KES Newsletter #13
December 18, 2024
Hall of Holidays Thursday, December 19 - Save the Date!
School-Wide Pajama Day and Family Hall of Holidays Gallery Walk
Join your child for a walking tour of our Hall of Holidays from around the world, then return to their classroom for some treats and good cheer! Sign out sheets will be in classrooms if you would like to take your child with you. Parents are welcome to join in the fun and wear their pajamas!
Hall of Holidays Schedule:
9:30 - 10:00 Pre-K & All of Kindergarten
10:15 - 10:45 All of Grade 1
11:00 - 11:30 All of Grade 3
11:45 - 12:15 All of Grade 2
Parents will enter at the gym lobby and sign in.
Each classroom will have a sign out sheet. Parents can sign their children out if they wish in classrooms.
Please note! If we have a 2 hour delay, we will run the Hall of Holidays as follows:
11:00-11:30 Grade 3
11:45-12:15 Grade 2
12:30-1:00 Pre-K and Kindergarten
1:30-2:00 Grade 1
Hall of Holidays will be on Thursday, December 19. If we have a school closure, we will run the Hall of Holidays (including pajamas) on Friday, Dec. 20.
Third Grade has Earned a PBIS Reward for Friday, December 20!
Third grade students have earned 10 points on their PBIS reward chart - and that means a reward. Congratulations!
PBIS stands for "Positive Behavior Intervention Supports." Through voting, third grade students selected a movie with snacks and pajamas.
All third graders will get to watch a movie on Friday, December 20, in the library. Students may wear their PJ’s or comfy clothes. They may bring a favorite stuffed animal if they like. Some have asked if they can bring a blanket, which is also fine. Snacks will be provided.
As a reminder, we are also wearing our PJs tomorrow, December 19, as a whole school for Hall of Holidays. (Parents are welcome to wear their PJs also!) Third grade families are invited to the Hall of Holidays tomorrow at 11:00. Third graders will share their beautiful animal projects in the gym, then will have time to visit the rest of the building with their families on their own.
Gratitude Resources from our Counseling Department
Mrs. DeMarco, School Counselor, and Mrs. Mehalak, Schol Psychologist put together a few resources for the holiday season on gratitude.
What if it Snows?
Students are welcome to bring snow pants, boots, and gloves if we have snow worth playing in.
Please note, students without snow pants and boots are not permitted in the snow, but get to play outside.
As the weather gets colder, please send your child with a warm jacket, gloves and even a hat. If there is anything you need, please reach out to our school nurse, Rita Stoddard at extension 4302.
How am I Notified of a School Closing or Delay?
School closings or delay notifications are sent out via robo call, text, and/or email.
They are sent the same way you receive the KES Newsletter. If you are not receiving these messages and would like to opt in, please contact Randi Chase:
Please note that sometimes a closing does not happen right away. The District Office considers closing school carefully. They may start off with a delay, and then change it to a closing. Look for multiple messages!
You can also keep tabs on the school district website, which will indicate a closing or Delay once the notifications go out:
December Events
December 19: Hall of Holidays celebration! Full information at the start of the newsletter.
Hall of Holidays Schedule:
9:30 - 10:00 Pre-K & All of Kindergarten
10:15 - 10:45 All of Grade 1
11:00 - 11:30 All of Grade 3
11:45 - 12:15 All of Grade 2
(Snow Date, December 20)
December 23 - January 1: Winter Holiday Recess
Happy New Year! School is back in session January 2.
KES PTA Newsletter!
View the KES PTA Newsletter here! Check out information on the recycling program and Skate Time! Clickable purple bar takes you to the newsletter.
Penny Wars!
Thank you for your support!
Upcoming Events: Complete list through February 28
Click below to view a complete list of upcoming events through February 28!
Attendance Matters!
Regular school attendance is crucial for academic success, especially in reading and math.
Thank you so much for sending your children to school each day! Our goal is for students to meet the Federal Benchmark for good school attendance: fewer than 18 absences per year.
Please keep your child home if they are sick. If they attend every day when they are well, they will easily meet the attendance goal.
For more information on school attendance, check out the attached resource from Attendance Works. There’s more on their website:
December Theme: Perseverance
Great Stories on Perseverance!
Thank you, Mrs. Turner and Mrs. Bartle, for curating our PBIS Books of the Month!
Those Shoes by Maribeth Boelts
The Spiffiest Giant in Town by Julia Donaldson
What Is Given From the Heart by Pat McKissack
Harold Loves His Woolly Hat by Vern Kousky
You Won’t Like This Present As Much As I Do by Lauren Child
Thank You, Omu! By Oge Mora
Extra Yarn by Mac Barnett.
A Little Spot: A Story About Sharing and Generosity by Diane Alber
Boxes For Katje by Candace Fleming
What is PBIS?
PBIS stands for "Positive Behavior Intervention Supports."
Students are learning that having a growth mindset is a super power! "Yet" is a powerful word. When students are learning new skills, they also learn to say "I can't do that...YET!" That little word changes everything.
Students earn Gander tickets for demonstrating safe, responsible, respectful behavior.
Students will vote on their reward this month!
Grade Pre-K and K: 9 buckets filled
Grade 1: 8 buckets filled
Grade 2: 9 buckets filled
Grade 3: 10 buckets filled
Gander Awards
Each month, students are selected for Gander Certificates by their teachers for being exceptional role models. Recipients are honored at lunch time and get to choose a book from the Book Vending Machine, courtesy of the KES PTA!
What Does it Mean to be Safe, Respectful, and Responsible?
PBIS programs stress the importance of telling students what safe, respectful, and responsible behavior looks like and sounds like. Each year teachers set these guidelines in their classrooms. We also teach students what is expected in other school locations. We begin with hallway expectations, then cafeteria, bus, and recess.
Currently, we are working on hallway, cafeteria, and recess expectations.
In the hallway:
Safe = Walking in the hall
Respectful = Voice level 0
Responsible = Going directly to your destination
In the cafeteria:
Safe = Walking and not sharing food (some students have allergies, and we do not want to spread germs that make us sick.)
Respectful = Voice level 1-3, or conversation with the people at your table. It also means going to voice level 0 and listening for directions when the teachers give the signal, which is typcally turning down the lights, clap for attention, or call-response.
Responsible = Cleaning up after yourself.
At Recess:
Safe = Safe bodies (Hands and feet to ourselves)
Respectful = Treating others asa you would like to be treated.
Responsible = Following adult directions and managing your belongings.
How can I Help at Home?
Please remind your child of the expectations shown in this newsletter. You can also read or watch a video read-aloud of our books of the month!
Our PBIS Books of the Month and video links can be found using this link: