Irish Gifted Academy
Week of September 29th, 2024
Hey IGA Family!
I hope this message finds you safe and well after the recent hurricane. Our community has shown incredible resilience, coming together stronger than ever to begin rebuilding and supporting one another during this challenging time. As we move forward, we are committed to ensuring the safety and well-being of our students and staff.
With the current conditions in mind, we will be relaxing our dress code for the remainder of this week to accommodate everyone as we navigate this recovery process. Please know that students will return to school tomorrow, Wednesday, October 2nd, and we are looking forward to welcoming everyone back.
Below this letter, you will find important updates from the Laurens County Emergency Management Agency, along with a food event this evening, which I encourage you to review. If there is anything our campus can do to assist you or your family during this time, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.
One of our belief statements in Dublin City Schools is, "A safe, secure, flexible, and loving environment promotes positive learning communities for academic achievement, personal growth, and emotional well-being." This remains our top priority as we transition back to a sense of normalcy following such a disastrous event.
As we move forward together, I encourage you to take time to check on your neighbors. Additionally, please encourage your child to write thank you letters and create cards for the hardworking men and women who are tirelessly working to restore our electricity and essential resources. Their dedication is what makes our recovery possible, and we are truly better together.
Thank you for your continued support and resilience. We are looking forward to a safe and successful return to school.
With gratitude,
Mr. Taylor
Five Houses.....One IGA #Family
Stakeholder Survey Now Avaliable
Here in Dublin City Schools, we're committed to continuously improving our learning environment and ensuring our students thrive. As part of this commitment, we need YOUR invaluable feedback. Fighting Irish Family, please take a few moments to complete our Fall Family Stakeholder Survey - specifically sharing what we're doing well and what we can do to better support our students and community.
Open NOW - October 2nd, the survey should only take a few minutes to complete. Your responses will be confidential and used solely for the purpose of enhancing our school environment and educational outcomes.
Let's Step Up!
Our Dublin Middle School and Irish Gifted Academy National Beta Club are working on a service project to help those in need get off on the right foot through the collection of gently used and new shoes. You can drop off shoes at either location: (1501 North Jefferson, 1127 Hillcrest Parkway). Contact Marci.mulkey@dcsirish.com or arrion.reed@dcsirish.com for more information. Let’s make a difference one pair of shoes at a time!
Click Below to Access Our FY25 Student Handbook
Dress Code Reminder
Attendance Policy
Visit Here to Learn Ways You Can Volunteer at IGA! #BetterTogether
If you are able to assist us in any of the below capacities, please reach out to Mr. Taylor at matt.taylor@dcsirish.com. We are so grateful for the village we have!
- Assist with Check In / Check Out Process for Books in Our Reading Corner
- Assist with Interior Painting / Decor
"Five Houses....One IGA #Family" -- House Background and Information
Isibindi — House of Courage — Language (Zulu) — Country (South Africa) — Animal (Lion)
Altruismo — House of Givers — Language (Portuguese) — Country (Brazil) — Animal (Snake)
Amistad — House of Friendship — Language (Spanish) — Country (Mexico) — Animal (Peacock)
Reveur — House of Dreamers — Language (French) — Country (France) — Animal (Wolf)
Nukumori -- House of Kindness -- Language (Japanese) -- Country (Japan) -- Animal (Dragon)
Altruismo -- House of Givers
Nukumori -- House of Kindess
Isibindi -- House of Courage
Reveur -- House of Dreamers
Five Houses.....One IGA #Family
Amistad -- House of Friendship
About Us
Email: matt.taylor@dcsirish.com
Website: https://iga.dcs.irish/en-US
Location: 1951 Hillcrest Parkway, Dublin, GA, USA
Phone: 478-353-8450
Facebook: facebook.com/irishgiftedacademy