Have your student pick up a copy from their English class or Subscribe to get all 7 cycles mailed to you!
Blair's Kindness Corner
Attention All Blazers: Kindness Corner will host a FREE May Give-away on Monday, May 20, during the lunch period. All clothing, shoes, school supplies, personal items are FREE to our Blazers!
If you or someone you know needs resources and seasonal items, please refer them to Kindness Corner at Blair High School. Together, we provide resources and supplies to our students and families, through Kindness Corner and county and federal resources.
Please visit the resources page at https://blairpcc.weebly.com/
Kindness Corner at Blair is grateful to many for their generous contributions and we continue to collect gift cards and other items through the Kindness Corner registry.
Please contact Faye Nabavian with any questions.
Cell: 240-506-8576
Email: Farzaneh_Nabavian@mcpsmd.org
Kindness Corner
Distributes Free Coats, Clothes & Personal Items
To Our Students
We receive many calls and visits from parents looking for their teens after school. Here are a few safety tips for parents:
1. Speak with your teen about their after-school plans. School dismisses at 2:30 p.m. for students who have 8 class periods, and 3:20 p.m. for students with 9 class periods. After school, students must be under the direct supervision of a staff member or participating in a school-sponsored activity to remain in the building.
2. Make sure your teen has their cell phone charged and turned on after school and is checking phone messages.
3. Cell phones have a locator function, have your teen turn it on so that you can know their location.
4. Students without cell phones, can come to the main office to call their family or ask a staff member for assistance. Our main office is open until 3:50 p.m. daily.
Montgomery Blair High School in partnership with Montgomery County Recreation Department offers a FREE after-school recreation program, Monday - Friday • 2:30 p.m. - 5:00 p.m., in Blair's cafeteria. The program has begun, but students can still register for the program and attend on the same day. This program is open to all students. In addition, free dinner is available for students.
School Information
ParentVUE: If you need support with log-in information for your teen, please contact Ms. Maria Tanos, Latino Achievement Coordinator, Maria_E_Tanos@mcpsmd.org, or Ms. Andrea Lamphier, Media Specialist, Andrea_Lamphier@mcpsmd.org.
Scheduling, Transcript, Social Emotional Wellness Questions, Contact Your Teen's Counselor
School Counseling Department:
All Things College and Career: Contact Jazmine Delos Reyes, College and Career Coordinator. jazminechareez_g_delosreyes@mcpsmd.org
MyMCPS/Synergy Parent Portal Staff Liaison: Maria Tanos, Maria_E_Tanos@mcpsmd.org
Social Worker: Emily Callaghan, Emily_P_Callaghan@mcpsmd.org
Health Room: Full-Time School Nurse: Anisa Harris, Anisa_Harris@mcpsmd.org
Health Room Tech: Angela Romero, Angela_Romero@mcpsmd.org
Principal's Administrative Secretary, Ms. Eileen Heiss, Eileen_F_Heiss@mcpsmd.org
Attendance Office: Roxanne Fus, Roxanne_F_Fus@mcpsmd.org
Blair Security Office: Adrian Kelly, Security Team Leader, Adrian_D_Kelly@mcpsmd.org
Financial Specialist: Donna Franklin, Donna_M_Franklin@mcpsmd.org
Parent Community Coordinator: Faye Nabavian, Farzaneh_Nabavian@mcpsmd.org
Pupil Personnel Worker: Tee Clark, Tee_Clark@mcpsmd.org
Renay Johnson: Principal, Renay_C_Johnson@mcpsmd.org
Adriana Burgos-Ojeda: Grade 12, Administrator, Adriana_Burgos-Ojeda@mcpsmd.org
Rahman Culver: Grade 11, Administrator, Rahman_A_Culver@mcpsmd.org
Aaron Bernstein: Grade 10, Administrator, A-L, Aaron_M_Bernstein@mcpsmd.org
Ramona Washington, Grade 10, Administrator, M-Z, Ramona_L_Washington@mcpsmd.org
Tracy Pettis-Jones: Grade 9, Administrator, A-L, Tracy_Pettis-Jones@mcpsmd.org
Brenda Barrera Mercado, Grade 9, Administrator, M-Z, Brenda_A_BarreraMercado@mcpsmd.org
Peter Ostrander: Magnet Program, Peter_M_Ostrander@mcpsmd.org
Andrew Fields: School Business Administrator, Andrew_S_Fields@mcpsmd.org
Montgomery Blair High School
Website: http://mbhs.edu/
Location: 51 University Boulevard East, Silver Spring, MD, USA
Phone: (240) 740-7200
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Montgomery-Blair-High-School/1631578030396596
Principal, Montgomery Blair High School