AAPAC Updates
May 2021
"There is no Black Liberation without Black Wellness." -BlackBoysOm.org
Greetings African American Families, AAPAC Members, and Valued Partners,
We are almost to the finish line for this academic school year. Congratulations on making it through another year, pandemic and all. A huge round of applause to all of our student graduates, their families, and the village that aided them along their journey. The African American Parent Advisory Council is so proud of you and we wish you well on your next steps.
Below you will find updates on how SFUSD is closing out the school year, opportunities for your children to be engaged this summer, and some very special events that are available to you and your family. Please read through each one and click the links for more information. This month we also attached flyers, so be sure to scroll all the way down. Stay tuned for additional information and resources; we will share them as we receive them.
In addition to being the final full month of the school year, May is also Mental Health Awareness Month. Whether it be the Covid19 Pandemic, the Pandemic of Racism, or just the regular day-to-day journey of living, most of us can agree that our wellness has been compromised. As we continue to show up for our children, our communities, and one another, let's be intentional about showing up for ourselves. Take your deep breaths, if you are able, go on walks, write in your journal, listen to your favorite songs, and dance like no one is watching. Whatever you do, do it just for you. As the quote above says, "There is no Black liberation, without Black wellness." Please be well.
As always, please email us at aapac@sfusd.edu with any questions, comments, or resources you would like to share within our AAPAC community.
In Unity,
AAPAC Specific Updates
Please join us Thursday, May 20th at 5:30pm for our last AAPAC meeting of the school year. The Zoom link will be shared closer to the date. To request the link, be sure to email us at aapac@sfusd.edu.
Previous AAPAC Meeting
On April 29th, AAPAC hosted over 55 Zoom participants with additional views via our Facebook Stream at our monthly meeting titled, "Getting to the Finish Line: Helpful Things To Know To Get To the End of the School Year". April was also National Poetry Month and we were blessed with the talents of high school senior and honor roll student, Jyairrah Martin. If you missed it, please check out the recording and slide deck here. If you did attend (or after you watch the recording), please complete the meeting evaluation.
End of the Year Reflections
The AAPAC Leadership team will be working on our End of the Year Letter to the Board of Education. In an effort to reflect the collective voices of families of Black children in SFUSD, please feel free to share any celebrations, concerns, and/or actions that you would like for us to uplift. Email your input to aapac@sfusd.edu no later than May 20th.
Looking for More AAPAC Leaders
If you are interested in joining a network of strong and determined family leaders, planning monthly AAPAC gatherings and activities, advocating at Board of Education meetings on behalf of African American students and families, and partnering with SFUSD departments, community organizations, and parents across this district, the AAPAC leadership team is the right place for you. Please consider signing up. For more information, contact us at aapac@sfusd.edu.
SFUSD Updates
Weekly Family Digest: Updates & Resources for Families
The district sends information to families every Wednesday through the weekly Family Digest email. You can stay up to date by checking sfusd.edu regularly. If you are not receiving these communications, you may need to update your contact information in Family Portal (ParentVUE) to communicate with families. Learn how to check your contact information in Family Portal and update it if it is incorrect. If you don't have a Family Portal account, learn how to activate your account.
School Lunch Hero Day
School Lunch Hero Day is Friday, May 7. It’s time to remind our food heroes and sheroes how special they are. Join SFUSD in saying “Thank you!” to all of the dining staff and food delivery drivers for providing over 6 million meals during the pandemic.
Get creative and celebrate in any of these ways:
- Make a card in any language! Drop off at a Grab & Go meal site on May 4 or 6 or give to the dining staff at your school on Friday, May 7.
- On Friday, May 7, post a photo or video on social media for #SchoolLunchHeroDay. Tag @sfusdschoolfood.
Check out May's Grab and Go calendar for dates, times, and locations for food pick-ups.
High School Graduations
Graduations for All will provide staggered ceremonies on June 1-3, 2021 for 4,000 public school graduates. Schools with large graduating classes will be hosted at the San Francisco Recreation and Park Department’s iconic Kezar Stadium, and smaller public high schools will enjoy more intimate commencements at SFUSD’s McAteer High School campus overlooking Glen Canyon. Look up your school's graduation location and schedule on the table below.
For more information on ceremony schedules and graduation specifics, visit the SFUSD graduation page.
Black Graduation for SFUSD Seniors
The 2nd Annual Black Graduation will take place on Friday, June 4th at 4pm at Kezar Stadium. To register, visit bit.ly/SFUSDBlackGrad. Each graduate will be given 4 tickets for family or friends. Reserve your spot NOW. Please SEE THE FLYER BELOW for more information.
Summer Together
Summer Together is a coalition of community organizations, nonprofits, businesses, and city departments partnering to offer free in-person and virtual learning experiences for San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD) students this summer.
SFUSD will be administering summer programs for:
- Early Education/Pre-Kindergarten
- TK-5 Out of School Time (OST)
- Extended School Year
- Special Ed/ IEPs for Extended School Year (ESY)
- High School Credit Recovery
- Early College Initiative
Learn more about SFUSD summer offerings.
- Community Hubs
- ExCEL afterschool
- Beacon
- Community-based summer programs
The general registration period when SFUSD families can sign up for the program offered by various community-based organizations and City departments will open May 8th at 12pm. While space is limited, SFUSD families will be prioritized over non-SFUSD families. SFUSD families will have to provide their student’s SFUSD Student ID Number for verification.
For more information, visit DCYF's Summer Together page or SF Rec & Park's page. Prior to registration, make sure you can log into your Rec & Park Account at sfrecpark.org/register. If you set up a duplicate account on the day of registration, you will not be able to register. If you need assistance, call the hotline at 628-652-2900.
Frisco Week at CCSF: May 25-28, 2021
Frisco week is held every year during the spring and is a chance for Seniors from the San Francisco Unified School District to visit CCSF and prepare for starting here during the Fall semester. During the day, CCSF Faculty and Staff will help students navigate the process for applying and enrolling at CCSF and connect you with our great programs, resources, and services. For more information, visit the Frisco Week page and check out the flyer below.
Vaccines Available for Ages 16 and Older
Anyone 16 and older is now eligible to get vaccinated in San Francisco. At this time, only Pfizer is approved for those ages 16 to 18 years of age. For more information, click here.
2021-2022 Academic Calendar
Next school year's calendar has been released! School will resume August 16, 2021. Check out the link for more dates and information.
Board of Education Meetings
Unless otherwise noticed, meetings are held every 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month at 3pm and are open to the public. To tune in, visit the BOE Webpage the day of and follow login instructions. Agendas are posted the Friday prior to each meeting. The next regular meeting will be on May 11th.
SFUSD's Student & Family Resource Link
Students, families, and staff are welcome to contact the Family Resource Link to access information and support, in three ways:
- Go to familylink.sfusd.edu to complete an online request form
- Email a request to familylink@sfusd.edu
- Call (415) 340-1716. Hours of operation for the phone are Monday through Friday from 9 am - 1 pm. Callers can leave a voicemail at all hours.
Community Partner Updates
AAPAC encourages you to stay connected to community resources as well. Please visit the websites listed below for more information on activities and opportunities throughout San Francisco. The link to each organization is in the title. See below for event flyers.
San Francisco Alliance of Black School Educators
Join the SF Alliance of Black School Educators for their annual Scholarship and Retiree Celebration on May 6th at 6pm. A donation towards future scholarships is requested, but not required.
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89531558381?pwd=RkxuRWhGMmdiNVhXangwTGJWc0xadz09 Meeting ID: 895 3155 8381 Passcode: Scholar
Dial In at +1 669 900 6833 Meeting ID: 895 3155 8381 Passcode: 9260837Opportunities For All: Pathways for Economic Inclusion for Youth
Opportunities For All is proud to offer paid Internships for high school students, youth, and young adults ages 13-24*. The deadline to apply is Friday, June 4th. Sign up Now.
MegaBlack SF is a collective of Black-led organizations and Black individuals fighting for visibility, sovereignty, dignity, and justice for Black San Franciscans. For more information on MegaBlack SF or to be added to their newsletter check out their site.
Check out Mayor Breed's Press Release on the Dream Keeper Initiative (the reinvestment of $120 million in San Francisco’s African-American community over the next two years)
The HRC now has FOUR open Requests for Qualifications (RFQs) for San Francisco's Dream Keeper Initiative! Click the link in the title for more information on how to apply.
Mission Bit Summer Bootcamp 2021
Mission Bit provides free after-school coding courses, workshops, and summer bootcamps to high school students from underserved and underrepresented communities. Students in the 8th to the 12th-grade are invited to apply to the Mission Bit Summer Bootcamp. The application deadline is May 23, 2021. Click the link in the title and see the flyer below for more information.
Mo’ MAGIC is a collaborative, San Francisco neighborhood-based, nonprofit organization whose mission is to transform the community and youth through the MAGIC of collaboration. MoMagic will be offering a summer reading program in partnership with USF June 14-July 1. See the flyers below for upcoming events.
BMAGIC is a network of San Francisco neighborhood-based nonprofit organizations whose mission is to facilitate, coordinate and develop community resources and opportunities that support service providers and community members in Bayview Hunters Point (BVHP).
Rafiki's goal is to improve people’s lives by reversing the history of health inequalities that affect the Black community and other under-served groups in San Francisco. Rafiki provides a safe, supportive environment where people can find a path to wellness by understanding their health issues, becoming more physically active, and eating a healthy diet. Check out the upcoming healing circles. See the flyer below.
Check out all of the offerings and events provided by the SF Public Library.
The SFPL Main Library located at 100 Larkin Street, has a an African American Center. The Center on the third floor of the Main Library welcomes students, researchers and anyone interested in learning more about the historical, political and cultural experiences of African Americans in California and beyond. Check it out!
Eunice C. Cobbs Reparations Project Scholarship
Are you African American? (African American is defined as the descendant of an enslaved African in what is now the United States of America.) The Reparations Librarian is offering $250.00 to any student that creates a simple family tree dating back to their great, great grandparents. Please contact info@reparationslibrary.org for more information.
Coleman currently focuses on building more effective, equitable, and supportive public schools in San Francisco and beyond. Their primary focus is fighting to advance rights, safety, and full inclusion of low-income people of color. Be sure to check out the Equity Framework for Reopening Schools on their webpage.
Grounded in the community schools model/framework, Beacon Centers are committed to a cohesive, comprehensive, and collaborative approach that creates pathways to lifelong learning and transformative experiences for youth and the adults who support them through advocacy, leadership, networking, and program support.
Board of Education Parent Advisory Council
The BOE Parent Advisory Council (PAC) was created by the San Francisco Board of Education as a formal way for family perspectives to be included in the district’s decision-making process. PAC members actively reach out to engage families in district policy discussions and to represent family concerns to district leaders. The PAC also supports parents to be leaders, advocates, and partners in their children's education. For more information or to submit an application, click the link above.
Our neighboring YMCAs offer a variety of resources and opportunities that are free or low-cost to the community. The YMCA offers wellness groups, fitness classes, academic support, and more for the entire family.
Community Advisory Committee for Special Education (CAC)
The purpose of the Community Advisory Committee (CAC) for Special Education is to advocate for effective Special Education programs and services and advise the Board of Education on priorities in the Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA). CAC meets every 4th Thursday of the month. Visit their linked site for more information.
Are you a CalWorks and/or CalFresh recipient? You can get two cases of free diapers per month. Visit the link above for more information.
Were you in foster care sometime between the ages of 13 and 25? Are you interested in attending college, or already attending college? Consider applying for a scholarship from Foster Youth Rising. Please visit the website for more details.
Check out the link for testing locations and resources in throughout the city.
COVID-19 Resources for the Black Community
Looking for local resources in your community by Black-led Organizations? Browse Covid-19 Black's directory of San Francisco Bay Area Agencies.
For families looking for respite care (childcare breaks), Emergency childcare, or Online Respite, reach out to Family Support Services. Click on the flyers for contact information.
BAYCAT Summer Program
Mission Bit Bootcamp
MoMagic Summer Reading
The African American Parent Advisory Council (AAPAC), SFUSD
Email: aapac@sfusd.edu
Website: sfusd.edu/aapac
Location: 1551 Newcomb Avenue, Rm. 101 San Francisco, CA, USA
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/aapacsf