A Message from District 36
Crow Island Construction: March 2024 Update
March 29, 2024
Dear Crow Island Neighbor,
We are reaching out to provide a review of information previously shared with you in January 2024 and April 2023 regarding the School District’s upcoming construction and renovation project beginning at Crow Island School this June as a result of the November 2022 approved referendum. Any questions you have regarding site preparation and scope of work can be answered by clicking on the links provided below.
The plans for the project have not changed; however, we do want to highlight that the site plans include the improvement of the landscaping along the Mt. Pleasant berm (in partnership with the Village), replacement of the playground and existing asphalt play area, and a perimeter fence line. The project does not include any other changes along Mt. Pleasant or Glendale.
All plans for this project have been made in partnership with our construction manager, Bulley & Andrews, to ensure that construction is minimally disruptive to neighbors and considerate of the historic nature of this unique school site. You may access this information from our partners, Perkins & Will Architects and Bulley & Andrews, to see renderings of campus improvements as well as the projected timeline. These plans are included on the Village of Winnetka’s April 2nd agenda for approval of a special use permit, which will allow work to begin on time in June.
The Site Superintendent for Bulley & Andrews will make it a priority to connect with you in the coming weeks to provide an introduction and contact. In the meantime, Mr. Mark Lomeda, of Bulley & Andrews, will serve as a contact for questions related to the project. He can be reached at mlomeda@bulley.com.
The Village has begun their work on the Crow Island Stormwater Storage and Conveyance Project. Please view this document with details regarding the timeline and project area overview for the Stormwater-specific work. This information was previously shared at a Village of Winnetka Open House on November 28, 2023.
Please note the following:
Specific construction dates are contingent upon weather and other material delivery-related factors. Our partners, Perkins & Will Architects and Bulley & Andrews, have been familiarized with Village ordinances regarding this type of work and are committed to keeping this process as efficient as possible. The Village of Winnetka and Winnetka Police Department are also aware of the construction timeline and continue to be critical partners throughout this effort.
For construction-related updates in the coming months, please reference our website: https://www.winnetka36.org/district/construction.
While we know construction and renovation can be an inconvenient experience, we are grateful for the community’s support in this long-term investment in our schools and the generational benefit that these improvements will have in our community. Thank you for your continued partnership as we look ahead to the start of construction.
Kate Hughes,
Communications & Community Relations Coordinator