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October 2024
~October 1st Sunrise 2024
Principal's Corner
As we embrace this beautiful Alaskan fall, it is an opportune time to address two important themes that October brings with it: National Bullying Prevention Month and National Cybersecurity Awareness Month.
Creating a Safe and Respectful Environment:
Our commitment to creating a safe, inclusive, and respectful environment at BWABC remains unwavering. Bullying, whether physical or online, is something we take very seriously. We believe that every student deserves to feel safe and respected when they come to school, and our goal is to promote kindness, empathy and conflict resolution skills.
Educating About Online Safety:
In today's digital age, online safety is of paramount importance. With the rise of technology, it's essential that we equip our students with the knowledge and tools to navigate the online world safely. Please take time to discuss online safety with your children. Encourage open communication and ensure your child knows how to protect their personal information, recognize online threats, and report any concerns to a trusted adult or school authority.
Together, We Can Make a Difference:
Creating a safe and respectful environment is a collective effort. It involves not only the school staff but also parents and students. We appreciate your support in fostering a culture of kindness, respect, and responsible online behavior. By working together, we can ensure that BWABC remains a place where every student can thrive academically and socially. Thank you for entrusting us with your child's education, safety, and well-being. Let's make this October a month of increased awareness and positive change in our school community.
*Please Remember Snow Gear!
The snow and cold will soon be upon us. Please remember that students will be outside in all types of weather during line up before school, at recess and after school when waiting for the bus or a ride. According to ASD policy, students are expected to go outside for recess to a chill factor of -10 degrees. Therefore, please make sure that your child or children are properly equipped. Please see below for the expected winter gear for each grade level:
- K-3 Winter coat, hat or hood, gloves or mittens, snow pants and winter boots
- 4-5 Winter coat, hat or hood, gloves or mittens and winter boots
Other things to consider:
- A hoodie is not considered suitable for outdoor winter activities
- A physician’s note is necessary to exclude a student from participating in outdoor activities.
Thank you for helping us ensure that your child is safe, healthy and able to enjoy recess. Please feel free to contact us with any questions. Additional information regarding the dress code can be found on the school website.
Tammy Hershman, Prinicpal
October Character Trait: Self-Discipline
Self-Discipline: Training and control of oneself and one's conduct, usually for personal improvement.
Kayson M. showing his sidewalk chalk-art during recess.
Mark Your Calendar
- Wednesday, Oct 2- Twin Day
- Thursday, Oct 3 - BAC Meeting via Zoom, 6 pm
- Wednesday, Oct 9 - Fire Safety Presentation
- Monday, Oct 14- Indigenous People's Day-NO school
- Wednesday, Oct 16 - Picture Retake Day
- Thursday, Oct 17 - Crazy Hair Day
- Friday, Oct 18- NO School, Teacher grading day
- Wednesday, Oct 23 - Hat Day
- Tues-Wed, Oct 23 & 24- Parent/Teacher Conferences
- Wednesday, Oct 30 - PJ Day
- Thursday, Oct 31 - Book Character Dress Up Day
- Thursday, Oct 31 - Popcorn Friday
- Friday, Nov 1- Red, White & Blue Assembly @1pm
Physical Education
Healthy Future Activity Logs
September activity logs are due October 4th. They can be turned into your teacher, Mr. Olson, or the office.
Begin your October Activity Log Today!
Activity logs will not be passed out in PE as we try to encourage students to take on the responsibility of this task. Students may get logs from the media rack in front of the school office, from the folder as they exit school, print a log at home (click HERE) or my favorite is when they make their own log or calendar on a scratch sheet of paper.
Beach Lake Jamboree!
Beach Lake XC Running Jamboree
Fun in the Rain!
Thank you to all of the families that were able to get your kids out to participate in our annual Beach Lake Cross Country Running Jamboree. Our school had 63 registrations for the run and although it was not a “race”, our school had many top finishers! For most though, it is a chance to experience what a race is like, or just to get out and enjoy a run with friends. Again, thank you for supporting your children in this event!
Parent/Teacher Conferences
Elementary schools will follow regular hours (9:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.) on Monday, October 21st and (8:00 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.) Tuesday, October 22nd.
Students will be dismissed at 11:30 a.m. on Wednesday October 23rd and Thursday, October 24th.
October 25th is professional development for staff. Students do not have school on this day.
Nurse's Corner
Healthcare Services is planning to provide flu clinics again this year during parent teacher conferences on October 23rd and 24th. Regionally selected Middle and High Schools will be hosting flu clinic similarly to the previous year from 1:00pm-8:00pm. More information will be sent out as it becomes available.
Early Pick-up/Change in Dismissal Plan
If your student is departing school early, please visit the front office to complete the sign-out process. In the event that your student is in a special (PE, Music, Library, Health/Art) during your arrival for pick-up, we request your cooperation in escorting them to their classroom to gather their belongings. After 2:15 pm, dismissal procedures will remain unchanged, unless it is an emergency situation. All end of the day phone messages must be made prior to 2:15.
Please note that office staff will not be calling students to the office before your arrival, so we appreciate your understanding and request that you allocate sufficient time in case of a short wait at the office. Thank you for your understanding and your cooperation. Our student’s safety is our top priority!
Birchwood Advisory Committee
The BAC is a dedicated team of parents and guardians, elected by the school community, working together to represent the voices of all families in discussions with the school administration and staff. Your input and participation are invaluable, and we encourage everyone to join us in shaping our school’s future. You don’t have to be a member to attend BAC meetings. They are open to everyone. Please join us Thursday, October 3rd at 6 PM via zoom for our first meeting of the school year. We hope to see you there! To contact us, please email bacbirchwood@gmail.com.
Zoom Meeting information
Meeting ID: 966 4596 3546
Passcode BWABC
Students may not be dropped off prior to 7:30AM for breakfast. Only breakfast students who are eating school served breakfast may enter the building at 7:30AM. Regular drop-off time is 7:50AM and no earlier than 7:40AM because there will be no adults outside to supervise prior to 7:40AM.
Parent Teacher Association
At Open House, we typically offer phonogram cards, spirit wear, and PTA memberships for sale. If you need any, you can pick up order forms by the front office or email us at birchwoodpta@gmail.com to get what you need.
We’re thrilled to announce that we are *so close* to hitting some of the BIGGEST GOALS for our Believe Kids Fundraiser! We’ve never reached 50% registration, but we’re almost there, and that milestone could earn our school an extra $2,500! Even if you're not planning to sell, simply registering your student(s) helps us get closer to that goal.
Plus, if we add just $2,000 more in sales, the top 30 sellers will win an ice cream party! Let’s do this, Birchwood—we believe in you!
Popcorn Friday sign-ups are open to all parents/guardians!! We’d love your help. You can sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A054BA8AF2BA4F85-51703200-popcorn
Stay tuned for upcoming sign-ups for the **Book Fair** and **Holiday Market**, coming in November and December!
Thank you for your continued support!
-Becca, Julie, Jessica, and Erin