CFT Weekly Wildcat
Week of April 3 , 2023

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Message from the Principal
Wildcat Families,
As we transition into our annual Winter Break, I’d like to take the opportunity to thank a number of constituents from our school community that have made 2024 a tremendous success at CFT:
To our families, thank you for your ongoing support both in preparing your kids for school each day, but also for financially supporting our school by donating during our annual Jogathon that took place in October. Funds raised from our Jogathon not only support teachers directly in the classroom, but will also support installation of a new sound system in our cafeteria and gym that will allow for much higher quality assemblies and performances for years to come. These donations have also provided costumes for classroom events, coats for students during the cold winter months and instructional materials to support our multilingual students.
To the members of our PSO who volunteer their time to support our school community by planning school-wide events like our Harvest Festival, Reading Night, book fair, Valentine’s Bingo, Art Literacy days and the school carnival just to name a few. In addition, PSO volunteers thoughtfully find ways to recognize CFT staff and debate the best ways to invest in programs to support students.
To our teachers, who spend hours not only teaching our kids, but also in learning and planning new ways to help students learn. Teaching is a dynamic profession and one that demands a tremendously wide range of skills in order to support each of our students. Our teachers care deeply about their students and work so hard to support students not just academically, but also in their social emotional development.
To our classified staff, who supervise students at lunch and recess, provide 1-on-1 and small group support to students who need individualized instruction, who prepare meals, clean our building each day, drive our buses and manage our daily operations. It’s the behind the scenes work these folks do that make our school run smoothly.
To our leadership staff who support teacher and student growth in instruction and behavior, helping us all build future mathematicians, scientists, writers and positive contributors to our community in ways we don’t even understand quite yet.
I’m thankful to be part of the CFT community during what’s been a great 2024 and I look forward to an even better 2025.
As the kids like to say, “see you next year.”
Tim, Principal
Mensaje del Director
Familias Wildcat,
A medida que hacemos la transición a nuestras vacaciones anuales de invierno, me gustaría aprovechar la oportunidad para agradecer a un número de electores de nuestra comunidad escolar que han hecho de 2024 un tremendo éxito en CFT:
- A nuestras familias, gracias por su apoyo continuo tanto en la preparación de sus hijos para la escuela todos los días, como también por apoyar financieramente a nuestra escuela donando durante nuestro Jogathon anual que tuvo lugar en octubre. Los fondos recaudados de nuestro Jogathon no solo apoyan a los maestros directamente en el aula, sino que también apoyarán la instalación de un nuevo sistema de sonido en nuestra cafetería y gimnasio que permitirá asambleas y actuaciones de mucha más calidad en los próximos años. Estas donaciones también han proporcionado disfraces para eventos en el aula, abrigos para estudiantes durante los fríos meses de invierno y materiales de instrucción para apoyar a nuestros estudiantes multilingües.
- A los miembros de nuestra PSO que ofrecen su tiempo voluntario para apoyar a nuestra comunidad escolar mediante la planificación de eventos para toda la escuela como nuestro Festival de la Cosecha, Noche de Lectura, Feria del Libro, Bingo de San Valentín, Días de Alfabetización Artística y el carnaval escolar solo para nombrar algunos. Además, los voluntarios de PSO encuentran cuidadosamente formas de reconocer al personal de CFT y debaten las mejores formas de invertir en programas para apoyar a los estudiantes.
- A nuestros maestros, que pasan horas no solo enseñando a nuestros hijos, sino también aprendiendo y planificando nuevas formas de ayudar a los estudiantes a aprender. La enseñanza es una profesión dinámica y que exige una gama tremendamente amplia de habilidades con el fin de apoyar a cada uno de nuestros estudiantes. Nuestros maestros se preocupan profundamente por sus estudiantes y trabajan muy duro para apoyar a los estudiantes no solo académicamente, sino también en su desarrollo social y emocional.
- A nuestro personal clasificado, que supervisa a los estudiantes en el almuerzo y el recreo, proporciona apoyo 1-a-1 y en grupos pequeños a los estudiantes que necesitan instrucción individualizada, que preparan comidas, limpian nuestro edificio cada día, conducen nuestros autobuses y administran nuestras operaciones diarias. Es el trabajo detrás de las escenas que estas personas hacen que nuestra escuela funcione sin problemas.
- A nuestro personal de liderazgo que apoya el crecimiento de maestros y estudiantes en instrucción y comportamiento, ayudándonos a todos a construir futuros matemáticos, científicos, escritores y contribuyentes positivos a nuestra comunidad de maneras que ni siquiera entendemos todavía.
Estoy agradecido de formar parte de la comunidad de CFT durante lo que ha sido un gran 2024 y espero un 2025 aún mejor.
Como les gusta decir a los niños, "nos vemos el año que viene".
Tim, Director
School Schedule for the 2023-2024 School Year
7:45AM - Doors Open
8:00AM - School Starts
2:20PM - School Dismissal
Attendance Line: 503-431-4405*
*Even if you have told your teacher, please call the Attendance Line before 8:30AM the day of an absence. If the attendance line is not called by 8:30AM the day of the absence, the office might not be able to put the excused absence in the system before the automated phone calls go out to unexcused absent students.
* Monday December 23rd - Friday January 3rd: Holiday Break, No School!
PSO Meeting
Join us for the next meeting on Thursday, January 9th at 9:00 am. All parents/guardians are automatically part of the PSO and encouraged to attend. Meetings are held in the CFT library and are also accessible online via Google Meet. We hope you are able to make it.
Dine Out Night
Purchase from MOD Pizza located at 12196 SW Scholls Ferry Rd any time on Thursday, January 16th and 25% of your total bill will be donated to the CFT PSO.
PSO Newsletter
Subscribe to our monthly newsletter to stay updated on the latest happenings, events, and opportunities within our school community. Our newsletter is packed with valuable information, including upcoming events, volunteer opportunities, and educational enrichment opportunities for your students. Sign up today!
As a parent/guardian at CFT, you are a member of the PSO. For more information about the PSO, visit cftpso.org. To stay updated on what is happening at CFT, consider adding our calendar or connecting with us on Facebook and Instagram. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at hello@cftpso.org
Have a wonderful Break Wildcats!
TTSD students, their families, and staff now have access to mental health care coordination services at no cost through Care Solace.
As a central hub of care, Care Solace streamlines communication and coordination to connect individuals with the right resources and appropriate levels of care.
With a team of more than 500 dedicated Care Companions, Care Solace connects Tigard-Tualatin School District to over 560,000 licensed mental health and substance use treatment providers.
To learn more about Care Solace and its services, visit caresolace.org.
Message from Tigard Tualatin School District
TTSD prohibits discrimination and harassment on any basis protected by law, including but not limited to, an individual’s perceived or actual race,color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national or ethnic origin, marital status, age, mental or physical disability, pregnancy, familial status, economic status, or veterans’ status, or because of the perceived or actual race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national or ethnic origin, marital status, age, mental or physical disability, pregnancy, familial status, economic status or veterans’ status of any other persons with whom the individual associates. 504, and Title IIA Coordinator: Carol Kinch; ckinch@ttsd.k12.or.us, 503-431-4137 Title IX Director: Len Reed; lreed@ttsd.k12.or.us, 503-431-4012. Mailing Address: 6960 SW Sandburg Street, Tigard, OR 97223
Charles F. Tigard Elementary School
Website: https://www.ttsdschools.org/cft
Location: 12855 SW Grant Avenue
Phone: 503-431-4400