October 2024
Friday, October 4, 2024
10/9- International Walk and Roll to School Day (see below)
10/10- Raccoon Run
10/11- Staff Development Day- No School
10/16- The Great Shakeout- Statewide Earthquake Drill
10/18-Popcorn Friday, Spirit Day- Hat day! See below
10/25- Grading Day- No School
11/1- Author Visit- See Below
11/11- Veteran's Day- No School
11/13- Parent Teacher Conferences 3:15-7:15
11/14- Parent Teacher Conferences- No School
11/15- No School due to Parent Teacher Conferences
11/25-11/29- Thanksgiving Break
October 9- Walk and Roll to School Day- This Wednesday!
International Walk + Roll to School Day is this Wednesday! Make a plan now for how your family will participate: coordinate with a friend for a walk to school, ride bikes as a family, or ask to see if your school will have a Walking School Bus available. Choosing to walk, bike, and bus to school is one of the biggest ways students can help the planet, it's a great way to start the day, and it also happens to be really FUN!
Still Hiring: 1 Nutrition Service Assistant positions at Sato
Click here to apply
Now Hiring: 4 hour nutrition services assistant at Sato. The hours are 9:30-1:30. Please click the button for more information!
Volunteering at Sato
Click on the link above and be sure to sign up to volunteer! It takes up to 10 days to approve a volunteer application. The sooner you get the application completed, the better. Stay tuned for more information from SECO, our community organization.
Volunteering in Beaverton School District
All volunteers must be background checked
Please label all items you bring to school
We get a tremendous amount of things in our lost and found each year and when they are not claimed, we donate it to the clothes for kids program. Please label all things brought to school with a first name and last initial so we can get it back to the rightful owner! Thank you!
Meet the Administration at Sato!
If you'd like to know a little more about the Administration at Sato please check out the Meet the Principal Page on our website, linked below!
Sato Elementary
Sato is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters