Trailside Update
Transportation Info
Important Transportation Information
Trailside School Day Hours
Kindergarten - 9:00-2:30
First - Fourth - 8:00-2:30
Pre-School - 8:15-2:45
Correct transportation plans are essential to ensure student safety. At Meet the Teacher Night, you will complete a form that details your child's daily transportation plans. While we recognize that things come up, we respectfully request that all transportation changes be made by calling the office before 2 pm on the day of the change.
Information regarding bus routes was emailed on August 5, 2024. If you have questions regarding bus transportation to and from Trailside Elementary, you can contact Sally Plummer in the transportation office by email at splummer@zcs.k12.in.us. For all other transportation questions, please contact the front office.
*New for the 2024-2025 School Year: The trail extension is complete! We are grateful for our partnership with the Town of Zionsville to make this happen. If walking/biking to school is an option your family is considering, please be sure to read the information regarding these procedures carefully. Access to campus for walkers/bikers will be exclusively via the trail extension. No walkers/bikers should be entering campus via 875S or the Athletic Complex. Please note that the trail will not be treated during inclement weather, so this mode of transportation to/from campus will be seasonal.
Kindergarten Arrival and Dismissal Plans
How will my kindergartner get to and from school?
Kindy Bus Riders
- Kindergarten students can ride the bus ONLY if your Kindy child is signed up for Early Start Spanish or Bridge (part of GROW programming)**. These programs meet from 7:50 am – 8:50 am every day.
- Kindergarten students can ride the bus home at the end of the school day.
Kindergarten – Car Rider Drop-Off times are 8:50 AM-9:00 AM - Drop off at door 1
- If your kindergarten child is NOT signed up for Early Start Spanish or Bridge, then your child will need to be an 8:50 AM car rider in the mornings.
- Kindergarten car riders may arrive between 8:50 AM-9:00 AM at Door 1 (Main Entrance).
- A car rider line will form facing west in front of the building.
- A school staff member will signal for students to exit the cars and enter the building.
- Please make sure all students exit on the passenger/sidewalk side of the car.
- Please stay in your car at all times.
Kindergarten Walkers and Bike Riders
All Walkers/Bike Riders may only enter campus from the trail extension on the north side of campus (across from PK/Kindy Playground). No walkers/bikers should be entering campus via 875S or the Athletic Complex
- 7:50 Arrival - Kindergarten Walkers/Bike Riders will park their bikes in the bike rack. Please arrive as close to 7:50 AM as possible as this is when the area will be supported by school staff.
- Students will cross the bus drive with school staff support.
- Students will enter the building through door 11.
- Parents/guardians should stay on the north side of the drive by the bike racks.
- 8:50 Arrival - Kindergarten Walkers/Bike Riders arriving at 8:50 must be accompanied by an adult. There will not be school staff supervising this area during this arrival time.
- Students will park their bikes in the bike racks and cross the bus drive with their adult.
- Adult will walk students along the sidewalk to enter the building at door 1.
- Dismissal – Walkers/Bike Riders will dismiss with bus riders at the end of the day. They will be released to the sidewalk and supported in crossing the bus drive to access the trail extension.
- Parents/guardians should stay on the north side of the drive by the bike racks.
Kindergarten – Car Rider Pick-up time is 2:30 PM
- Pick up is in the front of the building. Cars will park along the curb starting at mailbox and will extend down the front sidewalk.
- Students will be grouped by grade level and supervised by staff members.
- Please display student name and grade level using the neon placards provided on Meet the Teacher Night. A staff member will use this sign to call students' names to be released to their vehicles.
- Once all cars have stopped, we will release the students to load into their cars on the passenger side.
- Please stay in your vehicle and please do not park in the lot and walk through traffic. Safety is always our priority.
- Students – MUST load cars on the passenger/sidewalk side of the car.
**If you would like your child to be signed up for Bridge or Early Start Spanish, please click on the following links:
· Bridge: https://www.zcs.k12.in.us/apps/pages/grow_childcare_services
· Early Start Spanish: https://www.zionsvilleeaglerec.com/trailside-elementary.cfm
First through Fourth Grade Arrival and Dismissal Plans
How will my first through fourth grader get to and from school?
1st- 4th Bus Riders
- Students in first through fourth grades can ride the bus to school if families indicated a bus need.
- ZCS Transportation Department notified families via email of bus number and pick up locations/times
- Dismissal - 1st-4th students can ride the bus home at the end of the school day if families indicated a need for bus transportation.
1st - 4th Car Riders
***Your child MUST be ready to exit the car as soon as you stop at the sidewalk (shoes on, backpack packed, etc.)***
- If your child is not riding the bus, then your child will need to be a 7:50 AM car rider in the mornings.
- All cars will enter campus through the entrance by the athletic fields. Do not enter campus using the drive directly in front of the school. This will be for buses only.
- 1st-4th car riders may arrive between 7:50 AM-8:00 AM at Door 1 (Main Entrance).
- A car rider line will form in front of the building starting at the mailbox.
- School staff members will be stationed on the sidewalk.
- Once you pull up and stop, students should exit the passenger/sidewalk side of the car IMMEDIATELY.
- Parents - PLEASE stay in your car at all times.
- Students – MUST exit their cars on the passenger/sidewalk side of the car.
Walkers and Bike Riders
All Walkers/Bike Riders may only enter campus from the trail extension on the north side of campus (across from PK/Kindy Playground). See the map below. No walkers/bikers should be entering campus via 875S or the Athletic Complex
- Arrival - Walkers/Bike Riders will park their bikes in the bike rack. Please arrive as close to 7:50 AM as possible as this is when the area will be supported by school staff.
- Students will cross the bus drive with school staff support.
- Students will enter the building through door 11.
- Parents/guardians should stay on the north side of the drive by the bike racks.
- Dismissal – Walkers/Bike Riders will dismiss with bus riders at the end of the day. They will be released to the sidewalk and supported in crossing the bus drive to access the trail extension.
- Parents/guardians should stay on the north side of the drive by the bike racks.
1st - 4th Car Riders - Pick-up time is 2:30 PM
- Pick up is in the front of the building. Cars will park along the curb starting at the mailbox and will extend down the front sidewalk.
- All cars will enter campus through the entrance by the athletic fields. Do not enter campus using the drive directly in front of the school. This will be for buses only.
- Students will be grouped by grade level and supervised by staff members.
- Please display student name and grade level using the neon placards provided on Meet the Teacher Night. A staff member will use this sign to call students' names to be released to their vehicles.
- Once all cars have stopped, we will release the students to load into their cars on the passenger side.
- Please stay in your vehicle and please do not park in the lot and walk through traffic. Safety is always our priority.
- Students – MUST load cars on the passenger/sidewalk side of the car.
Preschool Arrival and Dismissal Plans
How will my preschooler get to and from school?
Arrival - Preschool - Drop-off time is 8:15 AM-8:25 AM (late arrivals check in at office)
- Please do not arrive early, as there will be K-4 car rider arrivals.
- All cars will enter campus through the entrance by the athletic fields. Do not enter campus using the drive directly in front of the school. This will be for buses only.
- Drop off in the front of the building. Students will enter the building through door 19, directly into a preschool classroom.
- Only pull as far down as the main entrance.
- Please be sure the car seat is on the curb side.
- Preschool staff will assist in getting students out of the car– please stay in your vehicle.
- Pick up is in the front of the building. Students will exit the building through door 19, directly from a preschool classroom.
- Please display your child's name using the neon placard provided on Meet the Teacher Night.
- Please be sure the car seat is on the curb side.
- A preschool staff member will assist in getting your student in the car -please stay in your vehicle.
Preschool Walkers and Bike Riders
All Walkers/Bike Riders may only enter campus from the trail extension on the north side of campus (across from PK/Kindy Playground). No walkers/bikers should be entering campus via 875S or the Athletic Complex.
- Arrival - Preschool Walkers/Bike Riders must be accompanied by an adult. There will not be school staff supervising this area during this arrival time.
- Students will park their bikes in the bike racks and cross the bus drive with their adult.
- Adult will walk students along the sidewalk to enter the building at door 19.
- Dismissal – Preschool Walkers/Bike Riders must be accompanied by an adult. Parents/Guardians who are meeting their child to walk/ride home via the trail may wait outside of door 19 until students are dismissed and walk them across the bus drive to the trail extension.
What if I am picking up a preschooler and an elementary student?
- Elementary students (K-4) will need to be picked up during the 2:30 car rider line. You can then park in the lot or pull back around to get back in the preschool line. This line will not begin until all K-4 students have been picked up. The preschool line starts at door 19.
Before and After Care (BAC)
Late Arrivals and Early Dismissals
What do I do if my child is late to school?
- PK-4 Students: If your child is late to school for any reason, you must park your car and walk your child to the main office (door 1). Our administrative assistants will unlock the doors for you and will ask you to sign your child in for the late arrival in our vestibule.
What do I do if I need to pick up my child early from school?
- PK-4 Students: If your child will need to be picked up early from school, please call the attendance line. You will also need to send a note to the teacher. Please keep in mind that emails may not be read during the school day as teachers are working with children and not always able to check emails throughout their busy day.
Please park your car and walk to the main office. Once inside the vestibule, you will sign your child out of school, and our administrative assistants will call your child down to the office for the early dismissal.