Bowne-Munro Family Newsletter
June 18, 2024
Thanks for making this a TERRIFIC school year!
See you back at school on September 5th!
Congratulations to our fourth graders!
We wish you the best as you head up to Hammarskjold!
We will miss you!
Report cards will be available to view on June 26th.
Here are the items your child will need for September!
Summer Suggestions
Administration for Children and Families
Below are several programs funded by the Administration for Children and Families (ACF) and other federal government agencies that may be available in the community.
PTA Updates
September Breakfast & Lunch Menus
District News
East Brunswick District Calendar for 2024-2025
Kindergarten Registration for the 2024-2025 School Year - “Class of 2037”
Attention East Brunswick residents with young children!
Children who will be five years of age on or before October 31, 2024 are eligible for the East Brunswick Public School full-day Kindergarten Program for the 2024-2025 school year.
Please see press release for more information.
Bowne-Munro is proud to partner with Green Good Guardians!
Donate your half-used or discarded notebooks to our collection bin in the front lobby.
GGG will refurbish the notebooks into "SecondVerse" notebooks
that can be donated to underprivileged students.
In addition, we will also be collecting used pens, markers, mechanical pencils, and highlighters!
Tutoring at the Library
The East Brunswick Public Library subscribes to Tutor.com (which is owned by The Princeton Review). It is open to all ages and available from 3 p.m. to 10 p.m. every day. It is free to anyone with an East Brunswick Public Library card. The link to sign-up is here: Tutor.com Learning Suite - Authentication
There are no appointments needed, a student can simply login and search for the subjects or test areas they are interested in and connect with a tutor for live help. They can also submit papers or math problems for tutors to review and respond. Details are also here: Tutor.com | East Brunswick Public Library (ebpl.org)
Special Dates to Remember
Happy Birthday to all who are celebrating in June!
Preschool: Mackson B., Isabella E., Kelvin D., Olivia B., Zaylii D., Srindhi M., Michael P.
Kindergarten: Ruhi P., Benjamin A., Amelia G., Savannah V.
First Grade: Leilani N., Evan F., Bella S., Johann M.
Third Grade: Liam C.
Fourth Grade: Leo E.
Staff: Mrs. Piscitelli, Mr. Kevin, Ms. Maria P., Mrs. Oranchak, Mr. Joe M., Mr. Dan
Happy Birthday to all who are celebrating over the summer!
Preschool: Jasmine I., Joseph M., Deena A., Marly G., Sebastian B.,
Kindergarten: Atlas B., Solomia K., Adrianna G., Abigail A., Zachary D., Camren K., Jensen T.
First Grade: Peyton L., Mila Jade T., McKenna J., Sophia C., Stuthi S., Adam S.
Second Grade: Harper S., Jackson S., Thiago O.
Third Grade: Felo A, Arnalina S., Riley Y., Daliana P., Anora A., William B.,
Fourth Grade: Ishaq S., Shiloh E., Leo V., Frankie F., Aarika S., Dante E., Makenna M., Sofia P.
Staff: Ms. Lisa, Mr. Santana-Rodriguez, Mr. Sedric, Ms. Vidnansky, Mrs. Picciano, Mr. Matt
Don't forget...
6/18... Last day of School for Students, 1:35 dismissal and CLAP OUT for fourth graders on the blacktop.
6/26... Report cards available via the Parent Portal
9/5... First Day of School for Students!
Bowne-Munro Contact Information
Email: kristin.gristina@ebnet.org
Website: https://www.ebnet.org/Bowne-Munro
Location: 120 Main Street, East Brunswick, NJ, USA
Phone: 732-613-6810
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61550222167731