Maize Elementary School Newsletter
September 2024

September 2024
A message from Principal Kyle White
It has come to our attention that an automated message accompanies Mr. White's Video. If you receive a message on your screen that says, "uBlock Origin has prevented the following page from loading," please click the blue "proceed" button to watch the video. We apologize for the additional steps to receive our message. We have recently updated our system and are experiencing difficulties with the program that shares our video. We will continue to try and resolve the issue and appreciate your patience.
Stay Connected
Visit our website at www.usd266.com/mes.
Connect with Mr. White at kwhite@usd266.com or call 316-722-8230.
Visit our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/MaizeElementary
Maize Elementary School is located at 305 W. Jones in Maize, KS 67101
Sunshine Cart
Help us show some love to our amazing staff at MES through the Sunshine Cart! The sunshine cart spreads joy and appreciation to our teachers and staff, delivering happiness and uplifting treats as a small thank you for all they do. Donations can be brought to MES office. Sign up today or contact Amber May at amay@usd266.com to donate.
Thank you for your interest in joining the Watch D.O.G.S. program at Maize Elementary School. This is open to all individuals who are interested in volunteering and have a connection to a Maize Elementary student or staff member. The program will be an extension of our efforts to maintain and improve safety and security at MES. As the Watch D.O.G. for the day, you will be given a daily agenda of activities that will include, but not limited to, doing internal and external sweeps of the building, volunteering in classrooms, monitoring lunch and recess, and tutoring. We would like to have a Watch D.O.G. each day, and in order to allow others ample opportunity to help, we ask that you sign up to serve no more than twice a month.
To volunteer you must do the following:
Fill out the District Background checks. You can access this by going to the drop-down menu under the school headline on the top left of the page.
Both steps must be completed in order to volunteer. Visit our sign-up genius, and choose your times.
Important Dates to Remember
September 17th:
Individual Fall Photos
September 18th:
Chipotle Spirit Night 5-9 pm
September 26th:
Donuts with grown ups K-2nd grade (7:30-8:15 am)
September 27th:
Donuts with grown ups 3-4th grade (7:30-8:15 am)
October 4th:
Marathon Finale
Check our district webpage for updates on upcoming events.
School Marathon
Thank you to everyone involved with making our School Marathon a success! We are in full swing. Updates on events and weather delays will be sent to parents via email. You can e mail Danielle for questions. Please visit the Marathon Facebook page for fun photos of the runners!
Full STEAM Ahead
Greetings from the STEAM Lab! If you are new to Maize schools, STEAM is a weekly class covering Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math! It is an integrated, cross-content, project-based approach to learning. 21st Century skills are at the forefront : critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and communication. We are laying the foundation for students to find success in modern career fields in our quickly changing world.
This month we have focused on practicing said 21st Century skills and relearning the engineering design process: Ask, Imagine, Plan, Create, Improve. These will be foundational for the rest of the year!
Simple STEAM home challenge: What can you do with a piece of paper? Use it to create something. Add any other materials you like!
Let's Read!
Welcome back panthers, I am Audrey Kirkman and I will be your child’s librarian this school year. I have been in education long enough to have stopped counting the years! We are fortunate enough to have a library aide this year. Ms. Nicole will be with us each day helping your young reader check out his/her favorite books. This week has been filled with smiles and laughs as we have had a chance to meet all the kiddos. As we begin the year, we wanted to share a few reminders with you.
Students will check out on their library day. Please see the below chart to locate your child’s library day. Books are due the next week on the same day, if the student hasn’t finished up a book, they are able to recheck it out. If a student would lose/destroy a book the family is responsible for paying for the book.
Nametags and Lanyards:
It is the policy of Maize USD 266, that all students and staff wear a nametag and school lanyard while in the building. These not only provide an additional safety measure for students, but are also how students check out library books. If your student needs a replacement, it is the responsibility of the family to purchase a replacement, $3.00 per nametag and $3.00 per lanyard. There will be a form in the office or the library for you to fill out.
Materials Needed:
We could use some M&M’s, Skittles, and Smarties to help “sweeten” up the library! Thanks in advance for the support! We are looking forward to a great year and I am so excited to be part of Maize Elementary!
Go Panthers,
Mrs. Kirkman and Ms. Nicole
On the move with Coach Horn and Coach Schuette
Welcome Back! Students have been busy reviewing important rules, procedures and locomotor skills in PE. For the rest of August we will be focusing on general space while moving. PE Shoes are necessary for your student to be safe in PE, please make sure they have tennis shoes on their days of PE. Please No Crocs, Sandals, or Boots- If in Kindergarten, please send in Velcro, if at all possible. If your student likes to wear crocs, sandals, and boots, please have a set of “PE shoes” in their classroom they can change into before PE. This helps in keeping our gym floors clean and makes the gym safer for your student!
In September, the third and fourth graders will be learning and reviewing muscles. Second and first graders will be learning the locations and functions of their bones. Kindergarten students are going to learn basic body parts and functions (eyes, ears, nose, etc.) We will be doing numerous activities to make our bodies stronger and more flexible. We will also be fitness testing and starting on a throwing and catching unit.
First quarter grades will not be entered until late September. Please do not be alarmed if your student doesn’t have a grade for something. Items will be made up if they missed a day.
Thank you for taking an interest in your child's health and well-being! It’s going to be a great year!
Keep moving!
-Coach Horn
Coach Horn thorn@usd266.com
Coach Schuette sschuette@usd266.com
From the Counselors
We are excited to be back in school and see all of the students. We have been going into each classroom and introducing ourselves. We tell the students that we are here to help and support them during their school day.
During the month of September, the classroom counselor lessons are about bullying prevention and compassion. We talk about being a good friend and showing compassion for others. We will both take turns teaching in your child’s classroom once a month.
If you have any concerns or ways we can help your child be successful at school—please contact us! We are here to help every child have a great year.
Becky Stephens and Andrea Nietfeld, MES Counselors
Mrs. Stephens bstephens@usd266.com
Mrs. Nietfeld Anietfeld@usd266.com
Screen Sanity
Maize USD266 Parents as Teachers team is hosting an upcoming event in partnership with an organization called Screen Sanity, and we would like to share details with you for you to put information in newsletters and/or send on to your school's families as you see fit. I'm attaching an infographic that you're welcome to put in your e-mail or newsletter. In case it helps to have a short description of the event to share, I've included that below, too.
Join us on Thursday, September 12th as our district hosts the KC-based nonprofit, Screen Sanity! A presenter from Screen Sanity will share about the difficult side effects of screen usage as well as how we, as parents, can be proactive with screen time, introducing our kids to smartphones and social media, and more. Space is limited - so anyone after the first 100 registrants will receive a notification that they're on a waitlist. Click the following link or scan the QR code in the attached graphic to sign up: bit.ly/USD266ScreenSanity
Nurses Corner
Welcome back to school everyone! I hope you all had a fantastic summer.
As the school year starts, there are some important things to remember that I will be needing soon for my office records.
Immunizations and Health Assessments:
Don’t forget to turn in your child’s most up-to-date immunization records as well as an updated Health Assessment (physical) if this is the first time your child has been in a Kansas school. Immunization Deadline: 10/1/2024
Skyward Health History:
It is the parent’s responsibility to update health conditions in Skyward and notify the school nurse as
needed for health concerns.
Under certain conditions medication may be given at school per the Board of Education Policy. A new consent form must be filled out EVERY school year BEFORE any medication is administered at school. Please feel free to ask me for this form. Medication provided must be in an ORIGINAL labeled container.
Food Allergies:
In order for a food allergen to be removed from the school lunch tray and be replaced with another
option, a meal modification form 19 B MUST be completed and signed by a parent and healthcare
provider. Please feel free to ask me for this form as well.
Hearing/Vision/Dental Screenings:
Students will have hearing, vision, and dental screenings during the school year as required per state
law. Students new to the district will receive both hearing and vision screenings. Results will ONLY be sent home if further testing is needed. Screenings are very basic and are not meant to take the place of professional evaluations.
Please feel free to stop by my office, call, or email me if you have any questions or concerns about your student. Thank you all for taking an interest in your child’s health and well-being.
Music Notes
Mrs. Todd and Mr. Jeffries are ready for another great year of music! Make sure to save the date for your student's music performance. 4th grade, 3rd grade and Kindergarten will be in the Fall Semester while 1st grade and 2nd grade are in the spring. All performances will be at the Maize Performing Arts and Aquatic Center and last between 25 and 35 minutes.
3rd Grade - Tuesday, October 29th at 6:00pm
4th Grade - Tuesday, October 29th at 7:00pm
Kindergarten - Tuesday, December 17th at 6:00pm
1st Grade - Thursday, May 1st at 6:00pm
2nd Grade - Thursday, May 1st at 7:00pm
Ethan Jeffries
Attendance is Important
After seven absences, professional documentation will be required for an absence to be excused. With this change, the district encourages parents to obtain a note from a medical provider when appropriate. You can fax (722-5456), e mail or bring the forms into the office. Absences will not be changed after 3 business days. Find a complete definition of an excused absence in the District Student Handbook. This is important because Kansas Law requires the school district to report truancy after unexcused absences accumulate (three in a row, five in a semester, or seven in a school year). For more information on truancy, please see the Compulsory Attendance Law (K.S.A. 72-3120).
If you know of an extended absence ahead of time you will need to fill out the Administrative Excusal form prior to the absence.