FM9 News
April 8-14

August 12-16, 2024 - Welcome to FM9!
Message from FM9 Principal, Mr. Brown
Thank you parents and students for an EXCELLENT first fews days back to school. Here are just a few highlights and reminders as we continue with the year.
- We are already enjoying our new freshman. They're a good group of students who are eager to learn and be part of Jaguar Nation.
- PARENTS: Great work on following the FM9/FMHS system for student drop off & pick up. Your efforts are extremely helpful in keeping students and staff safe in the parking lots.
- ALL STUDENTS MUST UPDATE LISD PASSWORDS by SUNDAY, August 18 or they will be locked out of their school devices.
On the Calendar
🍎 August 13: First Day of School
📣 August 15: Meet the Jags Night @ Arena
😊 August 28: FM9/FMHS Open House 6-7 PM
📆 September 2: Holiday - Labor Day
ID Badge Information
- Students will NOT be allowed in the building without a current ID around their neck.
- $5.00 will be assessed in Skyward every time a student has to purchase a new ID from the front office.
- Parents can access/pay fees by clicking on "Fee Management" in Skyward Family Access, full website version - not the app. Payments will only be accepted online.
- Fees can also be found in your LISD RevTrak Account select 1:X & Skyward Fee Payments
- Please contact your child's Assistant Principal if you need to pay by cash or check.
iPad & Tech Forms
- IPad Insurance DUE NOW!! - 30.00 fee while completing forms - IPad Information / IPad Handbook and Insurance Coverage
Attendance & Tardies
Please review the FM9 Attendance Procedures for information on student absences, late arrivals, early release, sick at school, college visits, Texas Compulsory Attendance, obtaining a VOE and contacting your student's attendance clerk.
Dress Code Reminders
As we all reset and return to school. Quick reminder of dress code expectations.
LISD DRESS CODE POLICY - Updated for 2024-2025
Some points of concern:
- Appropriate Length shorts/skirts/dresses (should not be able to see undergarments or gluteal fold)
- No hats or hoodies on in the building
- No midriffs
- Pajama pants for spirit days only
- Shirts/Clothing that advertise drugs, alcohol, profanity, tobacco
- Student IDs must be worn around the neck in the building at all times.
State Vaping Policy
There has been a change to the State Education Code in regards to vaping. Any student in possession of, using or distributing vaping devices (including parts...batteries, cannulas, etc), e-cigarettes or diffuser sticks/aromatherapy pens on or within 300 feet of a school campus will be removed from the general education setting and placed in our Disciplinary Alternative Educational Program (DAEP). This law has changed the consequences for students not meeting expectations regarding vaping devices immensely. The level of consequence is no longer classified by the substance contained within the vaping device. Nicotine, THC or any other substance found in the vaping device will have the same disciplinary setting assigned regardless of the substance.
Water Polo
Jaguar Nation is Taking Care of BUSINESS!!
Login to your parent Skyward account for access. LISD Skyward for Parents
Click link for info on downloading your Canvas Student account and creating a Parent Canvas Account.
School Lunch
RevTrak Login - click on Meal Payments to put money on your student's lunch account.
Student Drop Off and Pick Up
This is a reminder of our lots that are designated for student drop off. You can find those lots by accessing the attachment.
- The designated drop off lanes are marked in yellow.
- DO NOT use the lanes marked in red.
We appreciate your assistance in helping us make our drop-off and pick up times safe and efficient for all.
Proper pick up and drop off locations for FM9/FMHS:
- West Parking Lot (Senior Lot / Auditorium Entrance, off Peter’s Colony Rd) – please drop off and pick up in this location.
- South Parking Lot (Football Field / South Field House, off Old Settlers Rd.) – you may pick up and drop off at this location also. (not shown on the map)
Areas that are Prohibited for Student Pick up or Drop off:
- Bus Loop / Faculty Parking area off Old Settlers Rd.
- Front Office Loop / Faculty and Guest Parking area off of Peter’s Colony – this is an area for drop off only for students with special physical needs & injuries (crutches / wheelchair / etc...)
- Baseball/Softball/Tennis off Peter’s Colony Rd. – this is ONLY drop off for athletes who have 1st period athletics in this area.
There a significant safety concern for our students and staff when these guidelines are not followed. Thank you for your time and attention,
FM9 & FMHS Administration
Recognize SomeONE
This program gives our community members the opportunity to highlight the exceptional work of our staff here at LISD. Please take a moment to recognize someONE!
- CLICK HERE to send a special recognition to teachers, administrators, and staff 💙
Join the PTSA - Supports the students and staff of FM9 and FMHS with campus grants, scholarships, student programs, and more!
District Calendar
Now it's time to SHINE at FM9!!
Have a GREAT Week! GO JAGS!!
Stay Connected
Follow FM9 online & on social media.
- FM9 Website
- FM9 Facebook
- FM9 Twitter
- FM9 Instagram (@fmhs9th)