Notes from Principal Zeman
October 25th, 2024
11th Grade Interview Day
Thank you to all of our volunteers for making our junior English classes interview day a smashing success! It was exciting to see the nervousness of the students shift to excitement and accomplishment learning an important life skill. Thank you to Kim Davison for all of her work with this great event!
Counseling Update
College Admission Visits in the ERHS Career Center
Students can visit this form for a list of upcoming events and sign up to attend. Additions are added to this list often, so be sure to check back periodically.
The ASVAB will be offered on Wednesday, November 13 at ERHS. Juniors and Seniors can register for this test through this form. Registration deadline is November 1. The ASVAB measures developed abilities and helps predict future academic and occupational success. It can also be used as a military entrance exam. For more information on this exam, please visit this link.
From the Health Office
Please read this update from Health Services. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or concerns.
Health Office Staff: 763-241-3423 Fax: 763-241-3410
Cortni Toutloff - Licensed School Nurse 763-241-3400, ext 2282
Heather Vanderweyst - Health Services Assistant
Stephanie Hassel - Health Services Assistant (Part-Time)
As a reminder, all students going home ill during the school day must be seen in Health Services in order for their absence to be excused.
If your student is reaching out to you to go home, please have them go to the Health Office
Health Services staff will need to speak to a parent prior to the student being checked-out of school
Please continue to notify Health Services of any Communicable Diseases (Strep, Influenza, Pertussis, etc) that your student has been diagnosed with.
Students of the Week
Daisy Chambers
Kate Casey
Roshia Cooper
Cooper Berg
Laila Beckers
Hadassah Close
Emmerson Swanson
Brittany Peppin
Carter Johnson
JJ Farber
Upcoming Events
November 2-3- Craft Bazaar
November 4- No School Teacher Workshop Day
November 5- No School Staff Development Day