First Quarter Newsletter
Amsterdam School District
Dear Families,
As the first quarter sunsets, we congratulate our students and staff on a continued commitment to make learning meaningful and joyful. The staff looks forward to meeting with parents and guardians during parent-teacher conferences next Thursday and Friday, November 7-8. Conferences offer a time in which teachers can showcase student work, and parents and teachers can discuss strategies to foster a love of learning and promote academic growth for children. If you have not had a moment to sign up for a conference time-slot, click on this link to Conference Sign Ups.
As a district, we have entered year two of Montana's new school accreditation process. This year, we will focus on completing a graduate profile, which is a summary of what our students should have under their belt prior to moving on to middle school in preparation for high school and beyond. With continually improving student learning in mind, Amsterdam will also study our district's educator effectiveness, proficiency-based learning, and school climate. Be on the lookout for a school climate survey, which will be heading your way in early December.
Amsterdam Cougars have experienced a variety of activities this fall. For fifth and sixth grade, boys' cross country and girls' volleyball just completed their season. Girls' basketball just began, and we're looking forward to seeing the team play. The first game of the season will be away at Anderson on November 5. The first home game is on November 7 versus Bear Canyon at 4 P.M.
Students celebrated Red Ribbon Week from October 23-31 and pledged to be drug free and bully free. Mrs. Farrell provided lessons in all grades on making healthy choices. Grades 3-6 listened to guest speakers Miss Cherie from the Public Health Department and Mr. Kit from Southwest Montana Prevention. They shared information on the health dangers for youth from vaping, nicotine, and other illegal substances.
Upcoming events for students include a presentation on November 11 by the American Legion. The well-loved Thanksgiving Feast is right around the corner on Tuesday, November 26. Many thanks go out to Parents of Amsterdam Children for continuing this annual tradition! The annual winter program will be held on December 18 at MCS. We are looking forward to these events. Please continue reading the Amsterdam Weekly Updates for more information on these events and other school happenings.
Thank you for sharing your children with us this school year!