Unity Preschool News
September 2024-25
Ms. Linda's Letter
What a wonderful first week of preschool! We are enjoying the smiles, hugs, and laughter of your children. Your children are a delight and we thank you for trusting your child's preschool education and faith-building to us. The car line is running smoothly and the children are doing well learning and following classroom routines. At Unity Preschool, one of the first items that we focus on is developing self-help skills. Self-help skills are abilities that children gradually attain to give them more independence. Almost all of the children have mastered our first self-help skill: walking to their classroom without tears! Additional self-help skills that we will practice include hanging backpacks, taking out folders, taking care of trash after snack, attending to bathroom needs, and picking up toys. When we trust children to do things for themselves, they feel empowered. Their involvement contributes to growing their learning experiences. It is also about learning life skills so they can look after themselves without depending on others. It has been a joy and a delight watching your children learn to master these skills and we look forward to continuing the process throughout the school year.
Thank you for the many, many supplies that you provided. We will be using them throughout the school year. Your generous contributions help us lower our costs so that we can continue to offer one of the most affordable private preschool tuitions in the area. We are so excited to begin this school year with you and help your child have a year filled with learning, adventure, friendship, and fun! Please continue to keep Unity Preschool in your prayers as we pray for a successful and healthy year for all.
Much love,
Ms. Linda
Color and Spirit Days
Color Days: Each month we will have at least one "Color Day" when we ask your child to wear something to school with that color on it (example - shirt, pants, socks, hair bow, or shoes). Our first Color Day is Thursday, September 19. Wear something BLUE to school on this day.
Spirit Days: We will continue to host fun internal events in our classrooms, typically on the last Thursday of each month. Our first "Spirit Day" is Thursday, September 26 with "Glad to Be Me" day and celebrating how God made all of us different, but each of us special. Please wear something that is your favorite (shirt, hat, shoes, socks, etc.). Additional Spirit Days this fall are:
October 31: Halloween Celebration - We will have Halloween parties in our classrooms.
November 21: Feast Day - We will celebrate Thanksgiving in our classrooms by enjoying a Thanksgiving meal prepared by some special Unity Preschool friends. This is the last day before the Thanksgiving Holiday break.
December 19: PJ Day - We will all wear our pj's and enjoy some Christmas fun. This is the last day before the Christmas Holiday break.
Staff Updates
Two's Update: We are thrilled to welcome Ms. Jennifer Mertz who will be working with Ms. Danielle in the Older Two's class. Ms. Jennifer’s journey has taken her from Buffalo, New York, to Ohio, Illinois, and Florida, where she worked as an educator and coach. She and her family made their way to the Carolinas almost four years ago. They have three children, including one who attends Unity Preschool in our Four's class. Last year, she was a substitute teacher at Unity, and we are thrilled to have her join us as a member of our teaching team.
A few of Ms. Jennifer's favorites:
Food: ice cream (chocolate peanut butter and cookies n' cream)
Music: classical and oldies (50's)
Books: historical fiction
Activities: playing sports, reading, baking and traveling to new places
Three's Update: We are sad to say goodbye to Ms. Jen who decided to "retire" from regular employment at Unity Preschool, but we look forward to her visits as a substitute teacher. Ms. Sarah, who worked with Ms. Becca before her time as an Assistant in the Four's classes, is thrilled to be back with Ms. Becca in the Monkey class. Ms. Kristen, who joined us last year as an Assistant in the Older Two's class will be working with Ms. Eizabeth in the Owl classroom.
Returning Staff: Ms. Maureen and Ms. Kellie are returning for their sixth year together in the Fish room and Ms. Elizabeth is beginning her fourth year in the Owl room. Ms. Becca, Ms. Brandi and Ms. Laura are returning to the Three's classes. Ms. Danielle is beginning her sixth year at Unity Preschool and returned to the Bee's class. She also works in our Preschool Office on Mondays and teaches Music to our Fours classes. Ms. Carolyn works in the Preschool Office on Tuesdays and Thursdays and will serve as a substitute when needed. Ms. Linda, our Director, began her 16th year at Unity Preschool and works Tuesday through Thursday in the Preschool Office.
Preschool Communication
1. SeeSaw App: Most of our class communication this year will be through your class SeeSaw app. Please download the Family Seesaw App or you will miss fun pictures and teacher announcements. Contact your child's teacher if you need assistance.
2. Smore Newsletter: This newsletter using the Smore app is emailed monthly from the Director. It has valuable information about programming and policies.
3. Preschool Website: Unity's website was renamed and redesigned last summer (www.UnityPreschool.org). It has general information as well as current events.
Please contact your child's teacher or Linda Bunge if you have any questions, concerns, or issues. If we are not aware of problems and/or concerns, they cannot be addressed. We want Unity Preschool to be a positive experience for not only the children we serve, but also their families.
Family Picnics - October 8, 9, and 10
While the weather is nice, we thought it would be fun to host a Family Picnic for our preschool classes. You (mom, dad, grandparents, friends, siblings) are invited to bring a picnic lunch and a blanket to preschool and we will enjoy lunch together in our Park.
*Our Two's class is invited to join us on Tuesday, October 8 at 11:15.
*Our Threes classes are invited to join us on Wednesday, October 9 at 11:15
*Our Fours classes are invited to join us on Thursday, October 10 at 11:15.
If you are a working parent and cannot attend, simply let us know. You can send a lunch with your child and we will arrange a picnic partner for your child. If the weather does not cooperate, we have reserved the Fellowship Hall on those days and we will picnic indoors.
Scholastic Book Fairy Program
The simple and enjoyable act of sharing books with your child helps them learn pre-reading skills such as understanding the sounds letters make, developing a bigger vocabulary, and building background knowledge. Reading to children from an early age can help prepare children to enter kindergarten with the skills they need to succeed.
Scholastic Book Club Program
Three times a year we send home Scholastic Flyers so that you can choose some new books to purchase for your children. The preschool earns points from your orders that we can use to purchase additional books for our Preschool Library as well as Birthday, Christmas and End-of-Year books for your children. Did you know that the Unity Preschool Library has over 2800 books that we share with our children daily!
Our first Scholastic Flyer will be sent home with your child tomorrow. The link for ordering is below. Family orders must by placed by September 26 so that we receive maximum awards for September. Place an order of $25 or more between September 12 and 16 and you can pick a FREE $10 book (use code BTS10 at checkout).
Family Order Due Date: 09/26/24
SHOP OUR CLASS PAGE: https://orders.scholastic.com/GXCK8
SHOP FLYERS: https://clubs.scholastic.com/prek
Thanks in advance for your support!
Busy Toddler
Here is a link to her printable fall bucket list with simple and cheap activities for families to enjoy during the fall months: https://busytoddler.com/fall-bucket-list-for-toddlers/
Do I Send My Child to School
We have received questions about whether you should send your child to school with runny noses, coughs and other symptoms. The rule of thumb that we like to use is "If another child had similar symptoms, would you want your child playing with them?"
Missing a day or two of preschool will not set them back on their educational journey. If you find you are wiping your child's nose often; they are unusually tired, whiny, or clingy; and/or you are reminding them to cough in their sleeve all day long, please keep them home. Your child will enjoy the extra loving time and it will help prevent spread in the classroom. If your child has a persistent cough or runny nose due to allergies, please let us know that they are not contagious. We welcome questions if you are just not sure.
On Wednesdays we wear TENNIS SHOES
Car Line Reminders
*Safety: If your child has been removed from your car, please do NOT pass other cars ahead of you. We often have to remove children from both sides of the cars and the car line is not designed to be two lanes.
*Remain in Cars: Please remain in your vehicles during car line (morning and afternoon). Our Assistants will unbuckle your child(ren) in the morning. In the afternoon, please pull forward to a parking space and then buckle your child.
*Car Tags: Please use your car tags in the morning for the month of September. This will help us as we get to know you, your child, and your car. If you need extra car tags, let us know. If you place your car tag in the window, be careful if you roll down your window. Windows like to eat car tags:)!
*Car Line Times: Just a reminder that we begin unloading in the morning at 8:45 a.m. We begin loading the Twos and Threes at 11:55 a.m. and the Fours at 12:10 p.m.
*Folders: Each child received a plastic pocket folder with his/her name on it. Those folders will go home every day. Please review and empty them and return them on your child's next day of school.
*Photo Release: Just a reminder that you signed and dated a photo release on your child's online registration form. The photo release allows us to post pictures of the entire class on SeeSaw, our School Newsletter, and on the preschool website. We may occasionally post pictures on Unity Presbyterian's Facebook or Instagram, but no names are used with any pictures that we post.
*Outside Reminders: We go outside every day as long as it is not raining or too cold. Please apply sunscreen in the morning, if needed, and wear tennis shoes/close-toed shoes and socks. We have mulch and a sandbox in our Park area and comfort is more important than fashion.
*Label Clothes: Please remember to label jackets/sweaters/extra clothes that you send to school so that we can make sure they go home with the correct child.
*Tuition: Our next tuition withdrawal date will be Tuesday, October 1st.
Unity Preschool Staff 2024-25
Front Row - Left to Right by teaching pairs:
Ms. Maureen and Ms. Kellie (Fours - Fish)
Ms. Kristen and Ms. Elizabeth (Fours - Owls)
Back Row - Left to Right by teaching pairs:
Ms. Jennifer and Ms. Danielle (Older Twos - Bees)
Ms. Sarah and Ms. Becca (Threes - Frogs)
Ms. Laura and Ms. Brandi (Threes - Monkeys)
Ms. Linda (Director)
Questions, concerns, or comments? preschoolatunity@gmail.com or (803)396-8454
Unity Preschool
Email: preschoolatunity@gmail.com
Website: https://www.unitypreschool.org/
Location: 303 Tom Hall Street, Fort Mill, SC, USA
Phone: 803-396-8454