Boerne ISD Board Report

The Boerne ISD Board of Trustees held their regular monthly meeting in the BISD Board Room on Monday, October 21, 2024
This month's Board meeting included:
- Strategic Plan Updates
- Financial Integrity Rating Systems and Audit Report
- Board Member Reports
- Superintendent Report
- Empowered Partner Program
- Commendations, Core Values in Action, BEF WOW Moment
- To view the entire agenda please click here.
CES and FES Students Led The Pledges
Thank you to students from Curington and Fabra Elementary for leading the Pledge of Allegiance and the Texas Pledge.
They also had great questions for our Board members!
Strategic Plan Update: Student Success
Progress Monitoring
This report reflected:
- Beginning of year (BOY) Math and Reading screener data for grades K-8 and Algebra 1
- Early Childhood Literacy Screener data for PK - 2nd Grade for both English and Spanish
- Reading assessments for English and Spanish
Strategic Plan Update: Student Success
Advanced Academics
This report included program updates on:
- Gift and Talented
- Dual Credit
- Advanced Placement
Strategic Plan Update: Fiscal Responsibility
This report reviews the district's efforts to improve student average daily attendance. This report includes information on:
- Historical data trends in student attendance
- The importance of Average Daily Attendance (ADA) for student learning and school funding
- How ADA is calculated for state funding of schools
- Attendance incentive programs at campuses, communication systems for absenteeism and student support systems for persistently absent students
School Financial Rating System of Texas Public Hearing
The 2023-2024 financial ratings are based on financial reports provided to TEA from the 2022-2023 fiscal year. School districts are assigned one of four possible letter grades (A, B, C or F), as well as a coinciding financial management rating – Superior, Above Standard Achievement, Meets Standard Achievement or Substandard Achievement. This is the thirteenth consecutive year Boerne ISD has received a Superior Rating.
Board Member Reports
A committee is reviewing the current ELAR supplemental software platform iStation for relevancy and reviewing PTECH crosswalk alignments to determine any overlap of high school and college credits.
Communications Committee (Courtney Darter-Bruce)
The Customer Service QR code at campuses is being utilized and feedback has been positive. The district website conversion is slated for early January 2025 and new initiatives with The Boerne Beat include student hosts and campus correspondents.Systems of Care Committee (Courtney Darter-Bruce)
During the first meeting, the committee worked to identify strengths within the current system of care for students and identify ways to expand resources for students.
School Health Advisory Council (Courtney Darter-Bruce)
The committee was briefed on digital devices and how to establish balance with screen time usage and brainstormed on recommendations for policy on digital devices.Legislative Activities (Rich Sena)
All Board Members attended the TASA/TASB convention in San Antonio last month, with two attending delegate sessions, and confirmed the approval of the legislative priorities. The next legislative session will be in three months.
Finance Committee (Rich Sena)
The committee received information on the financial integrity reporting system of Texas and our performance during the 2022-2023 school year and the results of the recent financial audit.
PTO (Kristi Schmidt)
The committee met for their regular monthly meeting and received district updates. The district pie day is scheduled for November 21 and the Senior Walk is scheduled for May 15, 2025.
Safety and Security Committee (Carlin Friar)
The committee discussed the recent Safety & Security joint letter from Dr. Craft and Chief of Police Steve Perez, the BISD Emergency Operations Plan submitted to the Texas School Safety Center and upcoming trainings over winter break will involve local and regional law enforcement teams.
Technology (Dallas Pipes)
The Technology Advisory Council meeting was held last week with staff, teachers, principals, students, Board members, and parents. The meeting covered technology used by students at school, digital citizenship improvements, network systems, student information systems and cybersecurity.
Facilities Committee (Carlin Friar)
The committee discussed additional land acquisition for future campuses, Champion High School band pad and tennis court resurfacing projects, and technology specifications for all schools.
Superintendent Report
Dr. Crafts' report included:
A thank you to the Board Members for their involvement in the committees and the Executive Leadership Team for providing timely content.
A thank you to the campus principals in honor of National Principal Month.
An update on student enrollment which is at 11,111.
Champion Water Polo Boys and Girls teams head to the state tournament.
Boerne High and Champion High School Marching Bands received ones are regional competition and are advancing to area; a thank you to all the band parents for their support.
District Technology Advisory Committee updates and hearing from PTECH students.
Board Member and Superintendent Listen and Learns scheduled with students. The first meeting was held with Boerne High students where Board members engaged and listened to the students first hand.
A recap of a recent session and Central Office tour with practicum students interested in pursuing a career in education. Students in the practicum will participate in volunteer work and training related to careers in education.
An update on the start of Boerne Outdoor Academy, which began with Fair Oaks Ranch Elementary last week.
The Budget Strategy & Advisory Committee will hold it's first meeting and Executive Leadership will chair working groups.
Staff advisory meetings are continuing and a staff survey has gone out for feedback on campus culture and climate. A parent survey is expected to go out in mid-January.
To view all reports in their entirety please view the meeting agenda.
Empowered Partner Program
This report covered:
- Purpose of the program
- How local businesses become involved
- Available resources
- Current local partners
Monthly Approvals
The Board also:
- Approved Minutes from the Prior Meeting
- Approved the Purchasing Report
- Approved Quarterly Investment Report
- Approved Campus and District Improvement Plans
- Approved TASB Update 123
- Approved authorization for a 70 acre land purchase for future infrastructure related to growth
- Approved the Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for the year ending June 30, 2024
Board Commendations
The Board commended Boerne ISD students and staff, as well as celebrated district-wide honors. Below are some of the honorees.
- Boerne Little League team
- GVTC Communications and The GVTC Foundation
- 2024 Class of Community Leadership Academy
- SRO Stephen Morning (CHS) and SRO Cody Shelton (KES)
- Ryan Tao, CHS National Merit Scholar Semifinalist
- CHS Peanut Butter Bowl Winner
- Purple Star Campus Designations for Cibolo Creek Elementary and Van Raub Elementary
- Silver AP Honor Roll Designations for Boerne and Champion High Schools
- National Principals Month
To learn more about our October 2024 Commendations please click below for the presentation script.
Core Values in Action Student Recipient
This month's Core Values in Action Student Recipient is 5th Grade Cibolo Creek Elementary student Lorelai Michalec. Lorelai is an active student at CCES, participating in the morning KCUB news crew, cub choir and run club. She participates in competitive and recreational dance and performs at community events. Lorelai is a hard worker, reliable and always does the right thing.
Way to go Lorelai!
BEF WOW Moment
This month's BEF WOW moment highlights Forward-looking infrared (FLIR) cameras being used in Mrs. Zamzow's physics class at Champion High School.
Thank you to BEF for supporting every student, every teacher, and every classroom in Boerne ISD!
Next Board Meeting: Monday, November 18, 2024
Connect With Boerne ISD
Email: Communications@BoerneISD.net
Website: www.BoerneISD.net
Location: 235 Johns Road, Boerne, TX, USA
Phone: 830-357-2000
Facebook: www.facebook.com/BoerneISD
Twitter: @BoerneISD