Western Montgomery CTC
Weekly Newsletter
October 11, 2024 Week 7
Principal's Update
We are approaching the end of the first marking period on Tuesday, October 29th. This is a great time to review progress and ensure that any missing assignments are completed and submitted. If you or your child have any questions or concerns, please reach out to the instructor or our school counselors for support. Let's finish this marking period strong!
Congrats to the additional WMCTC students nominated for leadership in SkillsUSA!
Emilee Barnes - UP
Benjamin Dixon - PG
Kay’Den Forster - SF
Porter Fryauff- UP
Maddy Johnson- SF
Dylan Scharneck- UP
Ashley Schuler- UP
Colin Tursi- SF
Logan Ullman- SF
Ameera Urquia Vargas- UP
Layla Walker- SF
Morgan Williams- SF
The District 2 SkillsUSA Leadership Conference will be held in November at Khalari Resort. The students will be trained as leaders in officer duties, teamwork, problem-solving, and social skills. They will share ideas with other students across District 2, bringing about district unity and representing the Western Center.
The WMCTC School Culture Committee is excited to announce that the Western Center will be participating in the annual Limerick Township Trunk or Treat event on Saturday, October 26th, from 12 PM to 3 PM at the Limerick Community Park. Please join us for some Halloween fun!
Be safe, and have a great weekend!
Principal Robinson
Upper Perk Students on Monday, Oct 7 & Friday Oct 18
Upper Perk is closed on Monday, October 7 and Friday, October 18. Upper Perk students will not report to WMCTC on that day.
Pottsgrove Students on Monday, Oct 14
Pottsgrove is closed on Monday, October 14. Pottsgrove students will not report to WMCTC on that day.
CTC Scholarships Available for ALL Students Grades 9-12
The deadline for parents to apply for this funding has been extended to October 15.
Spring-Ford Homecoming, October 18
Upper Perk Homecoming, October 18
Upper Perk PM students who sign up to attend the pep rally on Thursday, October 17 will be excused from attending WMCTC. Sign-up closes Tuesday, October 15
AM students will attend WMCTC for their normal session.
WMCTC Regular Bell Schedule
The arrival and dismissal times below are for regular schedule days. On those days where schedules are changed (early dismissal, delays, etc.) the schedule will be shared at that time.
The following link can be used to access the Skyward login page. Once in Skyward, the online forms for each student will be at the top of the page.
Parent username follows this format: parentfirstname.parentlastname (all lowercase)
The password is wildcats77!
Use this link for directions on completing the online forms.
This form (Evacuation Form) must be printed and signed, then returned to Student Services. If you are not able to print, there are copies in the Student Services office.
Questions can be directed to Mrs. Yusko at ayusko@westerncenter.org.
Cooperative Education
Would you like to be gaining more experience in your trade while also earning a paycheck? Co-Op gives you this opportunity! Students attend their sending high school in the morning and may work in their trade instead of attending WMCTC two to four afternoons a week. A fantastic privilege that takes planning and preparation. Students or families must provide transportation to the job site, students must meet qualifications and be hired by a participating company. Students are encouraged to speak with their instructor and Ms. Mueller in the Co-Op office to find out more.
Here is what you need to know: (from the Student Handbook p.15)
Juniors (in the Spring) and Seniors are eligible for the Cooperative Education Program based on their grades, attendance, task grid completion, NOCTI pre-test score, and technical instructor and principal recommendations. A student who has five (5) or more unexcused absences from school or more than ten (10) days excused absences from school may not be eligible for the Cooperative Education Program.
Our newest Co-op students going out to employers
Congratulations to the following seniors who are starting their Co-Op work experiences:
Sean Judge- AT
Alex Moyer- EO
Mitch Gibson- DT
Jonah Fryauff- AT
Ellie Landes- COS
Grace Vanning- CA
Some of our newest co-op students with their instructors
Mitch Gibson with Diesel Technology instructor, Mr. Cruz
Jonah Fryauff with Automotive Technology instructor, Mr. Soleau
Grace Vanning with Commercial Art instructor, Megan Costik
PE Cycle Days for 2025
Below are the PE schedule cycle days for the 2024-2025 school year. This is not a Monday-Friday schedule. This only lists the 'day' each shop is assigned their PE session.
Farther below this schedule is the calendar which shows when students will report to PE.
**Due to Student-Run-Enterprises, our cycle days do not follow in numeric order**
WMCTC PE/Health Schedule - October and November 2024
Below are the October and November calendars for PE Days at WMCTC. PE days are announced daily stating the current day cycle and the next day's cycle.
Through the year, cycle days may not be in numeric order.
****If a student misses their PE class, they must check Mr. English's Google Classroom for their assignment. It is the responsibility of the student to complete work that has been missed.****
Cosmetology Salon
Look for evening hours to start soon!
Online booking available or call 610-489-7272 x 211
Carpentry is building an outdoor deck off the back of the building. The deck will be next to the storage building, This will give the students real on the job deck building skills and problem solving. They are learning all phases of deck building from pouring footers, installing the headers and ledger board, to setting the joists and decking, They will also be installing posts and railing system around the deck.
Collision Repair and Diesel Technology
On October 9th, 21 Collision Repair and Diesel Technology students toured the Cox Automotive garage in Pennsburg. Students had the opportunity to learn about career options in the trucking industry performing mechanical and body repairs to box trucks, tractors and trailers.
From the Attendance office
Email Attendance@WesternCenter.org or call 610-489-7272 extension 209 regarding any attendance-related concerns (excuse notes, early dismissals, attendance letters, etc.).
Parents/guardians have access to view their student's attendance, assignments, grades and discipline using WMCTC's Skyward system. WMCTC's Skyward is not the same as the high school's Skyward.
Parent/guardian sign-in follows this format:
username: parentfirstname.lastname (all lower case) (Example: joe.smith)
password: If you have forgotten your password for WMCTC's Skyward, please contact Mrs. Anne Marie Yusko at ayusko@westerncenter.org or 610-489-7272 x 208.
From the Principal's Office
Parents, remember, you can sign on to WMCTC’s Skyward to see your student’s grades, attendance, assignments, discipline, and other important information. Go to www.westerncenter.org, click For Parents & Students at the bottom of the page, then choose Skyward Family/Student Access.
Forgot your username or password? Contact Mrs. Yusko at ayusko@westerncenter.org
Be sure to send your new address information to Student Services at studentservices@westerncenter.org
Please note that the high school does not forward change-of-address information to WMCTC.
Lost and Found
If an item has been lost or misplaced, it might be in Lost and Found in the Student Services office. These items may have been left on the bus, in our cafeteria or a classroom. Stop by to see if anything belongs to you.
If you've lost something, check it out!
From the Nurse's Office
If a student tests positive for COVID the CDC, as well as WMCTC, recommends staying home for 5 days after your symptom start date. Your symptom start date is considered day zero. If symptoms improve by day 5 and you are fever free for 24 hours with no fever reducing medications you may return to school on day 6 (ex: symptoms start on 9/1, isolate from, 9/1 through 9/6, may return to school on 9/7 if above criteria are met).
Please let the WMCTC nurse (DDavison@WesternCenter.org) as well as WMCTC attendance (attendance@westerncenter.org) know the student is positive and will be out.
If a household family member tests positive for COVID but the student is completely symptom free, the student may come to school.
When a student isn't feeling well, he/she needs to visit the nurse for consultation. If a student contacts their parents without seeing the nurse, the student will still need to see Ms. Davison before dismissal.
SOAR Credit Opportunity
Seniors need to have 3 things in place to be awarded SOAR credits.
-Score overall Competent or Advanced on NOCTI testing
-Have a final cumulative GPA of 2.75 in your technical area
-Have a completed task list with all tasks marked at proficiency level
(SOAR does not include Cosmetology and Sports Medicine programs).
Students meeting these requirements will be mailed home all paperwork needed for SOAR credits. These credits are good for 16 months after graduation. Students refer to collegetransfer.net for participating schools.
What if I do not qualify for SOAR or my school is not connected to SOAR?
Take anything you have completed/earned from WMCTC (Certifications/NOCTI results/task list) to your school of interest. See if they will award any advance credit or allow you to test out of class. BE YOUR OWN ADVOCATE.
MCCC Open House
Montgomery County Community College is having an Open House at both campuses in October. Scan the QR code on the flyer below for more information.
WMCTC 2024-2025 Calendar
Western Montgomery Career & Technology Center Mission Statement
Notice of Nondiscrimination
Contact Us
Email: crobinson@westerncenter.org
Website: https://www.westerncenter.org/
Location: 77 Graterford Road, Royersford, PA, USA
Phone: (610) 489-7272
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WESTERNMONTGOMERYCTC/